the plan

In the bustling center of the city, a sleek, black car glided through the streets, its polished exterior reflecting the bright lights of the city. the car moved smoothly and effortlessly, as if it were a part of the landscape itself. The driver(Charles Dan) was at one with the vehicle, maneuvering it with a grace and skill that seemed effortless.

Charles Dan spotted a woman in a pink gown standing on the side of the road, her long hair shining in the sun. she was cradling a small child in her arms. she was his mistress, and they had arranged to meet that day. He slowed the car and pulled over to offer them a ride.

Charles's mistress, "Selena" had porcelain skin that seemed to glow in the sunlight. her lips were full and pink, her cheek bones were high and defined.her eyes were a deep shade of blue, and they sparkled with life and intelligence. she was a vision of loveliness, and she radiated beauty wherever she went.

After Charles picked up his mistress from the side of the road, he drove her to the three-bedroom apartment where she lived.

The apartment was luxurious, with high- quality furniture, beautiful curtains, and expensive paintings on the wall. It was clear that no expense has been spared in furnishing the space.

Charles and his mistress began to quarrel as soon as they entered the apartment. Their voices rose and fell like the swell of an angry sea. Charles face reddened with anger while his mistress eyes filled with tears.

Selena met Charles gaze and asked him, "why haven't you kept your promise to me? you said you would divorce your wife and marry me. why haven't you done it?" she struggled to keep her voice from breaking, but her pain was evident in her eyes.

Selena took a deep breath and said, "I can't continue to be your secret, Charles. I want more than stolen moments and whispers in the dark. I need to be part of your life, and I can't do that if I'm always in the shadows. if you won't make me your wife, then I have to end this." her voice was steady, but her hands were trembling.

Charles reached out to take her hands, his voice gentle but firm. "I know I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it. but I have to do it at the right time. you know my situation is complicated. I have to be careful."he paused, searching for the words to make her understand. "I need you to be patient."

Charles was trapped in a difficult situation. he didn't love his wife anymore, but he was dependent on her financial support. he knew that leaving her would mean giving up his comfortable lifestyle and starting from scratch. He couldn't bear the thoughts of being poor and struggling to make ends meet, so he stayed with his wife, even though his heart belonged to somebody else.

Selena's extravagant demands were a drain on charles's finances. Every time he saved a little money, she would ask for something expensive like a new dress, or a weekend getaway. He was caught in a circle of never having enough money to leave his wife, and his need to please Selena.

Charles had tried to help Selena start her own business by opening a boutique for her, but she had run the shop into the ground with her excessive spending. the business had failed because she had spent too much money on inventory and lavish displays, instead of focusing on making a profit. Charles was at his wit end and didn't know what to do.

Charles pulled Selena close and pressed his lips against hers. Time seemed to stand still as they shared a passionate kiss. when the kiss ended, he pulled away, his heart pounding. He took one last look at her beautiful face, then turned and walked out of the door. The night air was cool and crisp as he made his way home, his mine spinning with the thoughts of Selena.

As Charles walked through the door of his home, he was greeted by the quiet stillness of an empty house.The rooms were dark and silent, and he felt a sense of loneliness wash over him. He sat down on the couch and stared into the darkness, his thoughts still consumed by Selena.

The silence of his house was suddenly scattered by the sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs. the footsteps grew closer, and soon he heard the voices of his wife and daughter.

As his wife and daughter approached, Charles noticed how different they were from Selena. his wife was practical and down-to-earth, while Selena was ethereal and enchanting. He found himself comparing them, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger.

Charles gruffly ordered his daughter to leave the parlor so that he could speak to his wife in private.

After his daughter had left the room, Charles bit his lips and sat down slowly, his body tense with anticipation. he knew that the conversation he was about to have would be difficult, and he wasn't sure how it will end.

Charles asked his wife, Lucy to take a seat explaining that he needed to discuss something serious with her. but Lucy was exhausted after a long day and replied,"I'm sorry, but I'm really not up for talking right now, I just want to relax and get some rest."her tone was firm but there was a hint of sadness in our voice.

Charles was frustrated by his wife's refusal to listen, and he stood up, his voice raised "from now on you will give me 100%, of your earnings, not just 60," he barked, his face reddening with anger. "And you will give me an account of every item you sell in your store".

Lucy was taken aback by her husband's sudden demand, and she refused to comply. "I will never agree to that!"she declared her voice trembling with emotions. "if you take away my salary, I will have nothing to live on, and our daughter will go hungry! you cannot do this to us!"Charles face darkened and he clenched his fist "fine,"he snarled. "if you will not cooperate, then there will be no peace in this house."

Tired and overwhelmed, Lucy left the parlor and went to her daughter's bedroom, seeking a quiet place to rest. she lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to clear her mind. but her thought were racing, and she couldn't seem to escape the turmoil of her emotions she felt as though her world was falling apart, and she didn't know what to do next.

I sat up from the bed and locked eyes my mother. with my sorcerer's powers, I could sense that my mother was in a dark place. My mother's face was wrecked with grief, and i could feel the heaviness of her emotions.

I didn't need to ask my mother any questions to know what was troubling her. I was determined to find a way to put an end to my father's reckless behavior, no matter what it took. The question was how to go about it.

I slept that night with my mind racing. My thought kept returning to my mother's distraught face and my father's behavior. I tossed and turned, unable to find rest. finally i drifted off to sleep, still troubled by the event of the day.

As i drifted off to sleep, i found myself in a trance-like state. suddenly, Sarah appeared before me, just as she had in her earlier dream. The two of them were standing on a beach, the waves crashing against the shore. "I'm here to help you," Sarah said. you must learn to use your powers so that you can help your family."

"it's so good to meet you again," I said to Sarah feeling a sense of connection and relief.

"I know you are the first sorcerer in our family, and I am honored to be learning from you." I murmured.

"In order to understand your father's behavior, you need to look into his eyes and connect with his soul. you must be able to see beyond the surface, and truly understand the person beneath," Sarah said.

"only then can you begin to help your family".

I was both intrigued and a little nervous about the idea of looking into my father's eyes.

Suddenly, Sarah disappeared in a flash of light, living me standing alone on the beach. The waves continued to crash against the shore, but the feeling of connection that she had felt was gone. The air around me felt empty and cold, and i felt a sense of loss and confusion.

The sound of the wind rustling the trees outside my window woke me from my slumber. I opened my eyes to the soft glow of morning light streaming through the curtains. the gentle breeze carried the scent of freshly cut grass and flowers, and i could hear birds singing in the distance.

I got out of bed and went to the bedroom, where I brushed my teeth and took a shower. After getting dressed, i went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the family. I started making coffee and frying eggs for the family, humming a song to myself as i worked.

I didn't want to disturb my mother who was still sleeping.

As I was busy making breakfast for the family, i heard the door open and turned to see my father standing in the doorway.