They were shocked, hoping he hadn't heard the conversation. Waad got up and grabbed his hand: "I swear to God, Fares, if you repeat a single word of what you heard, I will bury you alive, understand?"

Fares, frightened by her: "I didn't hear anything, just that you were scared."

Waad, screaming: "Heard or not, if you say one word, I will kill you."

Soha: "Enough, Waad, Fares is smart, he won"t tell anyone."

Fares pulled his hand away from Waad and ran into the house.

Waad: "Ugh, this institute is bad luck for me."

Soha: "Pray that Fares doesn't tell our father."

Waad: "Believe me, I would hit him even if he was in our dad"s arms."

Soha looked at her with a half-eye: "I believe you, let"s go inside, they might be ready for dinner now. Especially with the new rules, our father will beat us too."

They entered and indeed everyone was gathered at the dining table. They took their places.

Saud: "You're late."

Waad: "Did dad assign you the role?"

Saud: "I don't know why dad hasn't cut your tongue off yet."

Ibrahim sitting in his place: "What's wrong with your father?"

Saud: "Dad, how do you tolerate their constant nagging, especially this one with a tongue longer than hers."

Ibrahim: "Since it's longer than hers, it must be a celebration."

Saud: "Definitely, I don't think anyone has a tongue as long as hers."

Waad: "Dad, didn't you say you didn't want quarreling, or did you change your mind? Because I'm not in the mood to argue with anyone."

Ibrahim ignored her: "Where is Fares?"

Waad realized he wasn't there and looked at Soha with concern.

Rahma: "Strange, he was bothering me earlier saying he was hungry. Dana, go see him."

Soha whispers to Waad: "God help us."

Waad: "Be quiet, my hand is on my heart."

Ibrahim: "Waad and Soha, I want to know What's going on with you, What's the important thing You're whispering about."

They straightened up in their seats: "......"

Yasser: "They never leave this habit."

Ibrahim: "Come on, tell me what your story is."

They were saved by the entrance of Dana with Fares, who was crying.

Rahma: "Fares, What's wrong, why are you crying?"

Fares, looking at Waad fearfully: "Nothing."

Ibrahim pulled him and sat him on his lap: "Come on, tell me What's upsetting you."

Fares looked at Waad again, and at that moment everyone noticed his glances.

Ibrahim: "Did Waad upset you?"

Waad put her head on the table and let out a deep sigh: "Ooooooof."

Fares: "Waad said she wants to bury me alive and I was scared of her."

Everyone looked at her while she had her head on the table and didn't lift it.

Saud: "Why did she say that? Did you upset her, or did you play with her things?"

Fares, crying: "No, I didn't do anything to her, I just went to call her and Soha, Aunt Nawal told me to go call them, and Waad grabbed me and said I swear if you tell anyone what you heard I will bury you alive."

Ibrahim, annoyed by Waad's behavior and not wanting to do anything to upset her: "What did you hear, Fares?"

Fares: "Then she will kill me."

Ibrahim: "No one will harm a hair on your head as long as I can breathe."

Waad, completely inflamed: "Oh God, where do I find her, from the crap outside, or what happened at the institute, or from What's happening now, my father will kill me because of this crap Fares."

Fares: "I just heard her say "I am scared" and I asked her what she was scared of and she scolded me."

Waad stood up, declaring rebellion anew. She walked towards her room, certain that before she reached the stairs, her father would have a few words for her.

With a stern tone that filled the space, he called out: "Waad."

Waad turned to him: "Yes?"

Ibrahim came down with Fares and stood by her: "What are you afraid of?"

Waad: "Nothing."

Ibrahim: "What did you call Suha for?"

Waad: "It's a matter between us."

Ibrahim: "Suha."

Suha stood up: "Yes?"

Ibrahim, without beating around the bush, asked: "What did Waad tell you?"

Suha looked at Waad, but Ibrahim faced her: "Speak."

Suha: "I have nothing to do with it, dad. Please don't involve me in the problem."

Ibrahim lifted her chin: "I'm telling you to speak."

Khaled stood up and placed his hand on his father's shoulder: "Dad, please, it might be a matter that concerns them. You don't know about girls' issues; don't make a big deal out of it."

Ibrahim: "She threatens her brother with death while he's still young, and you tell me it's not a big deal? Now, I want to know what she's afraid of and doesn't want us to know. One of you speaks before I lose my patience."

Waad: "I had a problem at the institute with a girl, that's all."

Ibrahim looked at her, unimpressed: "Waad, I'm not one of your little kids you can silence with anything."

Waad: "I swear, dad, I had a problem at the institute today. I got into a fight with a girl."

He turned to Suha, who was by her side: "What do you think, Suha? Tell me the reason for the problem. You must know it."

Waad, forgetting her father's wit for a moment, knew that if Suha spoke now, her lie would be easily exposed: "I didn't tell her the reason for the problem. I didn't have the chance to tell her."

Ibrahim: "But you were outside for more than a third of an hour and you didn't have the chance to tell her the reason for the problem?"

Suha: "Because I, before, before I spoke to her about the Arabic teacher threatening me, then she told me about the fight but didn't tell me what happened. Fares entered and we didn't finish."

Ibrahim took a breath: "You're lying to me, Suha."

Waad interrupted him: "You're the reason."

He turned to her in surprise: "I'm the reason?"

Waad: "..."

Ibrahim: "Speak, Waad. I'm barely holding my temper with you."

She sat on the stairs, her heart pains returning stronger than before, trying to hide it from them. She tried to breathe calmly but couldn't and fell to the side. Suha, who knew about Waad's condition, ran to her, holding her: "Waad, Waad, try to breathe, please."

Waad's lips were trembling, and her gasps grew louder amidst everyone's shock. It was the first time they saw her in such a state, as if her soul was leaving her body. She felt the world darken before her eyes and her ribs pressing on her.

Suha screamed for Ahmad's help: "Ahmad."

Ahmad quickly got up and carried her: "Suha, go get my bag from upstairs."

He laid her on the couch, trying to help her breathe.

Ibrahim: "What's wrong with her, Ahmad?"

Ahmad: "She can't breathe, dad. She's suffocating."

Suha brought the bag next to him: "Take it, quickly, Ahmad."

Ahmad took out the oxygen he had with him and fitted it for her: "Waad, breathe calmly... yes, Waad, inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale."

Ahmad took the stethoscope and listened to her weak heartbeats, giving her a heart massage. Gradually, she began to regain consciousness, which she had almost lost.

Saud: "Let's take her to the hospital."

Waad removed the oxygen: "No need."

Saud: "don't you see how you look?"

Waad: "Saud, I'm not in the mood to argue, leave me alone."

Ibrahim: "Ahmad, son, we need to take her to the hospital."

Ahmad: "I really think we should do some tests, dad."

Waad: "I don't want to, dad, please. I don't want to go."

Suha slapped her on the back: "You scared me like that."

Nawal: "Waad, let's take you tomorrow, not necessarily today, but let's do some tests to be sure."

Waad: "I don't want to, mom. There's nothing wrong with me, just tired today."

Ibrahim: "So, I'm the reason?"

Waad, who was sitting, extended her hand to him so he could help her up, and her father took her hand and pulled her towards him: "God forbid, not you, but I'm used to resting, that's all there is to it."

Nada: "I want to know why You're insisting on not going to the hospital?"

Waad: "I don't like hospitals and can't stand their smell. Just leave me alone."

Ahmad: "Neglecting health is not good."

Waad: "don't make a big deal out of it, Ahmad. I told you, just tired today and heard something annoying, that's all there is to it."

Ibrahim: "Let's end this matter. And you, go rest."

Waad: "Good night." She kissed her father's, mother's, and aunt's heads and left.

Suha: "I'm also going to sleep."

Nawal: "You didn't have dinner, dear."

Suha: "I'm not hungry. Good night," and she left.

They returned to the dining table.

Saud: "The one thing I'm puzzled about."

Mishal: "What?"

Saud: "We were all shocked when Waad couldn't breathe, even our esteemed doctor didn't move from his place. Why did Suha, who noticed, act differently?"

Walid: "You're right. I couldn't move or comprehend until Suha called Ahmad."

Yasser: "There's only one meaning. Suha knows what's wrong with Waad. Otherwise, who would believe that Suha, who wouldn't move in such a situation, was the only one who acted this time?"

Nada: "Honestly, these two, in particular, I expect they have secrets that no one knows about. So, if something happens to Waad, surely Suha would know and vice versa."

Saud: "I need to catch her and interrogate her, this lady. At least her lies are immediately apparent."

Ibrahim: "I'm going to sleep. I don't want any noise." He signaled Noha and Joud: "don't wake me with the TV sound, or I'll break it over your heads."

A new morning brings new events and squabbles anew.

Dressed in his military uniform to add to his already imposing presence: "Oh no, I can't believe Waad is coming down before me."

Waad: "Good morning."

Suha: "Good Morning to the sweet ones."

: "Good morning."

Ibrahim, who is on his phone: "Yes, brother... Alright, I'll come to you, God willing, just after I drop off Waad... When did he tell you... Okay, stay at the hospital... Alright, goodbye."

Khaled: "What's wrong, Dad? Is Uncle in the hospital?"

Ibrahim: "No, he needs me for a matter."

Waad: "Suha, call me, I want to see if I'm deaf or not."

Suha: "Waad the nitpicker."

Waad: "I said call me, not insult me."

Suha: "No, just to make sure you can hear properly. But why would your ear hurt?"

Waad: "No, I just wanted to tell some people that we're not deaf; we can hear what's being said."

Ibrahim: "Waad, looks like you want to be scolded this morning, right?"

Waad: "No way, Ibrahim, to argue with your sick daughter, I didn't expect that from you."

Saud: "All this squabbling and you're nitpicking, then what would you do if you were well?"

Waad: "Say "i hope you get well soon," instead of going to the institute, Dad might take me with him."

Ibrahim: "I'll marry you off, maybe you'll become sensible."

Waad: "Easy, I'll come to you every day."

Ibrahim: "Actually, I'll marry you to someone who will take you abroad, I'll see if one of my employees who is studying abroad will take you with him."

Waad, pretending to be happy: "Oh, Ibrahim, it would be a favor."

She didn't realize until a tissue box hit her face from Saud: "Ah, what's the matter, Mr. Saud?"

Saud: "Who among us called my father Ibrahim before you? You don't respect anyone."

Khaled: "And, aren't you ashamed to say it in front of us that you want to get married?"

Waad: "A family with no hope, even the one studying abroad sees a girl talking about marriage as shameful, but for a man, it's normal."

Suha hugs her from behind: "Waad, no, God, you're going to travel and leave me."

Waad: "Okay, Dad, look for two so you can marry us all off."

Saud: "If you had any sense, you would have agreed to Omar, he has a course abroad in Saudi Arabia for a year."

Waad: "We closed that topic a long time ago."

Saud: "You still have time to reconsider, and I'll speak to him."

Waad: "Oh my God, Saud, even if I wanted to study abroad, I wouldn't marry just anyone, and besides, Omar is just like you, no better."

Saud: "Why, what's wrong with me? I'm a good guy."

Waad: "And I don't want a good guy, I want someone understanding, I don't want to live my life with new rules, switching from the role of a daughter to that of a wife, no, my dear, I want to live my life."

Ibrahim: "Are you hitting me with your words?"

Waad: " you're the epitome of understanding... But isn't it late, no one has come down yet."

Suha: "They'll come down one after the other, but you always come last, don't you feel it?"

Waad: "I come last because I have nothing else, but I expect Noha always comes after me, I want to charge that girl, maybe she'll speed up a bit. When I came down she was taking a shower."

Suha: "It's not new for her to be so laid-back."

Yasser. Ahmad. Mishal. Walid: "Good morning."

: "Good morning."

Everyone sat in their place.

Yasser: "How are you this morning, Dad?"

Ibrahim: "Well, thank God."

Ahmad: "And you, Waad, how are you after last night?"

Waad, who is busy on the phone: "I'm fine, don't worry."

Suha whispers to Waad: "What's the news?"

Waad shows her the phone screen with 35 calls: "Waad, you have to do something."

Waad: "I'll get a new SIM card today."

Suha: "How can you just get it like that?"

Waad plays with her eyebrows: "Don't worry, I'll come up with a story."

Suha: "God help us if Saud or Yasser find out you're lying, they'll show you hell."

Waad: "Why? did they tell you I'm like you, everything shows on me?"

Suha: "God made me this way, I can't lie."

Ahmad: "Dad, I want to talk to you about something."

Ibrahim: "Go ahead."

Ahmad: "I intend to propose."

Ibrahim smiles: "Congratulations, son... Choose wisely from your cousins."

Ahmad: "No, Dad, I don't want my cousins."

Ibrahim: "Why? Are you planning to propose to someone from outside?"

Ahmad: "I want Maha, my aunt's daughter."

Ibrahim: "Maha, go back to her father, propose to your cousins."

Suha: "Seriously, my cousins are better than her."

Ahmad looks at them: "What, I didn't hear."

Ibrahim: Why, what's wrong with her, just talk.

Waad: "She's arrogant, her coquetry is disgusting and boring, and she's ugly too."

Ibrahim: "I don't want your opinions, Ahmad will talk to you at that time, otherwise, it's none of your business, and I don't want to hear this talk again, she's my niece."

Nada: "Good morning."

: "Good morning."

Ibrahim: "Hello, my sensible daughter."

Nada smiles at him, kisses his head: "May God keep you for us."

Ibrahim: "You know, your sister agreed to Assaf."

Khaled: "Congratulations, Nada, we'll be happy for you, Assaf deserves you."

Saud: "Well, you chose well, Assaf is a man, not like some people who are rejecting Omar."

Waad: "Congratulations, Nada, and I will pray for your wellness every day."

Saud: "Why? Is she marrying a criminal?"

Waad: "No, a jailer."

Ibrahim stands up: "Get up, just get up, anyone who sits with you gets a headache, and nothing pleases you. Good luck, kids. Goodbye."

She got up and wrapped her scarf: "Suha and Nada, we're not included in the invitation, even the prayers are specific to the boys."

Khaled: "Waad, Dad meant all of us."

Waad smiled at him: "Yeah, just kidding... Bye."

Saud: "Where are Noha, Joud, Dana, and Walid?"

Walid: "I'm here, good morning."

: "Good morning."

Joud, Noha: "Good morning."

: "Good morning."

Walid: "Dana is left, strange she hasn't come down yet."

Joud: "Today they have a party or something, no lectures, and she's not going."

At the hospital.

Ahmed saw his father and was surprised: "Dad, I hope all is well, are you complaining about something?"

Ibrahim: "No, I'm fine, I just want the hospital director."

Ahmed: "We were together in an operation and we just finished."

Ibrahim: "Okay, I'll go to him myself. You go on with your work."

Ahmed: "Let me come with you, Dad."

Ibrahim: "No need, I know the way. Goodbye."

In the director's office: "Good morning."

"Good morning. Welcome, Mr. Ibrahim, please come in."

"Please reassure me, doctor, what's the result?"

The doctor smiled: "Positive, the girl is your daughter, Ibrahim."

Ibrahim smiled with relief: "I've informed her father, and he will tell her the result because it seems the girl doesn't yet know about her family, nor does she know that we've taken a sample from her for a DNA test..."

Ibrahim: "I will talk to her, this is my daughter, doctor, I'm going to see her. Thank you, doctor, you've been very helpful."

"You're welcome, it's our duty. And if you need anything, I'm here."

"Thank you. Goodbye."

He left the hospital, breathing easily for the first time in 20 years. His daughter, who was taken from him at her cradle, has returned to him now at the age of twenty. "Oh God, how merciful you are, my daughter has finally returned to my arms." He got into his car to make his way to the home where his daughter had lived for 20 years, her childhood and adolescence. But her youth will be spent in my arms, in my home. "Oh God, how kind you are? How have you kept me patient for all these years? Oh God, I feel as if my heart will leap out of its place, leaving to her, yes, to my little soul, my daughter Mayar."

Yasmine: "So, the test results are out."

Mahmoud: "Yes, and her father is coming to take her now."

Mahmoud: "I seek forgiveness from god. Najat just woke up after 20 years. Why didn't they take her back when she was little, when she didn't understand anything? How are we going to tell her now?"

Abdullah: "Dad, in any case, she will return to her family, whether it's sooner or later, as long as they are alive."

Amani: "She just woke up when she was raised among us. Where was she when she brought her to us, wrapped in her blanket, only a day old? And where was she for 20 years? She didn't think to confess her crime until now, all of a sudden. We saw her when she brought her to us, and then there was no sign of her."

Mahmoud: "Now the problem is how to tell her about her family. We also participated in this crime with . We didn't go to the police and report it at the time, and we took the girl into our family and gave her my last name."

Salaf: "When are you going to tell her, now that her father is coming?"

Mahmoud: "I feel like I can't bring up the subject with her."

She entered her room, shocked by what she heard. I'm not their daughter. Whose daughter am I, and who is this woman who left me for 20 years? Could it be that I am a daughter of Adul.... She choked on the word, finding it difficult to pronounce. She choked on it and couldn't continue. Oh Lord, have mercy on me. I don't want to be this way. Oh Lord. She heard the doorbell, sat for a while, and decided to go out, maybe to hear something useful, something to calm her heart and give her peace.

The woman: "Oh Yasmine, I spoke to her uncle, and he said her father is coming now to take her."

Yasmine: "Why did you leave her with us if you're not her mother?"

The woman: "I was forced, Yasmine, I swear I was forced."

Mahmoud: "Nothing forces you to deprive a family of their daughter or a daughter of growing up in her family's embrace."

The woman: "They forced me, threatened to kill my husband and children if I didn't take the girl as soon as her mother gave birth to her."

Yasmine: "And why didn't you come back to ask about her? Why did you tell us she was your daughter and leave her with us as a trust, saying you would travel for treatment for a few months and then return, only for us to receive news of your death two months later?"

The woman: "I know I was wrong, but I came back to correct my mistake, and the girl's family's hearts are aching to see her."

Yasmine: "How could you bear to see a mother suffer from the separation from her daughter, whom she might not even have seen or held to her chest?"

The woman, crying: "I must return the girl to her family."

Mahmoud: "But we haven't told her, and besides, she is also our daughter, raised among us."

Yasmine, sorrowfully for the girl raised before her eyes: "May God forgive you."

She screamed at them while crying: "May God never forgive you, you criminal, may God never forgive you. How can I accept a family that's not mine? How can I sleep in the embrace of a mother who is not my mother? How can a father who is not my father provide for me? How can I sit with brothers who are not my brothers and are not lawful for me? You only thought of yourself. Suddenly, you decided everything in my life should change. May God never forgive you, may God never forgive you."

She was devastated, unable to utter two words without a sob that expressed the extent of her pain. How could she control her life? Who gave her the right to deprive her of her family, her mother, her father, her brothers? Oh Lord, something she had gotten used to and lived with for 20 years suddenly ends, and they tell me to start from scratch. This is your father, and this is your mother, and these are your sisters and brothers. Oh Lord, how will I get used to them? Oh Lord, have mercy on me, oh Lord, be gentle with me. This will kill me, oh Lord, oh Lord, be gentle with me.

Mahmoud: "Calm down, dear, calm down."

She raised her head to him: "How could your heart allow you to deprive a girl of her family? How could you raise a girl who is not your daughter?"

Mahmoud: "I didn't know you weren't this woman's daughter when we received news of her death. I decided to take you into our family so you could live honored among us. I didn't want to send you to an orphanage, and you became my daughter. You were breastfed by my wife along with Nawaf, may he rest in peace."

What is she supposed to say, thank you for saving me from being lost, or what? She knows she is lost, yes, lost. Where can she find herself? "So, you want me to go to people I don't know." 

Mahmoud calms her: "But you do know them, dear. The blood that runs in your veins is theirs, and your features belong to them. They are your family, and you won't feel like a stranger among them. Don't make it difficult for yourself, for us, and for your family. They are longing to see you, and we don't want to leave you in this state. You will suffer, dear. You must return to them. You have a mother waiting for you, a father who wants to see you, to pronounce his name after yours, to be proud to have a daughter like you, and brothers who want to see you sitting among them, comfortable with them."

She began to try to calm down. He is right, he is right. My blood is theirs; I am their daughter. But even if I am, I haven't gotten used to them. What if this woman is lying? Maybe they are not my family.

Yasmine spoke: "Come on, my girl, get your things ready. Your father is coming now."

Mahmoud: "Calm down, dear, calm down."

She was dragging her steps, and her sisters followed her, helping her. But all she could do was sit on the bed and let her tears flow down her cheeks. She was still in shock, wondering how she could accept the situation. Shouldn't they have told her first and given her time to decide before forcing her to go to her family? She was fed up with that woman, angry at her for deciding everything on her own. Who forced her to take me from the day my mother gave birth to me? Why didn't she ask her? What would I gain from knowing, or would it just make things harder for me? But I have to adapt to the new situation; I have to. I don't want my life to stop. I have to adjust. I don't know if I'm fooling myself by saying this, or how I'll adapt to their situation immediately. Oh God, make it easy, make it easy. Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Salaf: "Susu."

She turned to her: "Yes."

Amani: "We finished arranging your things. We didn't leave anything out. Anything you don't want when you arrange your room at their place, just throw it away."

Sarah: "It will be okay."

Salaf: "Dad is asking if we're done because your dad is in the living room."

Sarah: "Tell him we're done."

Amani, puzzled: "You're going to your family like this?"

Sarah: "Why? aren't they accepting me as I am?"

Amani: "Susu, what are you saying? Where is the elegant girl? Come on, get up, wash your face, put on some eyeliner and lipstick, and change your clothes. We don't want anything more."

Sarah, resignedly: "Okay."

She went out to the living room and saw them waiting for her to finish. She saw her mother wiping away her tears at the thought of parting from her daughter. Yes, her daughter, who was raised in her lap, whom she stayed up for when she was sick, even if she didn't give birth to her, she remains her daughter who came to her one day and grew up before her eyes.

Sarah, in a calm voice: "I'm ready."

Abdullah: "Let's go to the living room."

Abdullah walked in front of her. She stood at the door, unable to take a step forward or back.

Ibrahim stood up, his heart leaping at the sight of her. He noticed how scared she was and saw her tears not clinging to her eyelashes. He stood in front of her and lifted her head, smiling: "My daughter, my daughter Mayar."

Her eyes were lost in the man standing in front of her, when he spoke, she felt she knew him, didn't feel he was a stranger. Suddenly, she felt his hands enveloping her and hugging her to his chest: "Finally, my dear, you've returned to me. Finally, my eyes are soothed by seeing you. My eyes haven't rested a day when you weren't in my house, nor has my heart been at peace, always wondering where you are."

In their home, they are waiting for their father at the dining table, and their expressions are evident.

Waad: "That's it, Dad is adding more rules, and he's the one delaying us. It's already 3:15."

Rahma: "The absent are always excused."

Waad: "I'm going to bed. If your adventurous knight comes, tell him he's the one keeping us waiting."

Nawal: "Do you think everyone is talkative? Sit down until your father comes."

Saha: "Mom, it's not fair. We're tired. Look at our faces. We're sad and want to sleep."

Saud: "Waad, don't sleep, I need you after lunch."

Waad: "No, you guessed wrong, Mr. Saud. If you need me, wait until the evening."

The door opened, and Ibrahim entered with a woman.