Fight to Death (pt.1)

"So, you are saying you have been trying to create the device but it never worked?"

"Yes, my Psychic Mana… Is not very suitable for that, unfortunately. My other mana as well, Wind Mana, is useless. The type of mana that should be used isn't something I can afford."

Evan massaged his temples. 

"To be frank, I don't think we will ever be able to create it. I still tried, because I was afraid of the Imperial family's threats. And yet, I failed again."

When the message from Arisa arrived, Evan still thought he had a chance to solve everything at once. But the only thing he gained from that was another broken device. 

It was the time to acknowledge his failure. However, he had never planned to stop Alastor from participating in the Ascension Battle. At most he would have begged him to lose or something according to how their conversation went. 

"My, you seem quite troubled," Alastor mused while laughing silently inside. 

Evan was a good friend and both Alastors approved of him. The previous one was doing an insane amount of research just to attempt saving his sister, and the current Alastor was sure he was going to save the sister. 

It was due to how Evan was. Evan had not betrayed him even when his sister was in danger and her life was on the line. If that was not someone Alastor could trust, then he would never trust anyone. 


"Don't worry about it there, just leave it to me. I assure you that I will handle everything, deal?"

"...Deal," Evan nodded, albeit reluctantly. 

The two left the room and went directly towards the Training Hall, the audience was quite different today. From normal students to elite ones, many instructors, in addition to the principal herself. 

Although she hid herself, not wanting anyone to notice her. 

Kristin was already standing in the middle of the Stage and stretching. He acted like he was casually getting ready, but his forehead coated with cold sweat betrayed him. 

Evan was taken aback by that and looked at Alastor with a questioning look, only to receive a shrug. Meanwhile, Alastor was searching for two figures. 

The first was easy to find, the girl with long silver hair looked down on them while putting a leg on top of another and folding her arms in front of her chest. 

When their gaze met, Alastor gave her a sinister smile that made her gasp. She felt shivers run down her spine. Arisa gulped, trying to not show her true emotions. 

Her gaze soon fell on Evan, 'He allowed him to come. If he dared to win…'

Hiding the murderous urge that was seeping from within her, Arisa sat back and sighed. The princess did not want Kristin to win, naturally. But at the same time, she could not afford letting Alastor win. 

'That stupid offer of investigating together was nothing but a joke.'

Just thinking about how Alastor tried to play the innocent act in front of her, just to suddenly show himself off and even declare an Ascension Battle, made her infuriated. 

Poor princess, she was not aware that the one who suggested this was not Alastor from the start. Once she knew about this, Arisa made sure to choose her lackeys wisely for the next time. 

Alastor soon ignored her and searched for the other person he wanted to see, only to be interrupted. 

Kristin smiled softly and extended his hand to him, "Hello, Alastor, is it? I would like to have a fair, enjoyable fight with you."

Alastor just smirked at him without saying anything, his plan for today's fight was simpler than anyone would believe it to be. Kristin was an element that shall disappear from his future calculations, and so, 

"Instructor, I have one request about this Battle. If I remember correctly, according to the Ascension Battle's rules, I have the right to decide what rules are going to be applied in this second fight."

The Instructor frowned again, remembering how Alastor made him the one in the wrong for the previous fight. The instructor was already having a severe headache about what he was supposed to explain to the angry parents… 

'Fine, this time it is his own fault then! According to the rules!'

"Sure, you can decide."

"Anything, right?"

"Anything, yes," the Instructor answered and scoffed internally, 'As if a wimpy Baron's son dares to suggest a ridiculous rule in front of the prince.'

Even if exiled, Kristin was still a prince that was recognized by the whole Marjin Empire. 

However, Alastor announced something that made even Arisa stand up from shock due to its implication. 

"The only rule of this Ascension Battle is… Fighting until the other person is dead!"

"Oh my!"

"The hell!!"

"No way?!"

The crowd erupted with chatters, they could not be silent anymore. The solemn atmosphere was broken into one of shock and amazement. 

"T-Take that back!" someone shouted. 

"Yeah, Alastor, apologize now!" another added. 

Soon, everyone was trying to tell Alastor to apologize and change his words, even the Instructor tried, but they all got waved away as Alastor looked down on Kristin. 

Shivering and trembling, Kristin barely could notice the blood dripping from his clenched fists. 

The 'de' in his name was taken from him to prove that he no longer had any chance to fight for the throne.

He was exiled to another kingdom to live as a prisoner. 

He had a miserable life despite being the prince. 

What was wrong with wanting to take revenge after coming back? What was wrong with relying on someone who seemed competent enough to do the job…? 

'Why is heaven treating me this way…?'

Kristin wanted to curse everyone and everything. 

"No need to be this mad, Kristin."

Alastor mumbled and walked closer to him, Kristin fought the urge to punch him, and stood still. 

"If I die, your problems are going to disappear and dissipate into thin air, is that perhaps not exciting?"

Whispering, Alastor put his palm against his cheek, laughing softly. 

"The same thing will happen if you die, though! Is that not a win-win situation, when no matter what the outcome is, you are going to be free of worries~?"

Whether Alastor dies or Kristin dies, Kristin's problems and worries are all going to be solved. 

It just so happened that one involved the ending of his entire life as well.