Irina’s Boost

After Megan found the injured Irina inside the destroyed office, the vampire stated that she could definitely kill Radeon if she drank some blood to power her up.

When the vampire clan became friends with the Jade Dragons, many of them wondered if they had to drink blood to stay alive. However, that wasn't the case.

For vampires, human blood was like a drug that would drastically increase their physical and magical strength, and the duration of the effect would depend on how much blood they drank.

Drinking too much blood could turn a vampire into a monster they called the "Sanguines," which would disfigure their entire bodies until they weren't recognizable anymore.

Moreover, vampires weren't compatible with everyone's blood, and Asphodel gave her children an example by stating that only she and Balthazar would be able to drink the blood of someone such as Dante.