The Abyss Will Stare Back

The classes continued as usual until it was Professor Damian's class.

"Nathan, are you ready for the upcoming math competition?" Damian asked Nathan, the others looked at him.

"I guess so." Nathan only reviewed things here and there, so it was really apt that he used those words. The knowledge already retained in his mind so all he needed to review. If he doesn't make it through the competition, then it's just his bad luck.

"We have already finalized the questions and procedure for the competition, it will be two days from now." Professor Damian announced.

"I managed to invite Professor Rafael, the one who gave me that last question for the mock test I gave Nathan and Selene."

Nathan raised his eyebrows, the final question in that test was really interesting and also a question not specifically on their level. With Professor Damian's words, it can be inferred that the question was for Damian himself to answer.

'That's why it was hard' Nathan sighed inwardly.

Professor Damian wanted to shock his students but it didn't go within his expectations. No one from the student body, even Nathan, knew of Professor Rafael. He can only blame himself for being excited for the students when he shouldn't have.

He changed the topic and continued the lessons stated in the lesson plan.

Nothing exciting happened the rest of the morning, the two classes of Nathan went as usual.

The only thing he knows are the bunch of stares that are constantly eyeing him. When walking at the campus, almost everyone would glance at him before looking away as he looked back.

The students at first only heard of an "amazing junior," though in a bad way. It was more interesting talking about a person on the brink of failing than someone who had already failed. They only hear rumors but they don't really know Nathan.

Then that incident with Professor Damian happened, almost all the upperclassmen had been handled by the professor so they knew how smart the latter was and how he made the test. They were all shocked when the news reached them that an underclassman managed to beat a professor.

They were curious and didn't believe at first so they asked the professor directly and the latter confirmed, this made them intrigued that Nathan was hiding his intelligence. They wondered what was the point?

Amidst their internal reflection, Nathan dropped another bomb on them, a video circulated in the internet. Those who are friends with Nathan immediately shared it so the number of people who saw it increased as time went on.

With this video, they agreed to the idea that Nathan really was hiding was ability. Nathan sang really well, like really well. They wondered again why Nathan was keeping such an ability a secret. They don't know what was going on with Nathan's mind but something must've changed since he's now displaying his capabilities.


Nathan was heading to the canteen as it was now lunch time together with Warlock.

"You didn't answer my call last night, what was that video, is that edited? Was that fake? Warlock barrage Nathan with questions as they sat down.

Nathan raised his eyebrows as he asked Warlock to calm down, "Are you my mom, I was tired last night so as soon as I answered my mom's call I slept as soon as possible."

Warlock didn't mind Nathan's remark and asked again, "So, is that video real?"

"What do you think?" Nathan answered Warlock with another question.

"Well, it sounds and looks real." Warlock couldn't think of anything weird in the video.

"There you have it." Nathan said as he got up and ordered food.

"Artificial Intelligence is scary nowadays so- "Warlock continued but Nathan didn't bother to listen. The former sighed and stood up, he also bought something to eat.

After buying they sat down and started eating.

While eating though, Nathan asked Warlock suddenly, "I know this is sudden but why did you decide to study here? With your money and status, it wouldn't be a stretch that you'll be able to enter a more prestigious university."

Warlock's eating was put to a stop with that question. He looked at Nathan before grabbing a glass of water and swallowed what he was eating.

"Well, it's not a topic that I should be mentioning, but do you believe in the supernatural?" Warlock said with a troubled face.

"Supernatural?" Nathan raised an eyebrow. Was he familiar with it? If the system can be considered a supernatural phenomenon, then he believed that he knew of one.

"Yes, we have someone at home well-versed in the supernatural act of finding fate. That's all I can tell you, I'll be in big trouble if I tell you anymore." Warlock said hesitatingly, this secret seeps deep in the roots of the Miller family, so it wouldn't be appropriate to say anymore. He was already considering if he might've said a little too much.

Nathan understood where Warlock was coming from so he didn't bother to force the topic to the latter, it might affect their relationship.

They continued eating as Nathan digested the newfound information he had just gathered.

If going by how Warlock acted he guessed that this supernatural stuff is crucial to the founding of the Miller family.

Supernatural is a common trope in fiction, so aside from his system he can now conclude that there are other types of supernatural concepts scattered on the world.

He sighed inwardly as he tried to look into the future. It seemed that his future wouldn't be as smooth as he originally thought.

"When you look at the abyss, the abyss looks back." Nathan murmured silently.

"What did you say?" Warlock thought that Nathan was saying something.

"It's nothing." Nathan said. Warlock didn't take note of it and continued eating.

When you look at the abyss, the abyss looks back. It's a line from a famous Philosopher. His situation now more or less pertains to what is happening to him now.