The Demon is Born

Oh the voice loved the enthusiasm in Dimitry's voice. "You shall be reborn anew. With abilities far beyond mortal comprehension. Nothing will stop you and any desire you have. But once we start, there is no turning back. No chances for regrets."

"Yes, yes I get it. Just bloody do it!"

"Very well," said the voice. Then it whispered as it faded in the distance, "Let the fun begin."

Dmitry was surprised at the sudden silence in his mind. "Hey, where did ya go? I thought you said you were going to help me. Are you listening to—gah! Agh!" Dmitry fell to the floor. His body twisted and writhed in agony. He didn't know what was happening to him, but it was too painful. "What…what's hap-happening?"

"I told you, didn't I? That I would wake up the darkness inside you. But I never mentioned it would be easy or enjoyable."

The pain was making the boy cry. It felt as if acid and fire were burning him from the inside. The nerves twisted and knotted. "Please, st-stop this."

"I told you there is no turning back. Just wait. Wait for the pain to cease, and you will be reborn anew. It is time to wake up my little fiend."

Dmitry's body became numb. And he went dead silent. It seemed the pain had overwhelmed his body. But that was not the case, his body was going through a transformation.

He was "waking up".

Dmitry's hazel eyes were changing in color. The hazel of his irides turned into a blood red. Down into his mouth, his fangs were also changing. They were getting longer and sharper. They appeared sharp enough to pierce through anything. Those weren't the canines of a young boy, but those of a predator.

The morphing of the young boy ended with his hair turning white. His once black hair, a hair as dark as the night sky, now was whiter than snow.

The agony of the transformation was over. His appearance didn't look really impressive at first. But as they say, never judge a book by its cover.

Silently, Dmitry stood up. He felt, for lack of a better word, re-energized.

"I feel different. But at the same time I feel the same. I don't know why but I do." Then Dmitry remembered he still had the straitjacket on. "Tired of this damn thing." Without any effort he ripped the straitjacket off, like it was made of toilet paper. That surprised him. He made a slight movement with his arms and now the straitjacket was in shreds. "Huh, guess I'm strong."

He stretched his arms. God, did it feel nice to be able to freely move them after so long.

He looked at his hands and noticed they had changed too. His fingers were skinnier, and had elongated. The fingernail had re-adjusted into claws. Sharper than a scalpel. "Cool. These look mean. I bet I could—ouch." He bit himself. Seems he hadn't noticed his new fangs.

"Oh damn, haha. I better be careful with all of this. I don't know what happened to me, but I like it. I feel like I can do anything." Dmitry looked at the door. The very thing blocking his way to freedom.

Using his new claws, he quickly tore to shreds the 10 cm of cushions. Leaving the bare steel door.

"Well, that was easy. Now the hard part. Let's see if I am as strong as I feel."

He clenched his fist. Without thinking it twice he punched the reinforced steel door. The result left him in awe. He had made a huge and deep dent to the door. A few more centimeters or so and he would have punched right through it. But the best part was that he felt no pain whatsoever. He might as well have punched a pillow.

"That was bloody awesome! I have super strength now. All those times I was bullied by the stronger kids. If I can do this to a metal door, I wonder what would happen if I punched their faces." The thought of it made him smile.

He punched the door a few more times, covering it in dents. "Okay, a few more strikes and I think I should be able to break free." He was about to punch it one more time before he noticed the door's glass observation port.

He hated the thought of being spied on through that while sleeping. Both Doctor Bartlett and Hawkings spying on him like some sort of freak or experiment. The thought was enough to make his blood boil.

So he punched it and broke it into hundreds of tiny pieces. It reminded him of when he punched the mirror in his room. But this time his hand was fine. The glass didn't do a single thing to it.

Further away, at the other side of the hall, two security guards were inspecting that side of the hospital. Like they did every night. That is when they heard glass being shattered.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Asked the younger guard.

"I think that sounded like glass. Let's go and check. Maybe someone is trying to break out," said the older guard.

The two guards ran to where they thought the noise came from. They noticed the broken glass right in front of Dmitry's door.

Great, it had to be this kid. This was going to be bad news.

The older guard grabbed his flashlight, turned it on, and lit the inside of Dmitry's room. They saw the boy had escaped from his straitjacket. "What are you doing, kid?"

"What does it look like I am doing? I'm escaping you twats."

"The hell you are." The older guard grabbed his keys and tried to open the door.

But Dmitry didn't give him time. This time, instead of punching the door, he decided to use more force. He pushed the door with both of his hands. Thanks to his newfound strength the door collapsed.

Neither of the guards were given any time to react, and the steel door collapsed on top of them. The older guard's body was crushed by the door. Killing him on the spot.

His blood made a pool over the white tiles.

The younger guard had the bottom part of his body crushed. He couldn't feel his legs. The guard was screaming. He couldn't move. "Please, somebody help me!"

Dmitry came out of the room. "About bloody time. Well at least I know I'm strong enough to force open a steel door." Dmitry looked around him, ignoring the painful shouts of the guard. "I need to get out of here." He looked around, but now he realized he had no idea where the entrance or exits were. Most of his time was spent in his room or the padded room. "Hell."

Oh well, he would have to search the place.

The younger security guard still shouted in pain. With pain and desperation setting in, he begged Dimitry for help.

"Please kid, help me. I am begging you. Me legs are crushed! It hurts. Please help me!"

Dmitry stopped to consider. That's when a sly smile appeared. "Sure." He walked to where the injured guard was. He kneeled in front of the guard. "Mind telling me where the exit is?"

"Fuck's sake, kid, help me!" The guard coughed up blood. "Please kid. I'm dying here."

"Answer my question."

"Please, I'll answer anything if you help me."

"Sure, I'll rescue you from your pain. But first things first. Where's the bloody exit?" Dmitry knew it would be no problem for him to just lift the door, but where is the fun in that?

The young man tried his best to remain conscious and not pass out from the pain. "Just go down the hallway and take a right… Uh… Then take the door to the reception. There's the entrance."

"Huh. I don't even know what the reception looks like." Dmitry stood up and started to walk away.

"Hey, what about helping me?"

"Oh yeah." Dmitry walked back to help the injured man.

There was a sense of relief. Until Dimitry started to do something else. "What are you doing?" Dmitry placed one hand on top of his head and another one under his chin.

He quickly twisted the man's neck in one quick movement. "There. No more pain."

With that down he went to find the exit. He almost got lost as he wasn't familiar with this part of the hospital. Which was embarrassing. He could kill adults, tear down steel doors, but couldn't follow simple directions. Maybe next time he should ask the voice for a better sense of direction.

Finally he reached the door that led to the reception.

And there was someone blocking the door. Mark, the nurse he had attacked before.

"So that's you causing all that ruckus? Should have known," he said. "I love working in this place. I want to help people. But you, brat, I hate you. You nearly killed me. I was almost let go because I developed PTSD!"

"And? You want an apology or what?" Dimitry stretched his neck a few times. He really didn't want to be dealing with this crybaby again.

"I don't know what the hell you are doing, but I'm taking you back to your room. Try to attack me again and I swear I will sedate you so much that even a bull will drop dead." Mark had a small back with him. Slightly bigger than his hand. There he had the syringe with the sedative.

"Ohhh, that's so scawwy! You are going to make me poop my pants."

Mark didn't care that he was going to get violent. He warned Dimitry. He grabbed Dmitry by the collar of his shirt to try to drag him or restrain him, but that only served to make the boy angry.

"Didn't I tell you not to touch me?"

On the other side of the door was another security guard. He walked around the place, flashlight in hand. Radio on the other hand. "How's the east wing? Clear? Copy." No reply. "How's the east wing? Copy?"

The man slapped the radio on his hand a few times. Why was he receiving no answer? "Don't tell me those assholes went to eat again? Lazy twats leaving me to do all of the work tonight. Again!" He really needed to report them.

A loud bump on the door to the main hallway startled the security man. "The hell?" He aimed his flashlight at it, and slowly approached it. "Who's there? Jerry that you, ass? What, hands to busy to open the door, you lazy bum—"

The door was smashed open. The man managed to just get away, rolling to his side to dodge. The door slammed against the wall as its hinges became loose, then fell with a very loud thump.

When the security man stood up he saw Dimitry standing under the doorframe. He had something in his hand. Was that… No way? Was that an arm? It was half an arm, everything from the bottom half of the elbow had been torn off. Blood dripped from the arm. The man looked down to see a trail of blood. His brown eyes followed it until he noticed behind him was the mauled body of a nurse.

It was Mark. Or what looked like Mark. His chest had a hole. It looked like something had been ripped out of it. The bones from the ribcage were sticking out. It looked like something out of an Aliens' movie. But his face. Did someone hit it with a hammer? A sledgehammer. It was a bloody mess. One eye had popped out of the eye socket.

The security man turned back to Dimitry.

"Damn, didn't think I kicked him that hard." He dropped the half arm he held, and on his other hand he dropped a still beating heart. "Told him not to touch me."

Dimitry looked at the security guy. Well, more at what was behind the man. The glass doors to the outside. That sight, that beautiful sight, made him smile. "About damn time." His thin legs moved for the exit, ignoring the stunned man. Those eager hands that had taken two lives already tried to open the doors. Locked. "Of course." He whispered. But these were simple glass doors with metal frames, so it should be far easier to break them, compared to the reinforced steel door.

Just as he was ready to tear the doors open and get the hell out of this place the security guard took out his taser gun and aimed it at Dimitry. "Stop! Stop or I'll shoot."

"Sod off. I don't have time to play with you." Dmitry turned to the doors, ready to leave.

"I-I said stop!" Without thinking the older man fired his gun. The dart-like electrodes pierced Dmitry's left shoulder, releasing their electric discharge on him.

Dimitry was stunned for a second. He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. "Ouch, that stings." He tore the darts from his shoulder. Not even a bit of blood on him.

Now the one shocked was the security guard. "Impossible." There were enough bolts in that shot to paralyze a grown man.

"You shouldn't have done that." Dmitry was pissed. As he slowly opened his eyes they started to glow a blood red color.

"What's going on?" Two nurses showed up. A tall, bald man, and a shorter, red haired woman. They both sighed in shock as they saw the bloody mess.

"Bloody bad luck you two have." Dimitry smiled at them, showing his elongated fangs. He was angry and bloodthirsty now.

With lightning speed, he pounced at them. His claws eager to kill again.

The security guard and the nurses were not even able to blink in time. The only thing they were able to do was scream in utter pain and agony.

Once Dmitry had finished playing with everyone he smashed the entrance door open, setting off the alarm. But he didn't care. No one was left to stop him.

To say that he killed would be an understatement. Butchered was a far more appropriate term. Everybody had been torn to pieces. All of their bodies have been torn apart. Legs, arms, and heads were all over the place. Their guts had been slashed open, and their insides were ripped out. The walls, floor and even the ceiling were painted in their blood. It had been a bloodbath to say the least. But all bodies had something in common, their hearts had been ripped out, leaving a hole in the area where their hearts used to beat.

A slaughter that would make a slasher movie look like child's play. And all caused by a 12 year old boy.

As the alarm sounded, and the carnage was left behind, Dimitry paused for a moment, to breath the fresh air he had been denied for too long. It was dark outside, only the brightness of the moon brought some light to the outside.

"Ah, it feels good to be outside," said the boy as he took a deep, long breath. "I missed it. The scent of blood gives it a nice taste, too. All of this could have been avoided, but grown ups want everything done their way."

The large gates tower over him. They were obviously locked. There was no need for him to even try checking that out. He could bend the bars of the gate to leave, buuut that would have been too easy. Instead, he decided to try something else. He needed to know all of the abilities he had.

The gates were attached to two tall columns. They were 3 meters in height. Which made the columns twice his height. But that was exactly what he needed.

"Here goes nothing." Dmitry bent his knees and jumped. The ground shook as that action released a small shockwave. He jumped several meters into the air. He couldn't believe how high he was. "Cool." He landed on top of one of the columns. "I can do this. I am rather awesome if I may say so. If I were in gym class I would finally get the highest grade."

Police sirens echoed from the distance. The alarm from the smashed door had warned the police that something had happened in the institute.

Dmitry jumped from the column down to the street. "Well, better get out of here. Last thing I need is Scotland Yard up my arse."

Seeing no other choice he ran. Ran as fast as he could. As he ran he felt a new energy pulsating through his body. He felt so light. And he moved so fast. His legs were a blur. Dmitry was running at lightning speed.

Immediately, he halted his running and looked back and noticed how far away from the hospital he was. At least several blocks. It surprised him. He ran for just a few seconds and he was so far away.

"So I have super speed too?That is awesome. Honestly with my new powers I could be a superhero." Dmitry made Superman pose. It was a neat thought, but he had probably killed more people in this one night than Superman had ever had. So, a superhero was out of the question.

But, what now?

He could go back to visit his family. But there was someone else he could visit first.

A toothy smile formed on the boy's face.

Again his legs moved like a race car. He left blocks behind in a matter of seconds. He only wished there were cars at this hour to see just how fast he was.

Then he just stopped. Stopping so fast the wind pushed everything around him aside.

He turned his head right and left. Looking at the name of the street he had stopped at. The name of the street was not familiar to him. None of the surroundings were. He had been running so fast he didn't bother to check where, or in what direction, he was running. He was lost.

"This isn't the way!"

Yup. Definitely lost.

As Dmitry stood in the middle of the street, a car stopped behind him. The driver was a businessman, driving a really expensive mercedes. The man was talking on the phone when he noticed the boy blocking his way on this one way street. He was waiting for him to move out of the way, but it never happened. Frustrated, he honked, hoping that would at least scare the kid away.

It didn't work. Dmitry wasn't even paying attention. His mind busy trying to deal with his lack of directions.

"What is this brat doing?" Whispered the businessman. "Hey, I'll call you back later. Some stupid kid is not letting me through." He lowered the window and stuck his head out. "Oi brat. Are you deaf? Can't you hear the honk of my car? Move dammit!"

"Hmm…" Dmitry finally noticed the car behind me. "Sod off."

"What? Did he tell me to sod off? That's how it's going to be, you little shit." He released the brake and slowly, very slowly, he moved the car closer to Dmitry. Bumping against his leg. Then he put on some gas and made the engine roar.

Dmitry sighed in annoyance. "Didn't I tell you to sod off?" Using one of his claws he scratched the hood of the car, leaving a long scratch.

The man gasped in anger as he saw his expensive car being damaged. He turned off the engine, took out the keys and got out of the car. "What the fuck kid—Oh my god. Look at this. You scratched my car. Do you know how expensive this paint is? Do you? Are you listening to me? I am going to make sure you pay for this."

Dmitry sighed, but this time in anger. "I told you to sod off!" Furious he slammed his arm on the hood of the car. Smashing it. The hood was bent upwards. The front lights and the front window shattered under the pressure. "Sod the hell..." then slammed his fist next. "OFF!" And to top it off he kicked the car, pushing it back.

The man stood there, eyes opened wide, he was speechless and terrified.

"Now get the hell out of my sight before I do that to your face," Dmitry said, revealing his sharp fangs.

"Mo-mo-monster! You are a monster!" The guy screamed as he ran away as fast as he could.

As the guy ran away Dimitry's brain finally formed a thought. "This guy could help me."

The businessman didn't get too far before he tripped.. He tried to stand up but something seemed to have caught his ankle. He turned face up and saw what had tripped him. Dimitry held him by the ankle.

The man shouted in terror, as loud as he could. "Please let me go. Let me go." The man pleaded. He also was kicking his captor, trying to release himself. "Just leave me please."

"Shut up will ya." The no longer human boy lifted the man up and slammed him on the floor.

The man stopped screaming as the air escaped his lungs. Pain spread throughout his entire body. He had no idea what was happening. That combined with pain made him panic. "Help! Help!"

"You want me to slam you again?!" Dimitry didn't have time for this shit.

And the businessman didn't want to get hurt again. That fear made him calm down.

"Good. I want to ask you something."

"Please. I'll give you whatever you want, just let me go. Here, have this." He threw his wallet, keys and even his rolex at Dmitry. "Have it all."

The boy grabbed the watch and smashed it. Then he tightened the grip on the businessman's leg. He hissed in pain, swearing he heard a bone snap.

"See what I did to that watch? You saw what I did to your car. I'll do that to your face if you don't answer this question. And you better tell me the truth, or I'll rip your tongue out."

"Yes, I'll…I'll do whatever you want." The man stuttered.


Dimitry asked him for directions. It was a long shot that this random man would know. But what he needed the most was a guide to reach a part of town that he knew fairly well.

"Now, was that too hard?" Dmitry released the man's leg. "Thanks."

"C-can, can I go?" Asked the terrified man.

"Sure. Unless you want to stick around?" Dmitry could see the deep terror in the man's eyes. "I'm kidding. Leave."

The man did as he was told and ran. Well more limping than running. But still, he ran to get as far away as possible.

Dmitry ignored the man, and turned his attention towards the direction he was told. It was time to make a personal doctor's visit.