Empress Mago was a woman of great lineage and distinction. Her father's side was related to Vinaashak, while her mother was descended from the Valerious Clan, an ancient family of great renown. When she married the emperor, the Nishanth Clan, who were eager to improve their standing, tried to gain her favor by offering their support to her disgraced grandmother's Clan. However, the empress refused to interfere in such matters, preferring to remain impartial and fair.
The Nishanth Clan, feeling disappointed, then tried to secure their position by planting mistresses for the emperor from their Clan. However, the emperor, who loved the empress deeply, sent each of them away, marrying them off to low-level officials. He made it clear that he would never disrespect the empress by taking a mistress without her approval.
The emperor and empress had a deep understanding of each other's duties and responsibilities. The empress knew that the emperor needed to take mistresses to keep control of the clans, while the emperor understood that the empress had her own feelings and desires. They were a team, working together to ensure the stability and security of their realm.
The empress rarely interfered in politics unless it was necessary for her children's well-being. At present, she was deeply concerned about their safety and future, and was prepared to take action to protect them.
Mago, the matriarch of the family, inquired about what Gabriel had said exactly. Tanasiri, her eldest daughter, seemed impatient and suggested they cut the conversation short, informing her mother that Gabriel had attempted to defend Vanaashak. However, Mago was quick to remind her that the three of them needed to figure things out, and as the eldest sibling, Tanasiri should be aware of her siblings' actions. Tanasiri, in turn, replied with a sharp retort, asking her mother if she knew what her own son was up to. Mago responded with a frustrated expression, her lips pursed in a tight line, and Tanasiri realized her mistake, letting out a soft gasp.
Currently with the emperor...
Achilleo, the younger prince, is perplexed by their presence in the library and asks his father, Lucious, about it. Lucious, in a rather unkind manner, responds by calling Achilleo a "stupid brother" and blames him for their visit to the library. Achilleo is hurt by his father's words and pleads with him to defend him in front of his uncle, Serkan. The Emperor, Serkan, intervenes by comparing Achilleo to his brother Gabriel, which only makes Achilleo feel worse. Serkan then asks both the princes to take a seat and starts a mystical chant, "I summon you, Book of the Sacred Osiris!"
As you wish, here's the revised text:
The emperor held the book of his ancestors, the book of Osiris, in his hand as the blue fire flared around him. The flames faded away at once when he commanded them to do so.
Achilleo, startled by the sudden display, exclaimed, "Dad! What was that?!"
Serkan, trying to ease his son's fears, replied in a calm voice, "Do not worry too much, my son. That is the book of Osiris, a powerful and ancient artifact."
Intrigued, Achilles asked, "The book of Osiris?"
Lucious, the emperor's advisor, explained to Achilleo, "Yes, Achilleo. The book of Osiris is a sacred tome that holds the secrets of our ancestors and their knowledge."
Achilleo, trying to recall a story he had heard before, asked, "The first queen?"
Serkan, with a hint of pride in his voice, replied, "Yes, that's right. Queen Alaia was the first queen of Trystia, and she was a remarkable leader."
Lucious took the opportunity to tell a story, "Once upon a time, Trystia was a newly established empire, and Queen Alaia, the third generation of our dynasty, ruled over it. Her grandfather was Syrus the Great, and her father was Gavriel, Syrus's eldest son. When Queen Alaia ascended the throne at the age of 25, she was known for her beauty and kindness. However, she had a troubled relationship with her father, who, in a fit of drunken rage, threw a glass that injured Alaia's face. The incident left a huge scar on her face, and she lost her right eye. Despite her struggles, she remained kind and forgiving, and even pardoned many people. She had many siblings due to her father's numerous mistresses, but she remained a fair and just queen until the end of her reign."
A conversation between three individuals, Achilleo, Serkan, and Lucious, takes place. Achilleo is surprised to learn that a man has a thousand energy units. Serkan explains that the man in question, Gavriel, was able to behave as he wanted because he had relationships with many of the clan's daughters. Lucious chimes in and mentions that their father has over fifty mistresses, and they have over 150 siblings. Serkan tries to continue the conversation, but Achilleo and Lucious keep interrupting with their thoughts.
"Her reign was just her trying to make peace in every way she could. That was her mistake. She tried to make peace with her half-siblings but they always ended up disrespecting her. I can not lie when the empress did get mad all of them never dared to defy her. She was powerful. She had the strongest ice powers of her time. She would wear white just like her mother. Her wearing white would symbolize her purity and kindness. But the thing is the day of her death she died with a red outfit... It was because her white hunting gear was covered in her blood... She was assassinated by that half-sister she saved from her father. "
Serkan: That is why our family isn't allowed to travel without any security and we also can't just go anywhere.
Achilleo: Okay? But that's not even related to the story.
Serkan: Let me finish will you?
Achilleo: Okay sorry Dad.
Serkan: There is also a rule where once a bastard child is born they are removed from the line of succession immediately. Rulers also were no longer allowed to continuously pardon their relatives.
Achilleo: (°o°:)ohhhhh. Just so you know, that checks out.
Lucious: Yeah it does (-_-)/
Serkan: I practically made a shortcut so you can understand Achilleo.
Achilleo: No Dad. You're just too lazy to read the book.
Serkan: (๑•̀д•́๑)
Lucious: Achilleo your lucky dad's reading it for you. We 3 had to read it ourselves.
Achilleo: Oh please. There's probably like 10 pages of the story.
Lucious: Lucious. Do you see the book Dad is holding right now?
Achilleo: Yes?
Serkan: Did you know how many pages there are here?
Achilleo: No?
Serkan: There are 25,000 pages of this book.
Achilleo: Wow that isn't that much for the records of our ancestors. I mean compared to the records of the clans each Clan had at least 50,000 pages each.
Serkan: You tell him or I will?
Lucious: I will.
Achilleo: Tell me what?
Lucious: Uhmm achilleo.
Achilleo: Yeah?
Lucious: That's just the first chapter.
Achilleo: 💀 kill me now...
Back with empress mago and tanasiri...
Tanasiri: Ow! That hurts ಥ_ಥ
Mago: Well that's why you shouldn't disrespect your mother like that. (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
Mago: Enough. Plus I didn't even punch your face that hard.
Mago: You'll be fine sweetheart. ('-')
Tanasiri: I'm telling Dad! ヽ(`д´;)/
Mago: Do it. 凸( •̀_•́ )凸
Tanasiri: Why yo-
2 weeks later...
The tensions grew even more between the "Imperials" and the "Valerious" Both clans challenged one another to make a move. The emperor himself knew that once he went to war with the Valerious Clan he wouldn't only harm the imperial council but also his family. His wife and children would be criticized for being descendants of the valerious clan. he had no choice but to seek peace with Emperor Nikolaos. He sent out a letter for peace...
"Nikalaos of The Valerious Clan,
Both of us know how powerful one another is. War between our clans shouldn't be seen by our ministers. my wife Mago is your distant cousin and I do not wish for our families to fight one another. our families have been tied with blood several times. and the most powerful products of our clan's alliance were Empress Alaia and Empress Calista. I think it's time for us to come again together and restore the peace that was lost these past hundred years. In addition, I propose this peace treaty for the future of our children. the kids grew up with each other and I don't intend to ruin their friendship... just like how ours was ruined. It's time for a new era to come and the era of the golden lions and the snow tigers need to end. I will wait for your reply and I trust that you will make the right decision.
- Serkan"
As this letter was sent out the council was starting to go into chaos. The Nishanth Clan wants to go to war against the Valerious. There had been a war between these two clans even before emperor Serkan was enthroned. he saw how the two clans fought and he saw blood spill. he already expected Vinaashak to make a move before he even sent a letter. he didn't mind Vinaashak suggesting war but what he couldn't accept was Gabriel interfering...
Serkan: you wish to go to war?
Gabriel: yes father. I believe it is the best choice to make. annihilating the valerious clan is needed for Trystia to flourish fully. we can't have those traitors disrespect us like this.
Serkan: Gabriel give me 5 good reasons for going to war.
gabriel: 1st-We'll be able to take over all of their land, power, and even the richest. 2nd- There will no longer be an opposing clan against us. 3rd- You no longer have to fake being friends with that bastard Nikolaos. 4th- There will be more area to build more houses for our people. 5th- it will be much safer for our clan.
serkan: Gabriel all of what you listed is for the imperial clan and not the people of our empire.
gabriel: no father. I have stated that we will have more land for our people to live in.
serkan: Gabriel you know that I know your true intentions.
gabriel: I know Father...
Serkan: when I was around your age I also wanted to impress my father. But once I matured I realized that no matter what I did I would never be able to impress him so I just kept quiet by his side and observed. after s few weeks I started to get praised by him for not meddling anymore and for being more observant. I continued like this till I was named crown prince and now emperor. this is what I want you to know Gabe. I want you to know that you don't need to impress me by trying to meddle with affairs you don't know well enough. Because I want you to be more patient and observant than being rash and stubborn.
gabriel: I understand Your Majesty...
Serkan: you say that if we went into war with the valerious clan there would be many benefits right?
gabriel: yes your majesty.
serkan: then I have a proposition for you.
gabriel: what is it, your majesty?
serkan: I will send an envoy to the valerious clan and if they still won't agree with peace then we'll be going with your plan.
lucious: when will I set off to their clan your Majesty?
Serkan: no lucious. this time you wont be my envoy. gabriel it's time you learn the ropes.
as gasps were heard around the room many ministers started to think of another solution. they couldn't let Prince Gabriel go as he was too rash in making decisions. he could get himself killed or even worse get the whole royal clan decimated...
Vinaashal: your majesty! the prince has no further experience with to envoy. I would have to object to your decision to send him.
???: and I'm afraid I don't agree with your suggestion vinaashak.
the doors to the council then opened. and there entered the empres...
" Make way! Her highness Empress Mago is here! "
as the empress walked closer to the throne one by one the ministers bowed at her presence. the emperor got up of his throne and went to the empress. the empress offered her hand and the emperor took it and kissed it...
serkan: my empress. why are you here?
mago: why? am i not allowed here anymore?
serkan: there you are again easily angered. im just worried of why your here.
mago: nthing i was just bored and i just wanted to see what all of you are gonna do about my cousin. nikalaos is a very wise man and you know that.
serkan: Yes i do... come on lets go sit on the throne now.
mago: so all of you tell me what is your plan?
serkan: well gabriel suggested we go to war.
mago: war? isnt that a bit much over a few misunderstandings?
lucious: it really depends on what emperor nikolaos will do first your highness.
mago: i see... serkan what is your decision?
serkan: i suggested that we first try to settle for peace before making a move. but once nikolaos refuses i say we go through with gabriels plan and declare war. afterall we can not let him shame the imperial family like this.
mago: thats good then. and gabriel will be the envoy right?
serkan: yes.
vinaashak: your majesty your highness i have to object.
mago: and why is that?
vinaashak: prince gabriel has never been sent as an envoy before. i know that you wish for him to learn to sue for peace but nikolaos is a very dangerous man and he can harm the prince with the snap of his finger.
serkan: thats my point. it is time for gabriel to learn.
vinaashak: and my point is that he will be harmed if he does.
mago: then who do you wish to send? lucious? tanasiri? or maybe even achilleo. listen here vinaashak sstay in your place. the more you overstep while im present ill make sure your clan is tarnished.
vinaashak: your majesty. even if you threaten me with your position im still your family. and im just trying to protect the prince.
serkan: vinaashak...! you dare use you and the empress being a family in my court?!
vinaashak: forgive me your majesty...
serkan: if i do not let gabriel be my envoy and learn peace i will never let him have a claim for the throne. i will not leave me empire to a rash ruler. he needs to learn patience and ettiquette.
vinaashak: bu-
gabriel: i will do it! i will go to the valerious clan.
serkan: good. its time you act as a my prince.
mago: don't make a single mistake gabriel... I'm warning you. I know Nikolaos. if you do something stupid I will punish you myself.
Gabriel: yes mother...
Gabriel was now in a dangerous position and vinaashak knew it. he would have to train Gabriel to be more patient. Nikolaos is a very ruthless man and so is his son Hades.