
After the Abyss Hatchery Pool has been activated.

At this time, Shine was able to officially recruit soldiers.

All Abyss Soldier types can also be directly recruited. However, recruiting many special Abyss Soldier types requires resources, which Shine does not have.

Regardless, inside the Abyss Hatchery Pool Soldier type icon lit up.

And Shine didn't have much hesitation. Directly in the Heavenly Dao system, all remaining resource points were converted into soul stones and flesh in the store.

"In the Abyss Hatchery Pool, level 0, level 1, and level 2 Soldier types can only be recruited with only soul and flesh, so in the early stages I don't need to exchange for other supplies."

"Furthermore, because I don't have any resources nearby that can be collected, I don't need to spend any more time searching for other things."

Shine looked at the withered land around him and thought like that.

That said, after most lords establish their territories, they need to spend a large part of their energy to explore the surrounding land.

Doing so is to ensure the safety of one's territory, to expel wild beasts, enemy forces, and other special situations.

Second, once these lords verify that there are suitable circumstances surrounding them. Very soon, they will choose to establish an existence similar to "Mineralization" in the corresponding location, as much as possible to accelerate their development.

But Shine is completely not worried about these inevitable problems at this time. After all, this Endless Abyss world has long withered away, so there is no such thing as an enemy here that can attack Shine's territory.

Therefore, Shine's territory can be said to be safe.

And the only thing he had to worry about was how to attack!

"Now, if I want to continue developing, then I can only go to the trial continent to plunder resources."

"But before that, I need to first summon a few basic Soldier types to see their attributes."

Thinking of this, Shine directly put the stones of souls into the hatching pond.

As the hatching pond moved for a while, ten cocoons of different colors, just as tall as an adult, appeared in front of Shine.

On their surface, all kinds of strange patterns are engraved, some look like ghost faces, some look like special symbols, different.

But the only thing they have in common is that these symbols and patterns, in the eyes of any rational and emotional creature, cause instinctive feelings of unfavorability.

Level 1 Abyss Hatchery Pool, can only incubate ten cocoons like this at a time.

And these cocoons are the cocoons of demons.

In each cocoon, there exists a Little Devil that has not yet finished incubation.

Shine looked at the timer on the Heavenly Dao system. It was written above that the incubation of the Little Demon group would take time to complete.

Thirty seconds.

Among many level 0 Soldier types, this is considered very fast.

"Screeched!" "Dental!"

As soon as thirty seconds passed, these cocoons broke directly.

One after another sprouted bird wings, they looked like ugly little children. Little Demon appeared in front of Shine.

[Little Demon]

[Level 0 Soldier type.]

[Alignment: Chaotic Evil.]

[Abilities: Digging, transporting, chopping trees, etc.]

[Brief introduction: The weak of the weak in the Endless Abyss, have extremely strong adaptive abilities, you can use them at will, remember, it's used! Letting them work as miners, slaves, or even as experimental animals, or even eat them directly, is not a bad ending for them, those extremely corrupted evil souls.]

As soon as they opened their eyes, they revealed their absolute evil and greed, using their eyes filled with malice, they continuously scanned everything around them.

Even including Shine himself!

Even though they are Little Demons, they are equally evil.

However, when they felt the Lord's aura radiating from Shine's body and after the invisible vibrations under his throne emitted, this malice and greed suddenly disappeared without a trace.


However, when the 10 Little Demons incubated came out, Shine couldn't help but frown.

"What kind of situation is this, why aren't any of these Little Demon attributes the same?"

"There are Little Demons with Power 5, but there are also Little Demons with Power 2."

"There are Little Demons whose intelligence is up to 6 points, but there are Little Demons that only have 1 point."

This was a situation Shine had never encountered before.

This was the first time he had heard that a situation of the same Soldier type with different attributes would arise.

Theoretically speaking, a Soldier type recruited on the territory has fixed attributes.

But this time Shine summoned the Little Demons, completely without any fixed attributes!

Shine once again summoned 10 new Little Demons along with 10 level 1 Soldier type - Native lemures.

Sure enough, this time Shine had just summoned the Little Demon attributes but it was still completely chaotic.

Not only Little Demon, but even those Native lemures with attributes are completely chaotic!

"Is it completely chaotic on the attribute?"

"No, not just attributes."

"The Endless Abyss itself is also like that chaos."

Shine looked at these Little Demons and gradually understood some of the basic properties of Endless Abyss.

First, the chaos of the Endless Abyss not only manifests itself in the environment and rules, but the creatures in the Endless Abyss, and even everything in the Endless Abyss, will receive the influence of absolute chaos.

Having understood this point, Shine stopped researching further.

He is not a scholar, there is no need for him to understand this Endless Abyss so well.

He just needs to be able to take advantage of Endless Abyss.

However, while Shine was preparing to spam "Recruit Soldiers" and bring those Little Demons into the trial continent, the unexpected happened again.

"Okay, let me create a team with these Little Demons in the system. In the absence of heroes or generals, all Soldier-type commanders can only be left to me to do."

Just when Shine was forming a team, he suddenly discovered that the first group of Little Demons he had summoned had only eight remaining!

Two Little Demons disappeared!

They completely disappeared, and Shine couldn't find them in the system.

When Shine was suspicious and locked his territory's perspective on the Little Demon group, a terrifying scene appeared in his eyes.

The remaining eight Little Demons were biting and tearing apart the bodies of the other two Little Demons.

They were happily cheering and enjoying their first meal since birth!

They are extremely lucky, extremely lucky that they are alive.

They didn't care at all, what they swallowed was their kind.

The only thing they know is their urgent hunger that needs to be satisfied!

After the bodies of these two Little Demons were eaten and cleaned, the remaining Little Demons were completely unsatisfied.

Even though they were no longer hungry, they would still crave more.

So, they once again turned their sights on their kind.

This time, the first group to be summoned that produced Little Demons only had 7 left...

Greed, wickedness, desire, forever unsatisfied.

But they...

Nature is like that!