As Isidor remembered all of the details that led him to become a Death Knight for Netherius, the necromancer asked the knight to rest and made him fall unconscious.
"What do you mean he asked you to make him forget?" Alice pondered, curious about their relationship.
Netherius glanced at the ex-detective with a bit of disinterest, but when he fixed his gaze, he got more curious about her as he could sense that she was a dark paladin, which the necromancer considered to be extremely rare.
With a polite but slightly condescending tone, Netherius told the pair the story of his deal with Isidor and how he gave him another chance at life after being betrayed by his goddess.
The story cemented the reasoning for the hatred that people had towards Goddess Aelara. However, while Netherius genuinely believed he had done Isidor a favor, Alice thought otherwise.
"So, you took advantage of a broken man?" Alice asked, sharpening her gaze.