After the Asr prayer, everyone got into their cars. Waad, who had promised not to go, got out. When her eyes met her father's, she immediately looked away, not wanting to confront him. 

She went to greet him, wanting to know if he was upset with her, but he held her and looked at her, and she didn't raise her eyes. "Aren't you going to say hello?" he said coldly, looking at her cheek, which was still blue from his slap. She pulled away from him and got into Ahmed's car.

The girls are sitting outside, enjoying their conversations and coffee.

Joud: My dad brought us here, pretending it's a change of scenery.

Suha: Hahaha, you reminded me of dinner when I felt my dad knew I was lying, pretending to be happy about coming here.

Dana: Why didn't you notice his smile? It was as if he was saying, "I know you're lying, but I'll let it slide because I feel like it."

Suha: The important thing is he let it slide and didn't make a big deal out of it.

Noha: Waad.

Waad, who had her earphones in and was chatting with her friends: ...

Noha: Waad.

She looked up at them and took one earphone out, "Did someone call me?"

Noha gestured to her with her hand: "Yes, me."

Waad looked at her: "Yes?"

Noha: "All sisters fight, we're not the first people to do so. Don't hold it against me. I didn't tell our dad, on the contrary, I tried to make sure he wouldn't find out. I would never be okay with you getting hurt because of me."

Waad: "I know it's not you, what happened has happened and it's over."

Noha smiled: "So, you're not mad at me?"

Waad: "If you stop calling me useless, I'll be okay."

Noha stood up and hugged her: "I know you have a kind heart, and I'll try not to say it even though I'm used to it."

Waad looked at her skeptically: "Yeah, right."

Noha: "What do you think about having a race?"

Suha: "Oh my God, I'm going to die of excitement from that idea."

Joud: "People say let's travel, let's drive a car without anyone knowing, not let's have a race."

Dana: "You're crazy, my dad would hang you and hang you on the front door as a lesson for those who don't take heed if he even senses you thinking like that."

Waad: "This is all we can do, I feel like this is what dad wants, to kill us and be done with it."

Nada: "That's harsh, our dad is just a bit strict."

Joud: "A bit? Say a lot. He's suffocating us, everything is by his command, and most things are forbidden."

Noha: "It's because he's worried about us."

Joud: "Why doesn't he just put us in prison then."

Suha: "What do you think about rebelling?"

Dana: "I'm not involved in this."

Waad: "What do we do then... I'm all in, and I don't think he can do more to me than he already has unless he disowns me."

Nada: "Why, aren't you already rebelling?"

Waad: "What I do is not rebellion, I'm just demanding my rights. But rebellion is like leaving the house without anyone's consent, doing whatever I want regardless of my family's opinion. That's rebellion."

Dana: "Try leaving the house without anyone's consent so your hanging rope can be prepared, and they won't even pray for you."

Noha: "Don't say that, our dad loves us and is worried about us, and he never refuses us anything we ask for."

Joud: "I asked him if I could go to a party my friend was throwing, and he refused."

Waad: "And I asked to continue my studies, and he refused."

Suha: "Me too, I wanted to go into humanities, but he refused and hired tutors to make sure I went into science."

Dana: "God, all this grudge, don't forget."

Waad: "How can we forget? Personally, I wake up and sleep on my dreams that my dad killed. There's no studying except here, or getting married and traveling. What kind of thinking is that?"

Joud: "If I were you, Waad, I would have gotten married a long time ago."

Waad: "Yeah, and marry someone whose thinking doesn't differ from your dad's and get stuck? No, I want someone who respects women, their interests, their nature, and their life, not someone who thinks we're still living in the age of ignorance."

Noha: "Where will you find such a man, maybe Assaf, son of my uncle Abdulrahman, or Omar, son of uncle Saad?"

Waad looked at her: "Why Assaf or Omar?"

Noha: "As if you don't know, if you're not for Assaf, you'll be for Omar."

Waad: "Am I a product for them to inspect and take if they like?"

Noha: "God forbid, you're precious, but you know that our grandfather has mentioned you to Assaf and Omar."

Waad: "Let grandfather say what he wants, the important thing is what I want, and it's impossible, beyond impossible, for me to think about Assaf or Omar."

Suha: "Hahaha, seriously, imagine marrying Assaf hahaha."

Waad: "Suha, I'm not a joke to you."

Dana: "Honestly, I feel Omar is less troublesome than Assaf."

Waad: "Just pour it and inject it, one clay for both."

Joud: "Honestly, Assaf is worse than Omar. Remember how he got angry once at our gathering during Eid, do you remember?"

Dana: "Yeah, and remember when he scolded his sister Abeer? I was scared even though I was talking to her on the phone, I still remember his voice."

Waad: "And they want me to marry him or someone like him? He and all those like him can forget it."

Khaled: "Who is the one who can forget it?"

His sisters turned to him.

Suha: "Hi"

Khaled: "Hi"

Joud: "After what, you greet us."

Khaled: "Don't lose the subject, who is the one who can forget it?"

Waad: "I was telling them about my colleague, someone proposed to her and she doesn't want him."

Khaled raised his eyebrow: "And why, what's wrong with him that she doesn't want him?"

Waad: "Why are you asking, are you planning to propose to her or something?"

Khaled: "No, of course not, just asking."

Dana: "Come on Khaled, make us happy, let there be a wedding."

Khaled: "What about Ahmad and Saud, why don't you marry them?"

Waad: "There's hope from Ahmad, but I've washed my hands of Saud. My aunt's hair turned gray while she kept suggesting to him daughters of so-and-so, and he refused them all."

Suha: "Seriously, if I were her, I wouldn't even look for him, for better or worse."

Joud: "Do you think there's a reason?"

Khaled: "What do you mean?"

Joud swallowed: "I mean, maybe he wants a woman with certain qualities."

Khaled: "Is that what you mean?"

Suha: "Bluntly, it means he's in love."

Khaled raised his eyebrow: "Aren't you afraid of me then?"

Suha:" Why should I be afraid? The important thing is that you're not my father."

Waad: "Or do you all have to oppress us, isn't one enough for us?"

Khaled: "Did father oppress you?"

Nada: "Don't waste your time with them, now they will start listing things for you on this question."

Suha: "As if you don't see, I mean, my father's rules."

Khaled: "Don't wrong yourselves, father hasn't neglected anything for you."

Waad: "Yes, that's your thinking, you provide us with a house, food, drink, clothes, and you feel you have given everything."

Khaled: "What is it that you want that we haven't given you?"

Waad: "Even if I tell you, will anything change? Will you give me what I want?"

Khaled: "If I can, I won't say no to you."

Waad: "I want to continue my studies abroad."

Khaled smiled: "You still haven't lost hope?"

Waad: "No, I haven't lost hope, not even until tomorrow."

Khaled: "Honestly, I can't fulfill this request. You know your father's opinion on this matter. Ask for something else."

Waad: "I don't want anything else."

Khaled: "If I had a few more years abroad, I would have taken you with me, but I only had one year left."

Waad: "If it doesn't benefit me in any way."

Suha: "I want to ask you for something."

Khaled: "Ask, my dear."

Suha: "Listen, I want you to take us for a drive in the car, but we won't get out."

Khaled twists his mouth.

Waad: "This is from someone who says 'ask for anything' and then gets upset."

Khaled: "I still haven't refused, you eat a person with his skin."

Waad: "Your facial expressions say that you refuse."

Khaled: "Agreed, get ready after dinner... but we must see father first."

Joud: "Just refuse from the start, why do you say 'father'? It's known we won't go if you're going to ask your father's opinion."

Khaled: "No, lady, father must agree, or there's no going."

Suha pours herself a cup of coffee: "Have some coffee, my sisters, there's no going, we'll stay up and talk in this pleasant weather."

Nada: "I don't understand why you talk about your father like that, God knows you are ungrateful."

Waad: "So, you're going to tell me that dad will agree?"

Nada: "Yes, he will agree, and you'll see. God knows father is kind and loves us and wants to make us happy, but you, whenever he refuses you something, you say father is this and that."

Suha: "Alright, in a little while the sun will rise and fill the lands."

Khaled talking to Waad and Nada: "Have you made up?"

Nada: "Yes, thank God."

Khaled: "Now it's father's turn, Waad."

Waad: "And why doesn't he make up with me?"

Khaled: "Waad, it's enough that he's been upset for a few days and you don't come down for dinner, breaking his word, and now you want him to reconcile with you."

Waad ends the discussion on this topic: "It will be alright."

Fares: "Hey, you all, come on, it's dinner time."

Everyone got up except Waad and Khaled. Waad pours herself a cup of coffee and drinks it, while Khaled watches her to see when she will get up.

Khaled: "Waad, get up."

Waad: "I don't feel like it, Khaled, it's not by force."

Khaled: "God forgive me, Waad, don't make father angry, he even asked about you first."

Waad: "Khaled, until when do we have to obey these rules? Even if I don't want dinner, I have to sit at the table."

Khaled: "This is father's wish, and it's a blessing for us to please him. So, get up, let him see you at the table. You don't have to eat if you don't want to, but sit for him."

Waad: "As you command, Sir Khaled."

Khaled smiles: "Yes, be obedient for once."

Entering the dining area.

Ibrahim: So, where is Khaled?

Saud: I haven't seen him for an hour.

Suha: He was outside with us.

Ibrahim: Ah.. and where is Waad?

Suha: Outside with Khalid.

: good evening

Khalid: Sorry we're a bit late, but Waad and I were trying to solve a social issue.

Waad sat next to Suha.

Waad's phone ringtone went off.

Suha whispers to her: "Did you set a timer on your phone?"

Waad: "No, why would I set a timer? I don't have anything to worry about missing."

Saud: "Who's calling you at this time?"

Waad, not liking the interrogation, says: "A colleague."

Saud: "Tell her not to call at night, she should call during the day."

Waad looking at him: "And when I'm asleep during the day, what then?"

Saud: "Okay, she can message you on WhatsApp, it's inappropriate to call late at night."

Waad: "Mr. Saud, do you know what century we're living in?"

Saud: "No, I don't, Professor Waad."

Waad: "Well, we're living in the twenty-first century. People have progressed and become civilized. We're not still living with the mindset you have. It's ten-thirty, the time is late, and besides, everyone has their privacy, so don't ask me who's calling."

Saud looked at her sternly: "Did I cross the boundaries of your privacy, Professor?"

Waad: "Almost, and don't give me orders, please, Saud."

Saud: "Alright, as you wish, but you should also be respectful."

Waad: "Are you saying I'm disrespectful?"

Saud: "I didn't say that. I told you to be respectful. There's no need for your colleague to call you late at night."

Ibrahim: "Enough, let's have dinner without arguing."

Waad whispers to Suha: "The last thing I needed was Mr. Saud giving me his orders."

Saud, noticing that Waad was talking about him from the movement of her lips:" What is it, Waad, did you say something to me?"

Waad looking at him in surprise: "No."

Ibrahim: "Yasser, I need you tomorrow morning, go and bring your grandparents here, ask them to come."

Yasser: "As you command, father."

Joud: "Father."

Ibrahim: "Yes."

Joud: "Father, um... we want to go out."

Ibrahim: "Then go sit in the garden until you're tired."

Joud: "No, not like that. We want Khalid to take us out."

Ibrahim: "To go out where at this time of night?"

Khalid: "I'll take them for a drive, father."

Noha: "Yes, father, please."

Ibrahim: "Agreed, but on one condition."

Joud: "What is it?"

Ibrahim: "Be here by 12."

Waad smiled and whispered: "Noha."

Suha was sitting between Waad and Noha.

Noha: "Yes?"

Waad: "This is what you call a drive? We won't even reach the city limits before it's 12 o'clock."

Noha: "The important thing is that he agreed."

Suha: "The important thing is how he agreed. Be here by 12. We're not at our house, we're at the farm."

Noha: "Be careful, my father is watching us, he might scold us now."

Ahmed: "Dana."

Dana: "Yes?"

Ahmed: "Are you tired?"

Dana: "No... excuse me... and she got up."

Ahmed speaking to the girls: "What's wrong with her?"

Joud: "I don't know."

Waad, who had barely touched her plate, got up: And Suha followed her.

Waad was washing up.

Waad, whose phone rang again: Ugh.

Suha: Who is it?

Waad: A strange number has been annoying me for a week, just calling.

Suha: Give it to one of my brothers to deal with him.

Waad: It's not worth it.

Saud: " Assaf got promoted."

Rahma: "Now he can get married, I remember his mother was looking for a bride for him."

Waad, whispering: "May Allah grant you paradise, auntie."

Soha: "Happy."

Waad: "From the bottom of my heart. Let me be reassured, my sister."

Fares: "Why are you laughing, Waad?"

Waad, who felt like slapping him for the embarrassment she was about to face: "Soha told me a joke, do you mind?"

Fares: "A joke or because Assaf is getting married?"

Waad: "And what does it have to do with me? Whether he gets married or stays single."

Fares: "His brother Moayed says he's going to marry you."

Waad, boldly and sarcastically: "That's exactly what I was missing, Assaf, for my life's happiness to be complete."

Saud: "Why, what's Assaf lacking? He's a man to be proud of."

Waad: "Whether he's a man to be proud of or not is his own business, but me marrying Assaf is out of the question."

Yasser: "If he insists on what our grandfather said and asks for you, you wouldn't refuse him, Assaf is not someone to be rejected."

Waad: "That would be if his thinking and personality were different, not complicated, not arrogant, and not dismissive of others."

Ahmad: "Don't underestimate your fate, Assaf is humble."

Waad: "I don't care whether he's humble or not, his thinking is terrible. He still sees a woman's place as only in her home, with no right to continue her education or to work in the job she wants. In short, he's just another version of Saud."

Mishal: "I thought girls were supposed to be shy, and here you are, talking so brazenly among us."

Waad: "If I don't speak up, you'll think I agree, but even if the sky falls to the earth, I wouldn't marry him."

Ibrahim: "Nothing has happened for you to discuss this matter."

Fares: "But Moayed said this, even our grandfather Musaad said it."

Ibrahim: "You shouldn't repeat what the elders say, Fares."

Fares: "I'm grown up, father, not a child."

Ibrahim: "You're a man, but these topics are not for discussion."

Fares: "As you command."

Soha, whispering to Waad: "You're so brave."

Waad: "Better to let them know so they don't bother me tomorrow."

Nada: "Aren't you ashamed to say such things in front of my father and brothers?"

Waad: "No, I'm not ashamed."

Yasser: "Oh, my phone's battery is dead. I was going to message Hamad to pass by Saad tomorrow, he asked me to tell him... Waad was next to him... Waad, give me your phone."

Waad handed him the phone, he unlocked the screen and was surprised by the number of missed calls, 53 calls not answered. He looked at Waad in surprise.

Waad: "What's wrong?"

Yasser: "What's with all these calls?"

Waad: "I don't know, I didn't check if there were calls or not, maybe my colleagues called."

Yasser opened the call log and noticed they were all from one number, not saved, and all from today... He ignored it and called Hamad.

Ibrahim: "Soha, how's your study going?"

Soha: "Good."

Ibrahim: "I want a good percentage, Soha."

Soha: "I'll try."

Ibrahim: "I don't want you to try, I want you to bring a good percentage."

Soha: "If I had gone into humanities, I could have gotten ninety-nine point nine out of a hundred, but you insisted on science and I hate math and chemistry."

Ibrahim: "Yeah, keep nagging me like your sister, you're the one who forced me and annoyed me with this record every day."

Waad, knowing she's the one being referred to: "......"

Soha: "I didn't mean it, but I want to go into psychology."

Ibrahim, sarcastically: "What? I didn't hear you!"

Soha: "I want to become a psychologist."

Walid: "You don't need to, you're already a psychologist by nature."

Soha looked at him: "I didn't ask for your opinion."

Mishal: "another version of Waad."

Waad looked at him with half an eye: "Why, what's wrong with Waad now?"

Mishal: "Nothing at all."

Waad: "I thought so. In a bit, you'll tell me to go kill myself."

Khaled: "what are you saying?"

Yasser, who was holding Waad's phone and dialing the same number, interrupted them: "Waad, your phone."

Waad took it from him... Yasser continued in a whisper: "Aren't you going to answer?"

Waad: "No, I don't want to answer it."

Yasser: "Are you sure it's your colleague?"

Waad: "No, it's not my colleague. Are you satisfied now?"

Yasser: "Who is it?"

Waad: "I don't know, a number has been calling me for a week and it's annoying me."

Yasser: "Give it to me, I'll deal with it." He took the phone and stood up.

Soha, who was discussing her major with her father: "Why though?"

Ibrahim: "Soha, my words are clear, get this major out of your head."

Soha: "Give me one reason that convinces me."

Waad: "I'll tell you... because there's mixing with men in the workplace, that's it... even though there are women's clinics and you could open your own clinic and ban men from entering. And despite that, people who refuse to let their daughters enter the medical field don't bother these girls, they run looking for a female doctor, not a male doctor, see how it is."

Ibrahim: "Tell me something good, Waad, I hope I didn't interrupt you."

Waad: "This is the truth, dad, I didn't say anything wrong."

Ibrahim: "Of course not, you know how to say something wrong, all your words are pearls..." His tone changed to sternness: "I don't want to see this attitude again."

Waad: "God willing, as you command."

Ibrahim: "One word, Waad, and Soha, and everyone who is still studying in high school, I don't want to hear about any major that involves contact with men, ever."

Joud: "But dad, that's unfair."

Khaled, speaking to Saud: "What's with your sisters, they seem determined to ruin their lives today."

Saud: "We're used to Waad, but this time it's all of them."

Ibrahim: "What's this protest, Joud?"

Joud: "I don't like humanities or memorization, and I want to go into dentistry."

Ibrahim: "Really, you've decided that now?"

Joud: "I've wanted this major for a long time, dad."

Ibrahim: "Well, I'm telling you now, look for another major."

Yasser: sat next to Waad: "If he calls again, let me know."

Waad took the phone from him: "Okay."

Joud: "Then I don't want to continue my education."

Ibrahim: "I don't mind if you don't continue, and from tomorrow I'll look for a groom for you."

Joud: "What?! Marry off the older ones first."

Ibrahim: "If a girl doesn't study, she gets married, and if you're going to leave your studies, I'll marry you off. It's enough for me to have one idle daughter at home, I don't want two."

Waad: "Dad, don't you notice you're hitting me with your words?"

Ibrahim: "Really, Aunt Waad, I didn't notice. Forgive us, we made a mistake with your highness."

Mishal burst out laughing: "You're always getting yourself into trouble, always used as an example for negative things, what do you gain, tell me."

Waad: "Mishal, as if you're achieving great successes. You've been repeating high school for six years, each year followed by another."

Mishal: "Please don't insult me and belittle my abilities. If God has blessed you with intelligence, it doesn't mean everyone is like you. There's something called individual differences, haven't you heard of it before, dear?"

Waad: "If we follow individual differences in your case, we'd place you with learning difficulties."

Ibrahim: "Enough, you've gone too far today, and I've been too lenient with you."

Naha: "Dad, I have one more request."

Ibrahim: "Yes, I noticed you haven't spoken, what is it?"

Naha: "My friend..." and she stopped.

Ibrahim: "What about her, do you want me to marry her?"

His children burst out laughing: "Hahaha..."

Saud: "Why are you looking for a third wife, dad?"

Ibrahim: "Why not?"

Joud, shocked: "Why?!"

Ibrahim: "What's the matter, Aunt Joud?"

Waad: "You want to get married?"

Ibrahim: "Why not?"

Suha: "And us, and mom, and auntie?"

Ibrahim: "What's wrong with you? I'm not neglecting you in any way, and then I'll live with her."

Waad: "So that you can receive her body the following morning."

Joud: "Yeah, we'll cooperate and kill her. And maybe we'll kill her before the wedding night."

Ibrahim: "You're not murderous girls... Girls tell their fathers, 'You command, we'll look for a bride for you,' and you want to kill her. It's good you don't kill me too, so you can be at peace." And he winked at them.

Suha: "No, you're our father, we can't bear to lose you, but the devil's daughter, we can."

Yasser: "God help you, dad, now that the wicked ones, Waad, Suha, and Joud, have got you, you're done for."

Joud: "What do you want, Sir Yasser? Should we laugh?"

Yasser: "No, what's required is for you to calm down. Anyone who hears you would think my father's wedding is tomorrow. And besides, you know dad, if he decides to get married, he won't ask you, so why make a big deal out of it?"

Naha: "Hey, calm down, let me finish what I was saying."

Ibrahim: "Go ahead, what about your friend?"

Naha: "She's having a party at her house."

Ibrahim, knowing what she meant: "And you want me to sponsor the party."

Naha: "I bet you know what I want but you're just teasing me."

Ibrahim: "You want to go."

Naha's smile split her face: "Yes, dad, I knew you wouldn't refuse my request."

Ibrahim: "Aha, you knew I wouldn't refuse it, how did you know?"

Everyone was smiling at Naha, who was confused and not realizing that her father was joking with her: "Because, you know, I always listen to you and stuff."

Ibrahim: "my daughter is a fortune teller."

Naha: "Hey, so you agree?" She stood up clapping.

Ibrahim: "No, of course, I don't agree."

Naha was shocked and stood trying to comprehend. Her funny look, standing with her mouth open and her hands frozen in a clapping position, made everyone laugh at her: "Hahaha..."

Naha finally realized: "Ibrahim, I didn't expect this from you, letting them laugh at me."

Saud: "Your confused mind, why don't you use it? If you had paid attention, you would have known from the first response that he was teasing you."

Naha, speaking to her father: "See, see, you let them get at me."

Ibrahim stood up: "Good night."

Everyone: "And to you from its people."

Naha turned to Suha and Waad: "Look, I've decided to join your rebellion."

Suha: "Hey, you're crazy, if my father hears you, it's not just rebellion, it's a deathwish."

In the morning, they were sitting outside for breakfast after their grandparents arrived.

Musaad: "So where are your daughters, Waad, Joud, and Suha? They haven't come to greet me yet."

The girls, who were coming together, heard him.

Waad: "Dad has inherited this manner from grandpa."

Suha: "Well, my father couldn't find any trait other than this one."

Joud: "Forget all that, just wait and listen to their stories; they're all from the history books. I've memorized them from hearing them so much."

Suha: "It's unfair, really. When my grandparents come, they really liven up the house."

Waad: "I don't like it when grandpa comes; every time he finds a way to embarrass me, God knows what he's planning today."

Joud: "Hahaha, yeah, you're always stuck with him. He's so annoyed that you're sitting like this; he'll marry you off by force."

Waad: "You see how he embarrasses me in front of my cousins."

They greeted their grandparents and kissed their father's head.

Rajwa:" Where have you been? People wake up early for the blessings of the morning, and you're still asleep."

Suha: "We slept late last night, that's why we didn't wake up early."

Musaad:" Who kept you up? And you" (speaking to his son), "you let your daughters stay up late."

Waad whispers to her sisters: "We've committed a crime."

Ibrahim: "It's okay, dad. There's no work today; they can sleep as much as they want."

Suha to her sisters: "This is the rule I was looking for. I was wondering why there was something missing among the house rules; now I remember."

Joud: "What do you mean?"

Suha: "Dad controls our sleep and wake times. I'm surprised Ibrahim hasn't done it yet; why not?"

Waad: "I guess he's given up hope since he has daughters like us."

Ahmad: "How's everything in the town, dad?"

Musaad: "The news will please you. We went to the wedding of Ayed's son, his son is younger than yours and got married."

Suha elbowed Ahmad and whispered to him: "You deserve it; no one told you to bring up the town."

Ahmad: "Looks like I'll escape."

Ibrahim: "I'm not forcing them, dad. Whenever one of them wants to marry, I'm not shortchanging them; their mustaches are drawn, they can't be forced."

Joud whispers: "Yeah, he's practicing this hobby on us."

Musaad: "So, the eldest, when do you plan to marry? You're nearing thirty and still not married; what's stopping you from marriage?"

Saud: "Grandpa, my cousins are older than me and haven't married."

Musaad: "They will marry soon, Asaf and Omar, and they will take from your daughters, Ibrahim."

Ibrahim: "Asaf and Omar are men of high value."

Musaad: "Asaf has spoken to me; he wants Nada. As for Omar, he'll take Waad."

Nada looked at Waad as if shocked; Asaf wants her? How, when grandpa had spoken to him about taking Waad? How could she marry someone who once thought of taking her sister? Impossible, impossible.

Ibrahim: "The decision is theirs, dad."

Musaad: "So, Nada, Waad, what do you say?"

Waad: "I do not agree."

Musaad: "Omar is being rejected by Ibrahim's daughter? Since when does a cousin get rejected?"

Waad got irritated: "Yes, a cousin can be rejected, and I choose whoever I want."

Nada left the dining table for her room, and Waad stood up, but her grandfather stopped her: "Waad, I'll consider I didn't hear that word. Omar is a man who cannot be insulted."

Waad: "Grandpa, I told you I do not agree, and I will never take Omar."

Musaad: "Why, daughter of Ibrahim?"

Waad: "I'm not cheap, grandpa, to be offered to my cousins... and she walked away."

Musaad: "your daughter rejects her cousin, and you're silent?"

Ibrahim: "Dad, it's okay. Marriage isn't by force, and I'll give her a chance to think; don't worry."

Musaad: "Didn't you hear her say she doesn't want him? Okay, Omar is rejected. If God wills, she won't marry outside the family."

Khalid to Yasser: "Was that talk necessary?"

Yasser: "Even your sister is crazy. She should have waited and then told our father, not in front of grandpa."

Khalid: "Whatever it is, we know Waad doesn't want our cousins because grandpa has offered them, and she's sensitive about this. Now grandpa swears she won't marry anyone else."

Yasser: "May God make it easy. When the time comes, it'll be alright."

Two days later

Nada: "I don't want him, Mom, I don't want him."

Nawal: "Why?"

Nada: "How do you expect me to agree to marry someone who thought of my sister before me?"

Nawal took a breath: "Who said that?"

Nada: "Mom, don't take me for a fool, everyone knows that Waad is for Assaf."

Nawal: "If Assaf wanted her, why did he ask for your hand?"

Ibrahim: "Hello."

Nawal and Nada: "Hello."

Ibrahim: "As I was coming in, I heard your conversation. I want to ask you, Nada, did Assaf come to ask for Waad's hand?"

Nada: "No."

Ibrahim: "Okay, did he say he wants her? Did he hint at it, did his mother talk about it?"

Nada: "No."

Ibrahim: "This means Assaf doesn't want Waad, and all that my father said doesn't hold, and he's too shy to say he doesn't want her... But he wants you. Don't let my father's words be the reason for your refusal."

Nada: "But Dad, everyone knows, even the kids know that Assaf is going to take Waad."

Ibrahim: "You know that Waad refused him, and I told you that he also didn't want this marriage."

Nada: "So, you're okay with me taking someone Waad has rejected?"

Ibrahim: "Nada, understand that he didn't come to propose to her, which means there's nothing between them. Let's end this topic. Remove this idea from your head and think carefully; Assaf is a man to be relied upon, and if I wasn't confident in him, I wouldn't let him take you."

Nada sat crying: "I don't know, Dad, I don't know."

Ibrahim pulled her into his embrace and stroked her hair: "I know, my dear. Just think about Assaf's proposal to you and nothing else."

Her phone rang more than once, waking her up: "Oh God, who's calling at this time?.. Hello?"

"oh my, that coquettishness."

She picked up the phone and saw an unknown number: "Go to hell."

"I will go with you, look out of your room's window, you'll find me standing below."

She was surprised, got up, looked out the window, and saw a person standing outside his car, leaning on it, wearing a cap.

"Take it easy, don't freak out. Seems like my voice played tricks on you."

"Yes, what do you want?"

"I want you, Waad."

Waad's blood froze in her veins, how did he know her name, their house, and even in front of her room after she hung up the phone and threw it on the bed: "Who is this, not the same number as before."

He started calling her phone again, continuously, she ignored it.

At the breakfast table.

Suha is opening her book and reviewing: "Ugh, this terrible subject, I feel like everything I study just flies away."

Joud: "so fast, so fast."

Nawal: "Don't stress, you've studied and you will be able to answer."

Suha: "Mom, you don't know, it's physics, Najla's subject."

Noha: "Enough, we get it, you're going to mess up."

Suha: "Looks like I'm going to mess up every occasion, not just Eid. Waad, how did you always get full marks with her? Teach me."

Waad: "I study so well, I know what's on every page, even if you ask me what's on page sixty-six, I could tell you because I don't like to be on the bad side of a teacher who wants to fail me with grades. And by the way, review your paper a million times, and as soon as you get the papers, check your answers right away and see how many mistakes you have before she announces the grades. Make her show you your paper because she's terrible at marking a correct answer as wrong."

Suha: "I know what you did to make her hate you and all of us."

Waad: "My dear, people always hate the successful one."

Joud: "Ugh, I remember last year she was a nightmare. And I was stupidly silent about it, I wish I could see someone in school who likes her."

Suha: "There is, you know Tamadur, the tall girl in the second literary class?"

Joud: "Tamadur, Tamadur, so many tall ones."

Suha: "Okay, do you know the boring girl who always walks around saying 'kitty' as if she's being cute?"

Joud: "Yeah, I know her, 'kitty', but she's not tall."

Suha: "I know she's not tall, but the girl who walks with her is Tamadur, she has blonde hair and always has thick eyebrows."

Joud: "Don't tell me it's that one with the mole in the middle of her nose."

Suha: "Yes, that's Tamadur who likes Najla, and guess what, teacher Najla likes her too."

Joud: "Eww, such a creation of God."

Waad: "From the description of the girl, I'd say the unfortunate is stuck with the hopeless."

Yasser: "God forbid that we should be afflicted, there are people gossiping instead of starting the day with thanking God."

Mishal: "God forbid that we should be afflicted, it's like I'm describing a girl saying 'kitty' or boring."

Walid: "God forbid that we should be afflicted with women like my sisters."

Noha: "You wish God would bless you with women who speak well of us, but forget it, you won't find any."

Saud: "Finally, lady Waad, you're going to start attending like the rest of us."

Waad: "I don't know why you're all so spiteful, as if you want me to attend a crappy institute."

Ibrahim: "I want this attitude to change and go back to how it was before."

Waad, meaningfully: "Well, dad, you know what would fix this attitude."

Ibrahim: "It will get better, God willing, just attend and don't think about being absent, understood."

Waad: "But Ibrahim, we didn't agree on this, you said to enroll in an institute, not to never be absent, please let me be comfortable for once in my life."

Ibrahim: "My word is clear, absence is only with an excuse, if you don't have one, don't even think about coming to tell me you'll be absent, understood... and I'll take you every day since you're on my way."

Waad continued with me, God knows even the car ride is suffocating: "Why, I don't want to trouble you, I thought I'd go with my friend who goes with their driver."

Ibrahim gave her a look: "when did you decide this?"

Waad: "I didn't decide, I was going to tell you, so you wouldn't tire yourself and all that."

Ibrahim: "I'll take you every morning, and if I'm not available, one of your brothers will."

Waad: "That's good, I finish at 11 a.m."

Ibrahim: "Your brothers will take turns picking you up."

Yasser: "Whose phone has been vibrating all day?"

Waad turned to her bag hanging on the chair next to Yasser, opened the bag, took out the phone, and put it on busy to stop the vibration, but it rang again, she put it on busy again, and it rang again, so she opened the phone, took out the battery, and threw it in the bag.

Khaled: "What's with the violence? Just answer and say you're busy and be done with it."

Waad: "I don't feel like straining my vocal cords."

Noha: "God protect your vocal cords, oh vocal cord lady."

Suha: "Come on, get up, you're going to be late for your shift."

Waad: "She said get up, so get up."

Noha: "Hey, you and her, remember I'm older than both of you, do you understand that?"

Suha: "Oh, I just realized."

Waad: "I think mom and dad made a mistake, they wanted you to be the last one, but you were nosy and jumped in between me and Nada."

Suha looked at Waad and whispered to her: "Don't let them misunderstand you."

Waad as if she realized: "No, my words are wrong."

Suha: "Seems like it."

Waad: "Ahem, dad, when are you leaving?"

Ibrahim looked at them with his hand on his cheek: "When you finish whispering, you and lady Suha."

Waad stood up: "We're done."

Ibrahim: "Didn't I tell you before not to whisper in my presence, this habit of yours, you can't leave it."


Nawal: "Suha, what's wrong with you today? Since you entered, you've been upset."

Nada: "Suha, what did you do in the exam today?"

Suha: "Don't remind me, it really upset me."

Noha: "Why?"

Waad: "Good evening."

: "Good evening." She kissed her mother and her aunt on the head and sat down.

Suha: "Imagine, she took me out of the class, examined me alone, leaving all the girls in the class, and her eyes were on me."

Joud: "This teacher is so negative."

Suha: "Negative, and not only that, she deserves to be punished severely for her behavior... And imagine, she brought questions as tough as poison, and the girls were crying, and she asked me why I didn't cry like them. I said, why should I cry? I answered, thank God. Guess what she did."

Noha: "She told you it's impossible, I brought difficult questions, and no one will get a full score."

Joud: "I say she returned the exam to you."

Suha: "She pulled out my paper from among the papers, read a little from it, and tore it up in front of my eyes."

Mishal: "And hopefully, you didn't stay quiet about it."

Suha: "Of course, you know me, I'm Suha Ibrahim's daughter... I didn't stay quiet about it. I told her it's clear you think I cheated. I said okay, and I won't stay quiet about my rights. I'm going down to the principal now and tell her that you tore my paper, and all the girls in the class are witnesses."

Nawal: "And then?"

Suha: "The principal came down, I met her and told her everything. She called the teacher, and there was a back and forth between us. Then, the teacher says, I brought a difficult question, how did she answer it unless she cheated. And I told her, you took me out of the class, away from my classmates, and I didn't take a book or anything with me. Moreover, the question you say is difficult, you brought it from outside the book. She said no. I said then you have no right because I answered everything."

Saud: "And what did the principal say?"

Suha: "What would she say, knowing that the teacher was wrong, she made her correct the paper in front of her and give me my grade."

Mishal: "After all this fuss, how much did you get?"

Suha: "A full ten."

Walid: "Then it was worth the fuss."

Khalid: "What I really want to know is if she holds a grudge against you because she was previously grudging against Waad, it's not reasonable."

Waad: "And what if I told you the same thing happened to me, but more."

Khalid: "What do you mean?"

Waad: "Suha talked to the principal, but I talked to the guidance department themselves, and they came directly the next day and investigated the matter. They didn't let her correct the paper; instead, the subject advisor corrected my paper. And on top of that, they transferred her for disciplinary reasons for two weeks, and I asked them to write her a pledge not to deduct any marks from me without reason, and they wrote it."

Ahmed: "And when did this happen?"

Waad: "In the third year of high school."

Nawal: "And why didn't we know about this?"

Waad: "I didn't feel the matter was worth it as long as I could solve my problem. Why mention it?"

Joud: "That's her excuse if she holds a grudge against our entire lineage because of you."

Waad: "Why should I stay quiet about my rights? I worked hard and knew before handing in the paper that I would get a full mark. Then she tears the paper and wastes all my effort. Why is the world in such chaos?"

Yasser: "And how was the institute with you today?"

Waad: "It was so bad that I couldn't sleep until the afternoon."

Saud: "Why, señorita Waad, what's keeping you up?"

Waad: "Fatigue. I've discovered that working in a job you don't like is very tiring."

Ibrahim: "Oh, the exaggeration! What did you do to get so tired?"

Waad: "I was forced into this institute. From the moment I set foot on the first step, I felt suffocated."

Ibrahim: "I gave you the freedom to choose, and you wasted the opportunity. Don't say I forced you; you forced yourself. Besides, everyone praises the institute, and now you're saying it's terrible!"

Ahmad: "Dad, I have a conference outside Saudi Arabia for a week."

Ibrahim: "What conference?"

Ahmad: "A conference on heart diseases and discussing the latest developments, the hospital is participating." 

Suha: "Where to, Ahmad?"

Ahmad: "Canada."

Waad: "Take me with you, Hamoudi."

Ahmad: "So, Hamoudi, huh? And what about my father?"

Ibrahim: "Let her say what she wants. I'm just a chair here."

Waad: "Dad, don't be so sensitive. Just let me get out of the house to breathe some fresh air."

Ibrahim stood up and went to her, Waad stepped back: "Dad, I swear I'm joking, I won't go..." Her father grabbed her hand: "Come with me."

Waad holding his hand: "Dad, please, I beg you."

Ibrahim carried her and went out to the garden: "Dad, put me down, I won't repeat it."

Ibrahim: "No, I want you to breathe some air, come on, breathe."

Waad: "Okay, put me down now, your back will break."

Ibrahim: "Hahaha, break from what? From you, the feather? I could carry you all day and not feel a thing."

Waad: "Why, am I an empty box or a tissue box? I'm human like you."

Ibrahim: "How much do you weigh?"

Waad: "Please don't embarrass me."

Ibrahim lifted her higher so she wouldn't fall: "Why, are you shy from me?"

Waad: "See, Dad, you seem hurt, please put me down."

Ibrahim: "No, I'm not hurt, but I don't want you to fall. As you can see, we're standing near the stairs, so if you fall, you'll go straight down."

She clung to him tightly: "Dad, please, stay away from the stairs."

Ibrahim moved closer and stood on the edge: "Okay, tell me your weight."

Waad: "43, now please put me down."

Ibrahim, while taking her back inside the house: "Are you sure it's 43?"

Waad: "Yes, I measured it a while ago. But please, put me down."

Ibrahim sat her down next to him: "Where did you measure it?"

Waad: "At the pharmacy."

Mishal: "You're not feeding us, I'm hungry."

Ibrahim: "No one told you not to have lunch with us."

Mishal: "I was tired, Dad, and looking for the bed."

Ibrahim: "What do you think about making new rules at home?"

The girls' eyes widened to their largest size!

Suha: "What kind of rules?"

Ibrahim: "Let's refresh the rules and renew them."

Waad: "I object. If you're removing rules, I'm the first to support you, but adding new ones, no, a thousand times no."

Ibrahim: "You know, Aunt Waad, that's exactly what's stopping me, your opinion."

Ibrahim: "Firstly, from today onwards, everyone must be present for all meals, except those at work or sick, not just tired, meaning coming from college or the institute, you wait for lunch."

Waad: "Notice he said college and institute, the most important thing is the institute, why? Because of me, and he didn't mention those at school."

Ibrahim: "Secondly, the allowance will be given monthly. If it runs out mid-month, I'm not responsible. Thirdly, no arguing or bickering during gatherings, that's it."

Waad put her hand on her forehead: "Ibrahim, you seem feverish today. Ahmad, come check, I feel like he's feverish."

Ibrahim took her hand down and bit it, and Waad screamed: "Aaaaah, savage."

Ibrahim smiling: "Any objections or compliments from anyone?"

Suha: "I have one. What do you think, Dad, about also counting the number of words we speak per day?"

Joud: "Yeah, and how many times we breathe, along with the heart rate."

Waad: "Yeah, or just turn us into robots and you'll be completely relieved."

Ibrahim: "Don't you think I'm giving you three too much attention?"

Suha: "Honestly, Dad, what you're saying is not reasonable. It's enough for us to gather for one meal. I come home exhausted, I can't wait for lunch. Besides, we don't all come home at the same time, how do you expect us to gather when we're tired?"

Ibrahim: "Lunch will be at 2:30 PM."

Waad: "But I come home at 11 AM, it's not reasonable to wait for everyone to arrive to sit at the dining table."

Ibrahim: "Do your homework... Anyway, I will apply this rule for a while, and if I see that it's not suitable, I'll cancel it."

Waad winked at Suha and Joud, planning to destroy this rule from the start, as long as there's hope it can be canceled.

Fares came rushing in: "Take your phone, it's been ringing for an hour, I can't study."

Waad: "And what are you doing in my room?"

Fares: "I didn't enter it, I was in the upstairs hall."

Waad gave the a busy signal, wanting to silence the phone, but it rang again. She quickly silenced it and received a message ("Answer me, don't make me do something rash"). It rang again, she put it aside and ignored it.

Yasser: "When is the trip, Ahmad?"

Ahmad: "Next Saturday, God willing."

Suha talking to her sisters: "Joud, the scorpion that came out was in your class."

Joud: "Don't remind me."

Nuh: "Why?"

Joud: "It crawled on my shoe."

Suha: "Eww, what did you do?"

Joud: "I started screaming and crying, imagine I left the class like a madwoman. The religion teacher grabbed me tightly to calm me down. I sat for a while until I realized what happened."

Nuh: "So where did it go?"

Joud: "The cleaner killed it."

Mishal: "I swear if my father knew, he would deal with you."

Walid: "It's none of your business."

Mishal: "How is it not my business? You're my brother, and I'm worried about your well-being."

Walid: "I'm not a kid for you to tell me what's good for me."

Mishal: "So, you think smoking is in your best interest?"

Walid: "Mishal, it's none of your business, and don't talk to me about this topic."

Mishal: "I will talk to you, and if you don't consider it, I will tell our father or Saud."

Walid: "I swear, Mishal, if you tell them, it won't be good for you."


Waad noticed her phone's light hadn't turned off from the consecutive calls. She got up from the gathering and answered sharply: "What is it?"

: "Finally, you decided to answer."

Waad: "What do you want?"

: "I told you this morning I want you, my dear."

Waad: "Say amen."

: "Amen."

Waad: "May your eyes be blinded."

: "It doesn't matter to me as long as my heart only sees you and feels only you."

Waad: "If you had any decency, you wouldn't call a woman you don't know, you shameless person. I swear if you call again, I will tell my father and brothers about you."

: "Let them know. Who can blame me if I love you? It's not a crime."

She hung up the phone on him, clearly annoyed by his persistence. She hadn't returned to the gathering when he called again: "Suha."

Suha turned to her: "Yes?"

Waad: "Come, I need you for a moment."

Suha got up, surprised as it wasn't their custom to call each other out during a gathering and leave. They went out to the garden: "What's wrong?"

Waad: "He's bothering me."

Suha: "Who?"

Waad sat on the stairs: "Some dog. Today alone, over 70 calls and 25 messages."

Suha: "Ignore him."

Waad: "He's standing outside."

Suha, shocked: "What?"

Waad: "I'm telling you, he's standing outside."

Suha: "What's he doing outside? Do you know him?"

Waad: "No, how would I know him? He's been there since dawn, and even when my father dropped me off at the institute, I saw him when I got out of the car and when I left."

Suha: "How does he know our house?"

Waad: "He called me by my name."

Suha, scared: "Oh no, Waad, I swear if our father and brothers find out, we're in trouble."

Waad: "What should I do? My thoughts are scattered; I can't comprehend anything."

Suha: "Is this what's been bothering you all gathering?"

Waad: "This and something else, but let's focus on the straw outside for now."

Suha:" Call Yasser to talk to him or Khalid."

Waad: "I'm afraid he might tell them something wrong, and they'll believe him."

Suha: "As long as you haven't done anything, they won't say anything, and by telling them, you would have done what you should."

Waad: "Ugh, I think I'll change my number and be done with it."

Suha: "But tell me, what's he doing at our doorstep?"

Waad: "I don't know. He woke me up at dawn with his calls and told me he was standing outside. Suha, don't ever bring it up."

Suha: "Okay, but what's he doing outside, even if he's playing, how did he know our house?"

Waad: "Imagine, he sent me a message saying if I didn't answer, he would do something rash. I'm really scared."

Fares jumped in on them: "Scared of what?"

They were shocked, hoping he hadn't heard the conversation. Waad got up and grabbed his hand: "I swear to God, Fares, if you repeat a single word of what you heard, I will bury you alive, understand?"