Do they also deserve to die?


When Kim landed after the long flight, she didn't waste any more breath and headed straight to Fil's hometown. According to Jackson's people, there was only one person who moved into the town nearest Fil's parent's home. 

The house was small and old, with some new patches around. The dim yellow light on the porch brought this somber atmosphere.

When the wind blew from behind Kim, she glanced up at the house. It was already evening here, but Kim was never afraid of darkness or the night. Yet, right at this moment, she couldn't deny the traces of dread creeping up her spine. 

"Did you confirm?" she asked the second she felt a presence behind her. 

"Yes," answered the man in black. "It's him."

A glint flickered across Kim's eyes as all her facial features turned sharp. In the blink of an eye, the two figures outside the rundown townhouse disappeared, only to reappear inside the quiet home.