Lessons (pt.3)

Alastor looked at the pendant in front of him and at his father's reaction before sighing softly.

'I was correct.'

The pendant was glowing with an eerie aura.

"This power…"

His father had never hesitated in front of Alastor before. But now, he was silent. 

Duke Radian was at a loss for words. 

The reason was not him being unaware of this pendant, but he was more shocked that Alastor had that. 

Alastor dismissed all the servants from the Dining Hall. He moved his finger swiftly, allowing his mana to surround the room. 


With a snap of his fingers, Alastor made a soundproof barrier form around them. 

"Father. This type of magic is not foreign to you. It is not pure mana, it is the magic that you use."

Duke Radian looked at his son silently before giving Alastor a nod, indicating that he should continue whatever he was about to say. 

"Dark Mana is nothing normal, Father. We both know about that."