Doctor's visit

The house of Dr. Bartlett was rather big. A demonstration of his salary. But it had to, since it was also used as a private office for consultations. Hence why Dmitry was brought here constantly. The boy knew the house well. Whether he liked it or not.

A car parked in front of the entrance. A red sports car. Doctor Bartlett got out of it. "Damn, I arrived more late than I thought. I hate having to go to London on such short notice." He took the keys from the pocket of his coat. "At least I'm home." He unlocked the door and walked inside.

He placed his coat on the hanger. Bartlett felt his stomach growling. "Let me leave my briefcase and then we can eat something."

As he walked across the hallway to his office he could see light coming out it. That surprised him. Nobody should be home. Was it the cleaning lady? No, she doesn't work today. His fiance was visiting her parents in Wales, and wasn't to arrive in 3 more days. Then who wasn't it? Somebody had broken in!

Carefully, he moved closer. Cell phone in hand. As he touched the doorknob he became nervous. The wildest things came to his mind. Maybe it was a robber. Or some unstable person. Wouldn't be the first time it happened to him. It was a problem in his line of work.

He took a deep breath to gain the bravery necessary before opening the door. He did it swiftly, hoping to catch the intruder off guard.

But there was no one. The office was empty. Everything was in place. Except for one thing. His chair was facing the other way. He was expecting for someone to be sitting on it, and turn around in a typical Bond villain fashion. He extended his arm and turned the chair to face him. Empty. Bartlett sighed in relief.

All of a sudden the door was slammed shut. "Hello doctor."

Panicked, the doctor turned to face the intruder. But there was no one.

"Behind you."

Again he turned and saw Dmitry sitting on the chair. "Dmitry?"


Dr. Bartlett was speechless. How did he get in? He thought. But what surprised him was how different he looked. "How did you get here? What are you doing here?"

The boy crossed his legs and made himself comfortable on the chair. "Always with the question huh doctor. It seems whenever you see me you always have something to ask."

"Answer me Dmitry!"

"Ooh, feisty." Mocked the boy. "Fine for once I'll answer you. How did I get here? Well, I escaped from that prison you sent me."

"You escaped?"

"That's right. I escaped. It wasn't easy though. Well, it was, but it could have been much easier. But those guards had to get in my way. So I had to…" He paused for a second. Just to check the doctor's expression. "Rip them apart."

The doctor's eye grew wide. That's what Dmitry wanted to see. The fear in his eyes.

"Y-you what?"

"Did I stutter? I killed them. Ripped them to shreds." There was a cocky smile on his face. "If you go right now, you can probably see what I did."

"You are lying." Affirmed the doctor.

Dmitry felt insulted by such a remark. "I do not lie, doctor. Remember that? Did you forget how much I hate lies? Jeez, thought listening was your job." Dimitry shook his head dramatically. "Now for your second question. What am I doing here? Well I wanted to pay a visit to my dear doctor. You know, thank you." His expression was now furious. "Thank you for sending me to that place!" As he said that, he punched the desk and broke it in two.

The doctor moved back as he saw his desk being smashed like a toothpick. "I did it because you needed help."

"I don't recall asking for help! You sent me to a prison! For months I was placed inside a small, padded cell. Being drugged almost constantly."

"Your behavior was erratic." Said Bartlett.

"You know what doctor. I don't give a rat's arse about that pile of bullshit you are spitting." Dmitry stood up. He shoved the two parts of the broken desk aside. "Now doctor. How about if we play a game?"

The doctor leaped backwards in fear. "Please let's stay calm. I know you are angry, and I understand but doing something to me won't change anything." He tried to rationalize with him, or at least buy some time. "Now stay put; I will call the police, and we will solve whatever it is that is bothering you like adults."

Bartlett started to dial the police, just before he was able to press send, in a flash, Dmitry appeared in front of him. He punched the doctor in the stomach. He was punched with so much force that it pushed him back, his body smashing through the wooden door and colliding with the hall's wall. The doctor's broken body leaned on the floor. But he still had the phone in his hand.

"Sorry doctor. But the game I want to play is only between you and me."

The boy moved in closer. As he did he noticed the doctor still had the cellphone. He grabbed the doctor's hand, and pressed it tightly. He pressed tighter and tighter, breaking the phone - and the doctor's hand. Bartlett screamed in agony as he could hear the bones and the device crack in sync.

Dmitry smiled as he saw that face of agony. That's what he wanted to see. The same pain and fear he felt while he was trapped in that padded room. He wanted to show his soon-to-be former psychiatrist some suffering.

"Now you know a portion of what I felt. Pain. But yours, unlike mine, will be quick."

"It was for your own…good…"

The boy released the doctor's shattered hand, and instead switched to his neck. He started to choke him, though slightly. He didn't want to kill him. Yet.

"For my own good? Do you know how it feels to be strapped to a bed and forcefully fed? To be drugged every bloody day. Not just in the hospital. You had my father medicate me, for months. I'm twelve years old." He tightened his grip on the neck. "I shouldn't be taking medications. Or be sent to a mental hospital. Or be treated like some sort of pest. NO! Everybody should've just let me live my life as a kid. But now…." He casted a tiny smile, showing one of his fangs. "…now I am going to punish you all."

Dmitry released him. Allowing Bartlett to take a deep breath. Bartlett was in total pain. He could feel many of his bones all throughout his body were broken. He was barely conscious.

Using every ounce of strength he tried to understand how this boy, that he has known for months now, was causing him so much pain. He knew Dmitry was a shy kid, who kept to himself. Sure, sometimes prone to sudden violent outbursts. After all, he had already sent a couple of kids to the emergency room. But to treat him, a grown man, like he was a rag doll. That was inconceivable. He couldn't comprehend what had happened to his young patient, but he knew there was no getting out of this.

Dmitry slapped his hands together and said, "Now shall we play? This is going to be a new game. I call it doctor and patient. I am the doctor, and you are the patient."

"Please Dmitry, what do you want from me-"

Dmitry placed a finger on the doctor's lips to shut him up. "Shhh, I'm the doctor. I ask the questions here. I will ask you one question. The point of the game is for you to answer honestly. If you lie, well that will be your last lie."

"What if I answer honestly?" Asked doctor Bartlett.

Dmitry simply grinned.

Dr. Bartlett knew what that meant. Regardless of how he answered, it was lights out for him.

"This is my question. Why did you send me there?"

"I told you. To help you."

"LIAR!" Dmitry slashed the doctor on the face. Leaving four long, deep cuts across his face. "Why did you send me to that place?"

"It was the best for you - AHHH!"

This time he slashed the doctor across the chest.

"I'm losing my patience, doctor. Just answer me with the truth, for the first time. Wouldn't you rather die with a clean conscience?"

That was it. That is all the doctor needed to hear to confirm his suspicions. Dmitry was going to kill him. He might as well come clean. He hoped that if he told him the truth, he might be spared.

"Because you are dangerous."

Dmitry gasped at that. He wasn't expecting that answer. Dangerous? The doctor sent him there because he was dangerous? He was expecting something like his father convincing him, or paying him. Some phony or corrupt decision. But never this. Yeah, he had his sudden outbursts but what kind of kid didn't? He had demanded an honest answer. He got it.

"What do you mean by that?"

Dr. Bartlett took a deep breath. He tried to ignore his aching body. "I'm not just a child psychiatrist. I have another job in London. I work with the police, I help them study and analyze serial killers. I've seen and talked to many of them throughout the years." The doctor flinched in pain. Reminding him of those wounds on his face and chest.

"When I talked to you, in your dad's office, you said you wanted to kill your brother. You gave me a serious look. I recognize that look. The look of a killer. Of someone that doesn't know mercy or sympathy. The look of a psychopath." He stared at Dmitry's face. He looked at those bright, crimson eyes, waiting for a reaction. "I believed you when you said that. That's why I sent you to the hospital. I thought that would prevent you from finishing what you started. I thought that would keep your family safe."

Dmitry burst in laughter. "Hahaha. Hahaha. You did one hell of a good job mate. Freaking dandy."

Bartlett replied with a weak laugh. Which soon was replaced with coughing and blood. "Hehe…I screwed up, big time. I don't know what happened to you. This, this monster you became. This impossibility you are now. I don't understand it. But it doesn't matter now. Maybe we should have tried another method to save you."

"Save me?"

"I knew a kid like you. Loner, always angry, thinking everyone was against him. I tried to help him. But I failed. He killed his family and then himself. I saw him in you, Dimitry."

"Huh, you really suck at your job."

"I suppose so D-Dmit-" the doctor's eye widened, and he started to cough a lot of blood. He looked down, and saw his chest being pierced by Dmitry's hand. The hand went right through his chest and back, piercing the wall the doctor was leaning on.

"The damage has been done…" Dmitry leaned closer and whispered, "…the only way to repair it is with your life."

He took out his hand from the doctor's chest, with it his still beating heart. Leaving nothing but a hole where his heart used to be.

The doctor's vision blurred. His eyes closed as the light escaped from them. He was dead.

"Sweet dreams doctor. Our session is over."

Dmitry walked towards the front door to leave. But as he did he noticed a picture standing on the furniture. He picked it up. The framed picture was of Dr. Bartlett and his fiancee, holding hands. She had a ring on. Probably from the day he asked her to marry him.

He placed the picture back in its place. "I'm sorry, but I guess your dream won't come true. But you will always have his heart." He placed the heart next to the frame, and walked away. Closing the door behind him.

"I almost wished people would be here to hear me say those lines." He joked. "Whatever, I think it is time to go pay daddy and mummy a visit. I'm sure they'll be glad to see how much I've changed."