Brotherly Time

Sean was sleeping heavily. After a day of some heavy rugby practice how couldn't he? He needed the rest. The rugby tournament was just a couple of weeks away, his training has been twice, no, three times as hard now. He had lost a lot of practice time since the wound he got from Dmitry months ago. If his skills got sloppy he would never forgive that little shit ever.

He turned around in his sleep, trying to get comfortable, but failed to find that spot. There was a noise that was bothering him. It sounded like groaning; it sounded like someone was talking with something in their mouth. All low gibberish. Annoyed by it he tried to get up, his eyes so heavy from sleep they didn't want to cooperate.

Sean managed to force them open, ignoring their desire. His vision slowly adjusted to the darkness. He got up and sat on the bed, then checked at the time, it was past three. That was way too early.

He cursed under his breath.

Just as he was about to go to sleep the noise that interrupted him became clearer. He turned and saw someone sitting on the corner of his bed but it was so dark he couldn't see. He squinted his eyes to focus his vision, but he still couldn't recognize the figure. Sean turned on his night lamp, at the lowest setting so as to not blind himself, and nearly jumped out of the bed when he saw his brother Dmitry sitting on his bed.

Dmitry grunted in frustration as he tried to bite his nail but couldn't. They felt so hard, like trying to bite through metal, and his long fangs made it a more complicated task.

"I'm sure mummy would be happy knowing I can't bite my nails anymore." He completely ignored Sean. "Damn it, they are too hard now."

"What the fucking hell are you doing here Dmitry?" Sean asked.

"I got bored of being locked away, so I escaped and decided to come back and play with my big brother," he replied. "Didn't want to wake you up cause I'm a nice little brother."

Sean just stared at his brother, with his eyes wide open. He wasn't sure whether to believe that. But he had his brother right in front of him, and as far as he knew, Dmitry wasn't supposed to be released just yet. Or ever.

"You escaped? Seriously? I can't fucking believe it. Just wait until I tell mum and dad. They'll go ape shit on you."

"Go ahead. I won't stop you."

Was he bluffing? Sean asked himself. Dmitry had to know that if he told his parents, they would just send him to the hospital again. Or worse.

"You bet your arse I will. Before I do that," Sean pulled out his right arm from under the sheets, and showed it to his brother. It had a deep scar. "Look here you little shit. I missed so much practice because of this I almost got kicked! Before I tell on you I am going to kick your arse for what you did to me." He swung his fist at Dmitry, hoping to break the kid's jaw so he could feel a fraction of the pain he felt.

Dmitry sat there, not even paying attention to his brother. He received his brother's punch without making any effort to block or dodge. His eyes darted from the fist pressed against his lower cheek to his brother's face.

"What was that supposed to do?" Dmitry mocked his brother's attack. He wasn't even fazed by it.

"What the…." Sean couldn't believe it. Usually one punch was enough to have his brother crying on the floor. "Don't get cocky. I am still tired from yesterday's practice. This time I'll make you cry."

Again Dimitry was punched, and once again he didn't react.

"Tell me when you want me to cry. I know your ego likes the encouragement."

Okay, something was horribly wrong. Why wasn't his younger brother on the floor crying like a baby like he did?

"Alright little fiend, did they do some freak experiments on you?"

"What did you call me?"

Sean ignored the question, instead he started to stretch. "I'm going to send you to another hospital." Using more strength he swung his fist at his brother.

This time Dmitry stopped it. He used his hand to grab his brother's fist. He grabbed it tightly. Carving the very tip of his fingernails on his brother's flesh.

"H-hey, let go." Sean pulled away, trying to release his fist.

"I asked… What. Did. You. Call me?!" Using minimum strength, Dimitry tightened his grip and crushed his brother's fist.

Sean shouted in pain, but Dmitry slapped him with the back side of this hand, making a few cuts in the process.

Just before he could react, Dmitry pinned him down to the bed. He sat on top of his brother's stomach. Sean was about to scream but Dmitry covered his mouth. He couldn't move. Somehow his younger and smaller brother was overpowering him. He kicked, shook, and struggled, but it was all in vain. Dmitry had a good hold on him.

"Now now big brother. If you keep acting like that you'll wake up mummy and daddy. I need you to stay quiet." Sean started to kick his legs; irritated, Dmitry used his fist to smash one of his brother's knees. The small hand covering the mouth muffled the screams. "Didn't I tell you to stay put? Move again and I'll smash the other knee. Do I make myself clear?"

Sean nodded. Tears fell down his cheeks, he was in agonizing pain. And he was beyond terrified. "W-why are you doing this?"

Dmitry chuckled. "What? You are kidding me right? I'm doing this because you earned it. You're a bully. Every punch, every kick, insult, and every time you choked me, especially the choking. That's why I'm doing this. And also," he neared his brother, until he was just a few centimeters away from his face, "Because I hate you."

"But, we are brothers."

"Oh, now we are brothers. When I saw you stealing from Cody, and you punched me and threatened me, were we not brothers at that moment? When you were calling me a little fiend, were we not brothers then?" Using the claw on his index finger he made a long, downward cut on his brother's torso. It was a clean cut. It hurt like hell. "Now that you are the one getting pummeled now that I'm the strong one, we are brothers."

Sean was crying torrents. He was too afraid, he was completely powerless. The only thing left for him to do was beg. "I'm sorry, Dmitry. I'm really sorry. Please, just stop. I promise never to do anything to you again but stop. It hurts so much. I am begging you."

The sadistic smile on Dmitry would make any psychopath proud. He chuckled loudly. "Sorry? It's too late for that big brother. Instead, let's play a game." Dmitry placed his hands on each side of Sean's head. "But before we do that, let me ask you something. What was that threat you told me when I saw you stealing from Cody? You were choking me, and you threatened me. You always said it when I was about to tell on you. Repeat it for me."

Sean was not really sure what he was supposed to answer. He tried to recall, but the pain clouded his thoughts. "I…I—"

"That you'll what?" Dmitry glowed.

"That I'll…pop you."

"That you'll pop me! Yes, ten points for you big brother." He applauded sarcastically. "Now, this is what we are going to play. It's called 'Popping Big Brother'. If I can pop your head I win but if I'm not able to do so you win. There is one rule, no screaming. Okay? Get ready. Set. Go."

Dmitry placed a hand on each side of his brother's head, pressing them against it. Slowly he increased the pressure. Really, it would be too easy to break the head. Like popping a balloon. And Dmitry knew it.

Sean's breathing became erratic; his fear became a need for survival. "Dmitry NO!" Sean shouted with all of his might. Feeling there was no other choice he tried to shove his brother away with his left arm.

Furious that his big brother was ruining the game, he used his super sharp claws to cut his hand off clean.

Sean couldn't even scream, that's how intense the pain was.

Quickly, Dmitry covered his mouth to shut him up.

"I told you to stay quiet. You broke the rules, now I have to punish you." In a flash, Dmitry bit Sean on the neck. He was using his powerful canines to crush his throat. The way a lion crushes the throat of a zebra. And just like that prey Sean was gagging as he struggled to breath.

Dmitry finally released his brother's throat, he crushed it to the point where his brother was no longer able to scream, talk, or make the slightest sound.

"There, that should keep you quiet. Hmm, just in case though." The young boy opened Sean's mouth and ripped his tongue out. He simply tossed it to the floor like it was garbage. Torrents of blood splashed out of Sean's mouth. "Oops, maybe I used too much force. I don't want you to bleed to death. I guess I'll make this quick then."

He places his hands around Sean's head once more. "Time to pop you brother."

Sean was crying as he felt the massive pressure on his head. Dmitry didn't relent, he squashed his brother's head in a second. The skull was shattered; the brain was squashed, some of it leaked from behind the head; one of his eyes popped out like something from a horror movie.

Dmitry laughed innocently, "I guess I win." He needed to do one more thing before he was satisfied. Using his claw he went right through the chest and tore the heart out. "What a bad, bad heart you have, big brother." He squashed it like a bug. He then tossed it too.

As the heart fell onto the floor Arthur opened the door. "Sean, what's with the bloody noise—" He went silent as he saw the squashed heart fall besides his feet. "W-What the?" He lifted his gaze until he saw Dmitry on top of Sean's body. He was horrified as he saw Dmitry covered in blood, and his older son with his head crushed. "D-Dmitry?"

"Hello daddy."

"What did you do?"

"Oh, this. We were just playing, and he popped." Dmitry licked his blood soaked fingers.

Arthur felt as terror surged through his body. He was speechless. There he saw his young son on top of his older son's mutilated body. The fear he was feeling was indescribable. Arthur was a strong, imposing man but he has never been so afraid in his life.

Arthur ran to his room in a panic.

Dmitry simply smiled. "Time to play with mummy and daddy."