The Brazen News Reporter

While the mafia infiltrated the necropolis, an unknown man and woman were sneaking through the dense forest beside the city.

They wore facemasks to cover their faces, and the man had a large camera on his back that he carefully unloaded and turned on as soon as they reached the partition that split the necropolis from the forest.

"Quick, Dirk… Let's get a shot of this," the woman whispered to the cameraman.

"Okay… and… action!" Dirk replied, pointing the camera at the woman as the corrupted buildings were visible in the background.

"We are here on the site of the disaster. As you can see, the buildings behind me have been covered with a strange, solid substance… We still don't know what it could be, but our team will keep investigating to bring you the truth! My name is Tanya Petrovna. Stay tuned for more!" The woman said, holding a microphone and showing her face to the camera, only to cover it up as soon as the take was done.