Sneak attack


An arrow, no matter what race saw it, would have thought it was done carelessly and suddenly shot out from deep in the jungle.

Its existence is like spitting out its tongue like a venomous snake.

Dark, yet fatal.

Let people have absolutely no way to react.


The next second, this arrow pierced the head of a Little Demon, nailing its body to the branch of the big tree that was originally preparing to burn it.

Not only did this arrow directly send Little Demon back into the abyss to embrace, but it also made its corpse extremely miserable.

Except for an arrow stuck in the back of his head, this Little Demon's body was suspended thirty centimeters in the air because of the arrow's huge kinetic energy.

It's like a tattered old doll stuck on a stick.

But before his companions started to mock this pitiful Little Demon, more arrows quickly shot past them.

"Suu!" "Suu!" "Suu!"

There were three remaining Little Demons, also pinned to the tree.

In less than two seconds, the four original scouts sent out by Shine, along with the Little Demon group that collected resources, died quietly and without a sound in the forest.

On the trial continent map in the Shine system, news related to this area is covered by the fog of war.

But this is just the beginning.

On the other side, Shine sent out another demon squad and encountered the same encounter.

This squad is a mix between Lemure and Little Demon, their destination is a rare gold mine that can produce [ Adamantine ]

But their purpose is not to exploit this gold mine.

With less than 20 of them, they cannot carry a gold mine and operate normally.

Shine's purpose for sending them was simply to let them destroy the nearby level 1 metal slimes, Take their fallen corpses, and bring them back to the Endless Abyss.

But along the way, they had already opened a path gradually approaching the Adamant gold mine.

"Wow ah ah"

Suddenly, dozens of Centaur soldiers broke away from their ambush state and rushed out from the nearby jungle.

This group of strong Centaurs, while screaming strange slogans in their mouths, while waving sharp knives in their hands, rushed from both sides of the jungle towards this unprotected group of demons.

"Tak tak tach!"

Before waiting for this group of Little Demons to react, each bloody head spun and flew up.

When this group of Little Demons first fell to the ground, they weren't even completely dead, their bright red eyes still carried a bit of doubt.

It all happened so fast!

Compared to the lowest level after adulthood, which are level 3 Centaur soldiers, level 0 Little Demons, and level 1 Lemures, there is no fighting back.

Apart from the difference between the weapons of both sides, the attribute values of both sides are not of the same dimension at all.

In this Centaur group, their basic strength values are stable at 12 points, and their agility is at 17 points.

As for the Little Demons, although there is a gap in strength and agility due to the influence of the chaotic abyss, among them the highest strength is only 8 points, and the highest agility is only 6 points.

Such a comparison of attributes, coupled with the disparity in weapons, made this demon squad appear to be so stupid and weak when facing the Centaur invasion.

"Wow ah ah"

And after this team of Centaur soldiers destroyed this team of Little Demon, they didn't stop at all.

They moved with their strong horse legs and left this place with astonishing agility, leaving only corpses all over the ground.

This is a bit different from what they know about carrying away loot, but it's not incomprehensible.

In their eyes, these evil monsters do not belong to their spoils of war.

These monsters who polluted the environment and contaminated Mother Nature are the spoils of Mother Nature.

Because they are fighting for Mother Nature, the corpses of these devils must stay in this forest, exposed to the wind and sun, their souls will never be at peace.

Because of that, they didn't pay any attention.

Behind their backs, in that corner of the forest, in the eyes of a dying Little Demon.

Endless hatred and reluctance are emerging.

It, along with the Endless Abyss behind it, was angered!


[Very well, all sneak attacks were successful!]

On the other side, Vee watched team after team of Little Demons being dealt with and held back her sighs in her heart.

[I originally thought that this group of Centaur soldiers would use a more brutal method to deal with this lord monster, but I didn't expect that they would use such exquisite tactics.]

[Not only do they possess superior cavalry, but they also have powerful close combat abilities, they are really good Soldier types!]

In the meantime, consider her future.

Having paid a huge price to let the Centaur race take action, Vee began to stir up a new mindset.

After she created her transmission gate, she prepared to bring these Centaur soldiers and Usok Windwaker into her territory and become her subordinates.

Centaur warriors will greatly expand her early-stage combat abilities.

As for Usok Windwaker, he has the potential to be a hero.

This all increases exponentially, very fascinating.

And when she later reported her thoughts to Usok Windwaker, the leader of the Centaur tribe, Usok Windwaker, was indeed a little moved.

After all, being able to become a "Nature Spirit (Druid)" lord's subordinate, although a bit dangerous, also represents our Windwaker clan, for a long time, there will be a stable food supply.

A stable food supply, on this grassland where the annual mortality rate of young children is more than 60%, turns out to be so captivating.

But at this time Usok Windwaker was in no hurry to respond.

He knew that this Nature Spirit in front of him was not a kind person.

Since he wants to bring his tribe to join the Vee territory, he must also demonstrate his value as much as possible before joining.

Because only like this, he has more qualifications to bargain with this Nature Spirit.

"The Nature Spirit coming from afar, first of all, let's not rush…"

Usok Windwaker pulled his glossy black mane and said to Vee on his shoulder.

"The matter of our clan joining the alliance, we will discuss it later."

"The most important thing for us now, isn't it to destroy all the remaining monsters that have gathered in the jungle?"

"It's not just this group of monsters, we also have to destroy that passage, don't we?"

Looking at the strange and extreme abyss gate in the distance, Usok Windwaker showed a confident smile.