The unfolding

That night I wouldn't say I was dreaming, it was like I was in a trance,my room was dark and silent,the only sound was the beating of my heart,I felt my body grow heavy and my vision blurred,I was no longer in the room but in a very big white field,all of a sudden a figure stepped out of the shadows,she was a very tall and beautiful woman with silky hair,not the usual kind of tall,she was gigantic, dressed in a white gown she was really beautiful, a site to behold, I looked into her eyes I could see the smile on her face but it was not reflected in her lips, instead she motioned for me to come closer with her I came closer, she told me that I was the 15th sorcerer in a long line of powerful magic user, and she wanted me to embrace my destiny,as I stood before the socerer I could feel the weight of her words pressing down on me,her voice was low and commanding ,I felt the urge to obey, even though I didn't fully understand what she was asking of me, the sorcerer words were like a spell,weaving around me and pulling me into her web of power,I felt the weight of my destiny settling on my shoulders, like a cloak of magic and mystery.

slowly, I became aware of my surroundings.i could hear the wind howling outside, and I could feel the cold air on my skin,I blinked, and my eyes adjusted to the dim light. the room came into focus, and I realized I was in my own bed, back in the real world.

I sat up,my head spinning, the dream was still vivid in my mind,but it felt more like a memory than a dream.i felt a strange sense of familiarity with the socerer,as if we had met before.i shook my head, trying to clear the cobwebs from my mind.

I knew I needed help to make sense of my strange dreams and the bracelet,so I decided to seek out my friend's advice. I called her on the phone, and when she answered,I said,"i need to talk to you.its about something that happened last night.can we meet up?"There was a long pause on the other end of the line, then she finally said "where and when."

I dragged myself out of bed and took a shower to wake myself up. after getting dressed, I gathered my things and went to meet my friend. I was nervous about what she would think of my dream, but I needed to talk to someone about it.

My friend and I agreed to meet at a cafe near her house. it was a place we had been to so many times before, but this time the atmosphere felt different. I sat down at a table in the corner, and she sat across from me her eyes searching my face. "what's going on?"she asked, her voice full of concern. I took a deep breath and began to tell her about my dream.

When i told my friend about the trance, she looked at me with concern in her eyes. she was silent for a moment"I know someone who might be able to help you. but are you sure you want to do this"angela said.

My friend reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper with an address written on it."here"she said , handing it to me. "This is the address of a woman I know who is an expert in dream interpretation. she's helped me with some of my own dreams before, and I think she could really help you." I looked at the paper, my heart racing. I knew this was my chance to find out what's my dreams and the bracelet meant. I nodded and said, "let's go."

As we approached the address, I saw that it was a small house perched on a hilltop, overlooking the city. it was surrounded by trees, and it seemed to be isolated from the rest of the world. we knocked on the door, and a woman in her late 60s opened it.

As soon as the woman saw me, she stopped in tracks and her eyes widened. she looked at me with an intensity that made me feel like she could see right through me."you are one of them," she said, her voice full of wonder. "I can see it in your eyes. you come from a long line of sorcerers, don't you?" I was at a loss for words,my mind spinning with confusion.

The woman gestured for us to sit down.

The woman's house was unlike any I had ever seen. the walls were made of rough stone, and the floor was covered in soft moss. The furniture was made of wood, but it was curved and twisted in strange shapes. the windows were narrow and slanted, letting in just a silver of light. and everywhere I looked there were plants and Flowers, growing in every nook and cranny. the whole place felt alive, as if it were breathing and moving.

She looked at me intently, then began to speak without being prompted.her eyes full of wisdom and understanding."The bracelet your grandpa wore you in your dream is a part of your family's history. it has been passed down through the generations, from one sorcerer to the next. it is a symbol of power and magic, and it holds great significance for you."

she explained that the woman I had seen in my dream was Sarah,the first of our family's line of sorcerers. Sarah had the power to visit each new sorcerer when they came into their power, and she had been watching over me since the day I was born.

As the woman finished speaking, I felt a sense of gratitude and awe. I was grateful for the knowledge she had shared with me, and I was in awe of the power she represented. I bowed my head in respect, and said," thank you for explaining the dream to me. it meant a lot to know that I am part of something bigger than myself. I am honored to be the next in line of our family's sorcerers."

we walked away from the sorcerer's house, our footstep echoing on the dirt path. as we left, we could hear the sorcerer's voice fading into the distance, "may your journey be fruitful." we looked back one last time at the sorcerer, and then we turned away and continued on our way.

As we made our way through the forest, I turned to my friend and said, "I'm not going to tell my mom about what the old woman said." my friend looked at me, a question in her eyes. "why not?" she asked.

I hesitated, unsure of what to explain"I just don't think she'll understand," I finally said. "she'll worry too much, and I don't want to cause her any stress." my friend nodded. "I understand," she said. "it's not an easy thing to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it before."

my friend and I walked together until we reached the crossroads, the place where our paths diverged. she turned left and headed home, while I turned right and headed in the direction of my own house. we gave each other a wave and a smile, and then we went our separate ways I could feel the connection between us, even as we walked in opposite directions.

I opened the door to my house and stepped inside, feeling tired and ready for a rest. I took off my shoes and coat, and headed straight to my bedroom. I slipped under the covers and let the comfort of my bed envelop me. my head hit the pillow, and I was asleep before I could even think another thoughts.

I had only been asleep for a few minutes when I heard the sound of raised voices. I sat up in bed, my heart racing. I recognized the voice of my Father, and it sounded angry."why did you say that I wanted to kill you? are you now a mind reader?" I felt a wave of dread wash over me, and I scrambled out of bed. my father's face was red with anger as he glared at me. I tried to defend myself, but my words were lost in the sound of his anger.

in the midst of the argument with my father, I heard the door open and turns to see my mother standing in the doorway. her eyes were wide, and she looked from my father to me, taking in the scene. "what is going on here?" she asked, her voice firm. my father turned to her, his face flushed with anger. I watched as my mother took control of the situation,her presence calming the tension in the room.

my father stormed out of the room his anger evidence in each step.

As my father left the room, my mother took me by the shoulders and looked me in the eye. "you have to be more careful," she said. "I know you didn't mean to upset your father, but you have to be more mindful of how your actions affect others." I nodded. despite my mother's words, I couldn't shake the feelings that I was right. I knew in my heart that what I had said was true, and I was convinced that my mother would eventually find out the truth. until then I would have to keep my thoughts to myself and try to stay out of trouble.but I couldn't help but wonder if there was another way to make things right.