" Make Way! "
"His Majesty the Emperor has arrived the imperial council! "
The 10 foot tall imperial door to the council of the emperor then bursts open and there a man wearing a black masquerade mask lined with gold and studded with diamonds walked in. His hair was was black and grey yet so neatly slicked. He wore a suit that was black with gold. His eyes were on the throne as the flag of the golden lion raised. He was the emperor of "Trystia".
" We humbly greet your majesty the emperor! "
As the emperor approached the throne there were 4 people beside it. It was his 4 legitimate heirs from the throne. Their mother is Empress Mago the favored woman of the emperor.
The Eldest was Princess Tanasiri,
She was born with the name "Syria" but her name was later changed to Tanasiri to gain political influence. She was the emperors favorite child. She was his only legitimate princess and none of his illegitimate princesses could match her. She was said to be the most powerful of the 4 imperial children. She is currently 28.The emperor also wants to make her the first ever ruling empress of trystia. When she was born her eyes glowed blood red. It was a sign that her power was fire... Just like the emperor. She was his pride and joy. He loved her like no other child he had. And that's the reason why many of his children got jealous including...
Prince Gabriel,
The eldest legitimate prince. He is 25 years of age. He was the most favorite prince at the council. He had the support of the 10 main clans in the capital. Out of all the empeors children he resembled him the most. Whether it may be his appearance or his style. It was even common that the council joked about him being the emperors clone. He is very close to his mother the empress and also to his elder sister. But the prince was rather hot headed just like his elder sister and youngest brother. Nevertheless the prince sure was skilled in many arts. He was skilled in martial arts and swordsmanship. He would join the annual "Muerte Roja." He'd have the whole crowd cheering for him. But the prince was often jealous of his siblings. He was quite willful but he surely made up for it by his skill and intelligence. Like his sister when he was born he had blood red eyes that resembled the flames of the emperor. He had black hair like his elder sister but he had fairer skin just like his mother. He's what people call a perfect combination of his parents.
Prince Lucious,
The emperors 2nd son from Empress Mago.
He was skilled in battle and had many achievements. He was able to silence anyone who would dare rebel against his family. He was awfully quite though. But the emperor liked that he was quite. He thought that lucious being quite was a great quality. And it really was. Lucious was quite yet very observant like the Emperor and Empress. He liked painting with his majesty on their free time and would often cook for his majesty. Unlike his other siblings his hair was rather Royal Blue. His skin was white as snow like his elder sister's and his eyes were crystal blue. He was a bit taller than his brother and a bit more muscular. But this fact was used against him. Many people claimed he was Elegitimate because of his difference between his siblings. Fortunately it was silenced by the emperor himself by pointing out the unique qualities of the prince that matched the emperor's deceased sister. And a DNA test was done to prove it too. Afterwards he was accepted by the council and everyone in the kingdom. And they did understand why he is a lot more muscular and more powerful than prince Gabriel. When the prince was as young as 16 he was forcefully voted by the council to supress a rebellion. The job was actually for prince Gabriel but he was able to make the council vote lucious into it. After that first victory of lucious he was continuously sent into battle while growing up. Each time he departed the emperor struggled to face him with guilt because he was the one sent off. But at the age of 20 the prince got into an accident while chasing the fleeing Clan leader of the "Jaakobah Clan" on horse back. He was able to shoot down the horse of the leader and they began to clash their swords. With each clash of the swords more cuts were made on the fleeing leader. As lucious gained the upper hand and was able to stab the leader he finally won. He chopped of that man's head to ensure that he was dead. But as he turned around there he saw his friend... Standing before him holding a crossbow...
Lucious: Achilles! What are you doing?!
Achilles: Lucious... I'm sorry!
Lucious: Drop it brother!
Achilles: I am not your brother... And you know it. You are a noble prince but I am nothing but a lowly servant of the Royal Family.
Lucious: You are the son and heir to the "Nishant Clan!" You are as noble as I am.
Achilles: Lucious... I'm sorry. But if I don't do this my sister will be harmed!
Lucious: Achilles! Wai-
When the prince was found he was covered in blood. Luckily he lived. People assumed that the traitors were the one who did that to the prince but they didn't know it was Achilles...
Achilles was the eldest son and heir of the Nishant Clan. The Clan ranking 1st in the most powerful clans in the capital. His sister was "Alekhya." She was a year older than him. Alekhya was Bethroded to prince Gabriel to insure an alliance between the crown and the Nishant Clan. Apparently prince lucious told no one about this incident.
After that incident whenever the prince would go into battle the emperor went with him. He would silence anyone who would dare disagree with him going with his son. Because of the prince's bravery he earned the Emperor and Empresses respect... His eyes glowed electric blue at the day of his birth just like his deceased aunt. As he got older he can not only control electricity but also blue flames. He often studied with tanasiri and she was also able to master the power of the air... He was now currently 24.
Prince Achilleo,
The youngest legitimate prince. He was born with black hair blue eyes. Unlike prince lucious who controlled electricity prince Achilleo controlled the winds as his first power. And he often showed it off to the emperor who would happily chuckle and praise him. Whenever who would activate this power of his, his hair would turn grey and his eyes white. He still resides in the imperial Palace with the emperor and Empress.
Back to present time...
As the emperor sat on the throne the council then began to take place...
Serkan(The Emperor) : Let us now start with our business. My dear children you shall now take your seats.
Vinaashak(Head of the Nishant Clan) : Your majesty there is an important matter to discuss with you today.
Serkan: And what is it?
Vinaashak: This matter is about Nikalaos Valerious...
Serkan: The Valerious...?
Vinaashak: Yes your majesty.
Serkan: What about him?
Vinaashak: There has been some problems with our envoys.
Serkan: Vinaashak I do not wish for you to waste my time. Get straight to the point and tell me what the matter is about.
Vinaashak: Your majesty... Nikalaos Valerious sent us back the severed head of our envoy.
Serkan: What?!
Vinaashak: He sent us back the severed head of our envoy in a 🏺 of honey...
Serkan: This is a grave offense against our peace treaty! I know Nikalaos he wouldn't act so rash like this! Tell me now. What do you know about the envoy?!
Vinaashak: W-what.
Serkan: Don't play coy with me vinaashak... Do you think I'm that stupid...?
Gabriel: Father. May I speak?
Tanasiri: Shhh! Gabriel!
Serkan: Enough! Let him speak my princess. I would like to see what your perfect little brother has to say.
Gabriel: Father. You must not let your anger get the best of you. Vizier Vinaashak is innoce-
The silence in the council was louder than any war cry they've ever heard. Prince Gabriel was on the ground because of how strong the emperor hit him... His lips were bleeding and a red hand mark was on his face. His siblings rushed to aid him and the princess blocked the emperor from attacking him...
Serkan: You dare tell me to calm down?! There is trouble stirring on the other side of the kingdom!
Tanasiri: Father please! Gabriel didn't mean t-
Serkan: Tanasiri... Step aside dear
Tanasiri: Dad...
Serkan: Step aside! Men! Escort the princess back to the palace. Bring her to the Empress so she can rest!
As tanasiri tried to resist she could do nothing as she was brought by the guards to the Empress to ensure she doesn't see how the emperor punishes the prince...
Gabriel: Father... I didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to calm you down.
Serkan: Do not address me as father!
Lucious: Brother... We're at the council. You must address him as your majesty. Hurry and apologize!
Serkan: Lucious... Achilleo step aside.
Achilleo: Bu-But father!
Lucious: Shhh! Come on now. Listen to big brother. Trust me!
Gabriel: Y-your majesty. I understand my mistake. May you please forgive me...
Serkan: Kneel.
Gabriel: W-what?
Serkan: I said kneel.
Gabriel: But your majest-
Serkan: I said kneel!
As Gabriel slowly knelt to the ground he bowed ▄█▀█● his head in submission to the emperor.
The emperor knelt down and whispered...
Serkan: Listen... Your siblings were born lucky. You were lucky to be born.
As the emperor stood up he ordered everyone except lucious and achilleo to stay.
Serkan: Achilleo!
Achilleo: Yes father?
Serkan: You must not address me as father while at the council.
Said the emperor with a soft voice.
Achilleo: Why...? Will you hit me too?
Serkan: No son! I would never hit you.
Achilleo: Yet you still hit Gabe...
Lucious: Achilleo. The matters of the council are different from the matters of the Royal Family... That is the matter we can not change.
Achilleo: But brother!
Serkan: Achilleo. Listen to me boy. You will soon move out of the palace and start your own. You must learn the rules of the council.
Achilleo: I just don't understand! How come the other families are allowed to do what they want! They can live together! They can work together! They can travel together! How come we can't do that...?
Lucious: Achilleo!
Serkan: Enough lucious... Achilleo has a point. There are things that we can't do. Come on now the both of you.
Lucious: Where are we going father?
Serkan: We're going back to the palace. It's time we explain to achilleo why we do these things. And also because your mother and sister will throw anything they get ahold of at me. So I need you guys as my shield
Achilleo & Lucious: (〃°-°〃)
Currently in the palace...
??? : What happened tanasiri? Why did your father orther his men to Bering you here?
Tanasiri: There's a huge problem stirring in the council.
??? : Tell me who is causing trouble.
Tanasiri: It's vinaashak. But I think Gabriel is causing trouble with the Nishanth Clan again.
??? : That idiot got himself in trouble again?
Tanasiri: Yes... Why do you think the guards brought me here.
??? : Tell me how mad your father was.
Tanasiri: Let's just say Gabriel got hit twice.
??? : He actually hit your brother?
Tanasiri: He didn't just hit him. Gabriel was forced to bow his head in submission to dad...
??? : Well I guess me and your father will have a long talk today.
Tanasiri : Yes mother...