The war machine

"Real or fake? Is this really… basic architecture!"

Shine looked at the Abyss Hatchery Pool in front of him and continuously sighed.

"From level 1 Soldier type to level 100 Soldier type, everything can be recruited."

"But this is still just a level 1 structure. If I raise it to a higher level, how strong will the recruitment effect be?"

"Unfortunately, it's just a bit expensive."

Abyss Hatchery Pool costs: 10,000 resource points, but can only be created on abyss or similar abyss land.

The costs of Abyss Sacrifice and Gate of the Abyss are 100,000 and 20,000, respectively.

The architecture in the territory is the same as the territory, you can also buy and upgrade.

It's just that the effects of these two things after leveling up are a bit different.

When you level up a territory, you can create more and more new types of structures, such as the Altar of Heroes, which is used to recruit heroic races. The Mage Tower accommodates and recruits mages, or other basic level-up structures, such as forging workshops and large smelting rooms to create higher-grade equipment.

After leveling up a normal structure, you can increase the type of soldier you recruit, while reducing the amount of resources consumed, or just outright reducing the time it takes to recruit soldiers.

However, the appearance of Abyss Hatchery Pool broke all the rules that have been encountered before!

Because it displays all Soldier types, all of which can be recruited directly.

There are no scientific or technical conditions, nor any recruitment restrictions.

As long as Shine can activate it and at the same time take out the corresponding resources, then he can completely recruit without limit.

"Yes, activate it."

While thinking about this, Shine suddenly realized a problem.

It was at this time that the Abyss Hatchery Pool remained in an inactive "Dry" Status.

More than just the Abyss Hatchery Pool!

The entire Endless Abyss gave Shine a very strange feeling.

Endless Abyss itself, containing countless planes within it, seems to have been dead for a long time.

During the half-day period, Shine did not see any living creatures in the abyss.

Regardless of whether it's an animal or a plant, it's not there!

Except for the vortex in the sky that was revolving from beginning to end, the entire abyss was in a strange, terrifyingly quiet state.

The word dry is not only suitable for the Abyss Hatchery Pool which is covered by countless black tentacles but also suitable for the abyss itself.

"Regardless of the situation in the plane, these things are strange and have nothing to do with me. I'll still check how to activate the Abyss Hatchery Pool first."

Thinking of this, Shine sat on the abyss throne and continued to question the method of dispelling the Abyss Hatchery Pool's now dry state.

The results of the patrol made Shine sigh.

[Remove the dry state of Abyss Hatchery Pool, input 500 souls.]

After seeing this answer, Shine relaxed.

Because this condition is not difficult for him.

Normal souls are sold inside Heavenly Dao Mall, and they are called soul stones, the price is roughly a few resources.

And since he has the original resources, he can directly exchange those soul stones containing souls.

Moreover, because Shine chose 2 randomly from the beginning, he holds 1.5 times the resource points, which is a total of 1500 resource points.

"It turns out that as long as the soul stone can relieve the dry state, then the method of activating this structure is not too difficult. But this is normal. After all, this is basic architecture. If it is too difficult to say, it is estimated that no one can complete it.

"In addition to that, there is also a third, similar to a sect-like structure, similar to the Gate of the Abyss."

"What function does it have?"

Shine click on Gate of the Abyss, and examine this architecture.

Which Gate of the Abyss introduces, but is relatively straightforward.

[Ignoring any world plane wall rules, opening a two-dimensional passage that cannot be destroyed but can be erased.]

Simple, but not simple!

Shine widened his eyes, looked at Gate of the Abyss several times after the introduction, and finally confirmed that he was not mistaken.

"Ignoring any world plane wall rules? Cannot be destroyed?

"If these things add up, is it considered…"

"Basic architecture?"

Under most circumstances, the transmission gate does not belong to ordinary structures.

In normal territories, only those with at least level 3 can master the production of transmission technology.

Furthermore, the production cost of common transmission gates is extremely high, and they are easily damaged.

There's nothing better than this high risk, which also carries a very high meaning of return.

Because the creation of the transmission gate sooner or later will determine whether these new student lords can or cannot pass the trial.

Because the Lord's trial demands two things.

One is to create at least level 10 territory, and at the same time ensure that it will not be destroyed.

The higher the level of the territory, the higher the trial score.

Second, when the test ends, you must have at least 100,000 resource points.

Regardless of whether you cut wood yourself, grow crops, hunt, collect ore, or plunder others, as long as you have 100,000 resource points, you'll pass.

Likewise, the more resource points you collect, the higher your score at the end of the trial will be!

Your trial score will determine what rewards you will receive after completing the trial.

These trial rewards include hero unit quotas, Soldier type mutations, lord enhancement skills, and so on.

The higher your score in the trial, the better the quality of rewards you will receive in the trial.

However, wanting to obtain 100,000 resource points is an extremely difficult task.

Because if you want to rely on the resources around your territory to get 100,000, it's completely impossible to succeed. After all, many races' initial resource conditions are not at all considered to be rich. Even if they barely managed to gather these 100,000 resources, they would only barely meet the standard.

But in this practice match, where are the resources that are the most abundant? Where are the resources most likely to help you collect 100,000 resource points faster?

There is only one answer, and that is the transmission gate to reach the trial continent!

The Trial Continent is a single continent created by the Heavenly Dao System, with resources on it deliberately piled up to an extremely fertile state.

If you want to pass this trial, you must build a full transmission gate, send your Citizens to trial the Continent, set up a colonization site, and bring back the resources the Citizens have taken.

But of course, everyone wants to go to the Continent trial, so you can't just send commoners to gather resources.

Once your competitors discover you, they will not hesitate to kill your civilian unit, plunder the resources you are gathering, and then conveniently destroy your transmission gate.

Therefore, you must, while creating a colonization site, maintain a military unit that can protect civilians.

Only in this way will you be able to smoothly pass this lord's trial.

Now that Shine had just established a territory, he could directly create a transmission gate, which made him somewhat doubt whether his luck was good or bad.

The downside is that in his original environment, there were no resources that could be collected.

"Wait, I see…."

Suddenly, Shine seemed to have something in mind and looked towards Abyss Sacrifice, Abyss Hatchery Pool, and Gate of the Abyss.

He finally started to string these three out.

"This world was once a world war."

Shine raised her head and looked toward the swirling sky.

Don't know why.

The vortex in the sky seemed to feel Shine's attention.

In the middle of it, the vortex that looked like an ordinary eye seemed to be staring at Shine.

"Endless Abyss doesn't have any valuable resources, nor does it need to exploit so-called resources."

Shine looked at the thousands of miles of desolate land under his feet, looking at the distance, which had already withered and weathered all kinds of remains.

"Because the Endless Abyss itself lives by plunder!"

"It is a living station, a war machine!"

"Using war to nourish war and ignite the endless fire of war is the Endless Abyss model of survival."

"It does not need so-called civilization, nor does it need any communication, but all other civilizations can also hear and understand its meaning."

"Because its appearance only means that war is coming!"

Thinking of this, Shine finally passed through sadness and smoke.

His eyes lit up, he walked to the Abyss Hatchery Pool, used 500 resource points to exchange 500 soul stones, and at the same time put each one into it.


As the soul stone was buried in the Abyss Hatchery Pool, the black Abyss Hatchery Pool's tentacles in front of it gradually retracted, and then the entire Endless Abyss from the bottom began to emit a strange roar.

That was the war machine that had been silent for a long time, and after finally waking up, it emitted a terrifying boom.

"I love war the most, I have longed for war for a long time, endless war..."

Shine smiled and looked at the sky, looking at each other with the crimson vortex above.

"Is it finally starting?!"

He had always intended to suppress a certain type of desire and finally had the opportunity to be released.