The Hell-Cyborg and the Android

As everyone in the Jade Palace kept training and improving their fighting skills, Dante took a small break when he saw Alexander Spring walking with his android and making their way to the lab.

The laboratory was right beside the MET room, where they were training, and the warlock decided to follow Alex out of curiosity, seeing that his umbra looked conflicted.

When he arrived at the lab, he saw Paige, Dr. Sylva, and Sami gathered there, waiting for Alexander and Android 16.

The Spring handler was interested in studying the critical differences between Android 16 and Sami, so the man asked the Zeta Team, who specialized in research, to help him out.

At that moment, Dante entered the lab and said that he would lend a hand, as he had been the one who gave Sami her soul and he also wanted to learn more about the androids.