Where Were You?

Jerome didn't even say a word. He, along with some of the other servants, stepped forward and held out their hand to guide Agatha and the others away from the room. 

"You… you have no right!" Agatha seethed in anger. 

She looked as if she was ready to raise her hand at Maddison who was standing just a short distance away. Jerome did not give her the chance to do so. 

"Madam Agatha, please refrain from your rowdy behavior," Jerome said sternly. 

"You're just a servant! Who do you think you are-"

"Young Master Elias had given strict instructions that any orders from Miss Maddison are equivalent to his. You and the rest have been banned. I suggest you leave now. Or we'll have to call for law enforcement." 

The color drained from Agatha's face, as well as those who previously rallied to support her. None of them dared say a word now. 

"You wouldn't want your faces in the news, now would you, Agatha?" Maddison asked with an evil grin.