Demon characteristics

In front of Shine, this play of mutual carnage was not just Little Demons.

Not far away, the Lemures that Shine recruited were also killing each other and devouring each other.

Just as Shine projected his perspective onto those Little Demons, these demons, twice as large as the Little Demons, had their tentacles tearing apart one of their species, and at the same time, they finished eating him.

What's even scarier is that these Lemures are much stronger than Little Demon and want to devour existences not just of their kind.

Little Demons is also on their menu!



Following each scream, the first group of Lemures began to search for "suitable" Little Demons to satisfy their food cravings.

The second group of Little Demons, without even having time to devour each other like the first group, immediately turned into Lemure food!

The flesh was dragged down, fresh blood was drunk.

A Little Demon cried out miserably and was caught by a Lemure and firmly pressed to the ground.

No matter how it tries to escape from the other party's confinement, it is all a waste of effort.

Lemure race is stronger than the Little Demon's, not only in appearance but also in power!

The little demon's eyes gradually become gloomy his eyes filled with pain and unwillingness.

But all of these things were the ultimate enjoyment for Lemure.

Because the demon race and other races are slightly different.

When they hunt, their purpose is not simply to fill their stomachs.

The true purpose of demons is to spread pain, to destroy everything they can destroy, and to savor the taste of fear in the eyes of other living beings!

This is the true purpose of this type of demonic creature.

They are born perverts, bastards, slave owners, and crazy!


From the beginning, Shine thought that they were devouring each other because they were hungry and thirsty.

After all, the performance of these Little Demons is like a starving ghost being born.

So after seeing this, he immediately bought a dozen Little Demons and Lemures' two days' worth of food from the Heavenly Dao store and gave it to them.

In addition to that, Shine also used the lord's command to order them to keep a certain distance between the two sides, and not to devour each other.

But all of this is only temporary.

Because of the vast majority of demons, they picked up the food quickly and without the slightest bit of hesitation, devoured it all in one go. 

Next, they went over to the other little devils to plunder them of the food they had in their hands.

Even though they were full, they still kept looking for more, their endless desire was like a curse, constantly driving these lowest and most despicable demons to gain more and more.

What, do you mean by the vast majority? Isn't there still a small portion of devils who don't do that?

Embarrassed, on the other hand, a small portion of the devils were hundreds of times more fierce than the majority.

Because they directly hid the food distributed by Shine and then went to plunder the food in the other devil's hands...


Since Shine had a little understanding of the devil, he quickly realized something.

Giving food to these demons can only simply slow down the speed at which they kill each other.

As long as they don't have a common goal, as long as they still have one breath, these demons will kill to the last.

However, this does not mean that there is no meaning to killing.

Shine observed that any group of demons that devoured other demons would gain 1-4 different attribute values.

The more of their kind they devour, the greater their gain will be.

According to theory, this group of ugly, despicable, and shameless bastards is slowly evolving, even though they use blood as the main price to evolve.

This is good news for Shine, but at the same time, it is bad news.

The good news is he is a Soldier type and seems to have a good upper limit.

The bad news is, if his Soldier type "Evolves" further, his trial will fail!

"Everyone stand still, no one is allowed to devour each other again!"

Shine forcibly used the lord's control to separate these Little Demons and Lemures from each other, slowly leading them to the front of the Gate of the Abyss.

At this time, Shine also discovered another major characteristic of these demons.

Demons, like all other races, obey the orders of their lords.

This is the decision of the Heavenly Dao system.

Any race is like that.

But the difference is that the demons will no doubt give the lord's orders, creating bit by bit...


Demons like this will inevitably or intentionally "distort" a little bit of the lord's orders and do some bad things.

For example, take advantage of the absence of people around, eat a Little Demon, etc.

In short.

This group of demons, in the eyes of the vast majority of races and lords, the Demon race, does not have the so-called "discipline".

"No, even though it's a bit early to go to the Continent trial now, but if I don't go, it's even more impossible."

"If I continue, it is estimated that there will only be one left of this group of demon soldiers."

Thinking of this, Shine opened the Gate of the Abyss as a lord and opened it for a long time, injecting the coordinates identified on the Heavenly Dao system into it.

"It doesn't make sense to let them show it off in my territory. It's better to let them go to trial the Continent to accumulate some resources."

The Trial Continent above has, not only resources but also countless primeval monsters transported by the Heavenly Dao.

They can not only produce new incubations for the flesh and blood the Little Demons need but can also provide extremely useful materials.

Therefore, Shine was preparing to take advantage of the other times when the lords were all trying to establish a transmission gate, and he would secretly swipe a wave of "Wild Monsters".

Similar to the ultimate law of countless real universes, in the experimental continent, the total amount of resources is usually fixed.

But the people who want to get these resources are constantly growing!

Why is the ultimate law called the "Dark Forest" so terrifying? In addition to the meaning itself, there is another layer of reason.

That is, following the Dark Forest, there will always only be plots and calculations and conflicts, there will always be only massacres, and wars that destroy everything.

All rational races will no longer be able to reduce the wars that easily lead to self-destruction and increase those wars that can grow themselves.

War, for them, is just a trick, not a goal.

But the meaning of war, for certain races and certain people, may be slightly different.

War, for certain races, is their only means of survival.

For some people, war is the only joy and only purpose.

As the crimson Gate of the Abyss opened, one after another the devil entered.

Shine, however, couldn't help but show a smile.

The Trial Continent finally welcomed its first "guest".


On the other side, on that Trial Continent, someone also noticed Shine's unusualness.

"What's the situation, someone can open the transmission gate on the first day of the trial. How is this possible?"

A sparrow, standing at the top of a tree, saw the unknown and destructive Gate of the Abyss opening in the distance, its eyes could not help but reveal fear and confusion.