Fight to Death (pt.2)

Although he wanted to curse Alastor openly, Kristin tried to keep his dignity intact. If he could kill Alastor, that was true, all of his problems and concerns were going to be nothing. 

That did not change his anger and anxiety. There was a reason why he decided to actually rely on Alastor. It was due to how Alastor could overwhelm him in power, yet fall far behind in status… 

Kristin was sure before he could control Alastor that way. 

Alas, he was slapped several times by the fact that he was completely wrong. 

"Is there something wrong, Instructor? I do not see any reason for you to actually not start this fight. The two opponents are willing and no matter what the others say, Rules are Rules."

The Instructor sighed internally and raised a shaky hand, unable to stall any longer once Alastor called him out. 

"The Ascension Battle between Alastor Radian and Kristin Marjin… Start now!"

Alastor did not hesitate to jump back, flipping through air and dodging Kristin's vicious chain attack. 

The chain rattled loudly as they clankled against each other, Kristin gritted his teeth, letting them surround him. 

'If I can't fight him in a power force, maybe I can at least drain him!'

Kristin, fully knowing his weakness, did not have to think deeply about his next actions. This was a life and death situation, one of them needed to kill the other. And guess what? He would never be remorseful after this. 

Perhaps a bit regretful, but Alastor was trying to force his hand. It was his own problem, so, why does it matter? 

"The only thing that sends down the right punishment is the chains of contempt!"

Kristin started his chant, causing his mana to solidify and turn into more chains. His Iron Mana created a whole set of weapons, and started to attack Alastor relentlessly under the students' astonished gazes. 

Arisa felt worried for a moment, what was she supposed to do now? It was a sacred Ascension Battle that could only end in one of the participants' death. 

'How foolish…' she sighed. 

But soon, she finally witnessed why everyone was praising Alastor so highly since the previous day. Alastor stood up in his place and laughed, surprising everyone, including Kristin. 

"You, do you dare to mock me?!"

Kristin roared, sending another wave of chains directly towards Alastor's chest. 

Arisa, who was sitting silently, and Vian who had just arrived, both shouted at the same time, "Careful!!"

The two young women did not notice each other as the crowd started to finally get hyped, they screamed in excitement as soon as Alastor easily deflected those chains with his hand, even throwing them back at Kristin. 

'I suppose I do not have enough leeway to not use this body's circles.'

Alastor gathered his Chaos Mana, ready to unleash his power. 

'Oh well, I suppose it will be even more exciting to fight with my life on the line.'

"Before creation ,"

The air in the Hall turned darker, caused the audience to forget their worries and to only enjoy the thrilling battle. 

"Comes the chaotic destruction!"

With the end of his chant, Alastor forcefully gulped back his sweet blood, oh how ridiculously exciting that was for him! 

His body was screaming as the Chaos Mana surged through him, but Alastor could not care less about that. Rather, he took a deep breath and absorbed even more. 

"Now," he smiled gently, his hand grabbing the slowly solidifying Scythe, "I believe you would like a weapon against weapon, for fairness, am I perhaps wrong?"

Without allowing Kristin to respond, Alastor swiftly moved. In an instant, he was right in Kristin's face, smiling devilishly. 

"Do not take this personally~"

The Scythe cut through the air, leaving behind it a purplish trail of chaotic mana, then collided with Kristin's chains. 

The force made Kristin sweat as he took a few steps back, while also trying to throw more chains at Alastor's Scythe. 

To everyone's surprise, the chains started to rot and melt away, which was unseen before. 

Given how the chains were made from pure mana, seeing it rotting away was a shocker. The students had never seen anything like that, including the princess. 

The only one who was able to recognize what was happening was the principal who was still hiding in the crowd. Her eyes narrowed, wondering whether she would need to intervene or not. 

The person who should live was already decided in her heart, after all. 

'Shit, I need to stop that Scythe from touching me, I'm dead if I get even the slightest injury from it!'

Meanwhile, Kristin was on edge. He no longer felt even the slightest ounce of hope to be able to win, if anything, he was simply searching how to escape. 

Alastor was able to see through his actions immediately, which made him shake his head and softly chide him. 

"Please, you do realize there is escaping me, right?"

Rotating the Scythe, Alastor started to draw a circle. A simple one, with only two tiers of spells intertwined within it. 

With a soft whisper, the purple circle shone brightly, coating the room in a violet light as six wisps of flames surrounded it. 

"Kristin, no hard feelings, but I truly, seriously, desperately, need you to die." Alastor sighed, then held the Magic Circle in his hand. 

"You know, it's only because I was aware of how badly you needed to exploit me that I started this. But do not fret, I do not plan on letting you die without a fight."


Feeling something wrong, Kristin's flight reaction worked in full power. He turned around and tried to run, but that was his biggest mistake. 

"We are going to have an absolutely good fight! No running away, Kristin!"

The purple Magic Circle flared and engulfed Kristin in the flames, some weak hearted girls started crying, but everyone was able to notice something was different from what they had expected. 

Instead of being burnt to death, or being hurt in any way, it was as if the Kristin that emerged from within the flames was someone completely different. 

His strength was multiplied and his urge to run disappeared, in his head, one voice kept roaring loudly. 

'Fight and kill him!'