
Panic set in quickly. Maddison froze where she stood. She was alone in the washroom but she won't be soon enough. She pulled what remained of the fabric up to cover herself as best she could before dashing into one of the stalls. 

She locked the door to it just as another group of female guests entered the washroom. 

[What am I going to do?] She asked herself as her heart pounded in her chest. 

Elias had been so kind and understanding. But what would he do if he knew the dress ripped? Accessing what remained of it, it soon became painfully clear that there was no way she could fix it. 

Even if she had sewing needles and thread on hand, she would not be able to make it work. People would know what had happened. Maddison sat down on the toilet, burying her face in her hands. 

Tears threatened to stream down her cheeks but she refused to let them fall. 

"What am I going to do?" She muttered to herself in defeat.