The Maze of No Return (pt.2)

The two of them entered the Maze of No Return. But instead of a simple maze, it looked like a maze made of a forest. 

Green and blue leaves and vines made the maze appear magnificent. However, some of the thorny, brown vines were mixed with them as well. 

Vian scrunched her nose up unconsciously. Although the place was beautiful, it did not smell nice at all. If anything, it smelled as if countless bodies were hidden under that disguise. 

Even the plants and vines did not smell good, in fact. 

Arisa noticed but did not say anything. Vian's sensitive nose was a secret not many knew about, but Arisa had found out through various investigations. 

She did not speak despite that all. 

'That seems to be something personal. It's better if I don't mention it at all.'

Instead, she grabbed Vian's arm and pointed at their path. 
