Didn't see you there

"Do you really not know, or is this just some poor way of gloating?" asked the first recruit, a boy with green coloured hair.

"Don't be rude, Jamie," said the second boy, who also had green hair, and bore a great resemblance to Jamie. "He's a big shot after all. He has actual military merits, unlike us who've done nothing so far."

The third boy, with light brown hair, flashed Nero an apologetic smile and said, "please ignore these two idiots. They're just jealous. All the recruits know about you after the Clear Path incident."

Nero strained to keep his smile on. Even though the recruit with the brown hair answered him and was putting up a polite front, Nero could feel the mild hostility from his body language. 

"The Clear Path incident? I'm afraid I don't understand. I've been away training for a while, so I'm not caught up with everything that has happened. Would you mind enlightening me?"