Hell of Flame (pt.4)

"Wow, he's really big now."

Arisa exclaimed while pointing at Alexander who just finished eating a large part of the flames around them. His body had turned to a similar orange shade to his master's eyes, his feathers ignited brighter with his new size. 

Vian hopped onto his back before offering her hand to Arisa, "Come on, quickly."

Rolling her eyes half-heartedly, Arisa put the spear on her back and followed Vian. Surprisingly, not only did the flames not hurt her, she even felt a soft breeze caressing her. 

"...I thought this was going to be uncomfortable."

"Heh. Let's go, we don't have much time to waste in amazement."

With a flap of Alexander's wings, they had already started moving. Their destination was to go to Alastor. 

Vian was keeping track of his mana and only felt relief once she confirmed from his mana that he was not in any danger. 

However, that relief was short-lived. Soon, she felt his mana fluctuations.