The Netherlord, Radeon

While Megan fought the stone Death Knight at the construction site, Lindsey and Irina were busy dealing with Radeon, whose unknown magic proved to be a problem for the pair.

Lindsey's elemental magic allowed her to deflect and avoid most of the spells directed at her. However, Irina struggled to land a hit on the skeleton.

When it came to close combat, Irina had more experience and physical strength than Lindsey, while the blonde had a larger mana pool to cast spells. 

Considering that the vampire couldn't even get close to the Death Knight, fighting him with magic was their best choice.

Radeon used the battle to study Lindsey's magic in more detail. The skeleton was aware of how elementalists used their mana, but it was his first time seeing someone who could use all four elements with ease.

Still, Lindsey seemed to rely heavily on her wind element and only used the others on specific occasions, which caught Radeon's attention.