Black Sun

Another side.

Endless Abyss, inside Shine territory.

His first abyss sacrifice has begun.

From above the Abyss Sacrifice appeared an endless condensation of darkness, and the Tainted fragments of faith were devoured almost in an instant.

As Shine looked closely, these Tainted fragments of faith, for some reason, were being devoured in the process, emitting a far-reaching groan from any of the dead Goblins sacrificed.

However, these pitiful cries originated from those Goblin soul fragments that had deposited their spirituality and faith in this Fragments Of Faith.

Endless Abyss, this strange, chaotic, mysterious, and enchanting plane.

Reject these Goblin soul fragments.

Even though their actions, at first glance, were perfect, fitting the definition of Endless Abyss.

Brutal, chaotic, and crazy, taking evil for fun.

But now, there is also a difference between evil and evil.

The evil of the Goblin comes from the cowardice in their bones.

Their crazy behavior is trampling on the weak, being obsequious to the strong, and blindly worshiping the unknown and terrifying.

And Endless Abyss negates this kind of cowardly behavior.

The remaining souls of these goblins, in it's opinion, are pure trash.

As a result, after the condensation of darkness touched the remaining souls of these goblins, the remnant souls of these despicable goblins, finally got a chance to find out, what is the true darkness, cruelty, and pure evil!

They will witness firsthand, under the darkness and silence, the Root of All Evil will.

But all of these things are not Shine's main focus.

"Ah, a book? It's equipment again!"

He perfectly ignored the screams of the Goblin remnants and ignored the seemingly terrifying darkness condensation.

Instead, he quickly walked over to the Abyss Sacrifice and picked up this "Abyss Treasure".

Shine quickly discovered that this was a copy of some animal skin, a thick book with a pair of crimson eyes, and a magic sword engraved on the lid. Between these eyes and this magic sword, It is a throne that is very similar to the one in Shine's territory.

He didn't know how long the book itself had been sealed. When Shine opened it, a strong scent of blood inevitably hit his face.

But Shine did not see these things at all, but instead opened it, preparing to check the contents inside.

However, the moment Shine picked it up, a notification from the Heavenly Dao system arrived in front of Shine.

[You obtained, the only equipment: Codex of the Abyss (Incomplete)X1!]

[ Codex of the Abyss, Priest equipment, no attribute value bonuses. After equipping this equipment, you will ignore all conditions, automatically converted to Priest of the Abyss, and gain a new skill.]

"Is it a treasure that can automatically change Class? And it's also a very rare priest type…"

Don't wait for Shine to hesitate.

Suddenly, a painful tingling sensation appeared in his hand.

Shine lowered his head and looked towards the source of the pain, then was surprised to discover it.

This Abyss Code is actually "Alive", this item is alive?!

Countless darkness condensed and turned into thousands of tiny tentacles. It plunged firmly into the flesh and blood of Shine's hands.

They're so tight, even if Shine wants to throw this "Codex of the Abyss" away, there's no way.

Because these dark things condensed into tiny tentacles, Shine and the Codex of the Abyss were tightly locked together.

At first, Shine was thinking about what to do to stop these tiny tentacles, but he quickly stopped.

Because he was surprised to discover that his control over the demons in his territory had increased!

In the past, he needed to use the Heavenly Dao system to force those to do the orders but suddenly became extremely respectful to him.

All the demons in the territory, after sensing his consciousness as a lord, instinctively obeyed.

Even if Shine lets them temporarily suppress all their desires and use all their strength to accomplish a goal that is a death goal, they will still do it!

[Class transfer completed, you have become a Priest of the Abyss, your current level is level 1!]

[You gained a passive skill: Heart of the Abyss.]

[Heart of the Abyss: You can completely control all abyss creatures that belong to you, and force them to act according to your will. Note: This skill can be paired with Sacrifice Pact, Sacrificial Soul, Final Rites, and other skill types.]

[Note: You have automatically learned the Abyssal language.]

"Heart of the Abyss, force them?"

These black tentacles, after the Shine Class transfer was completed, gradually returned to the Codex of the Abyss.

And on the back of Shine's hand, a faint, special tattoo appeared.

It was a black Sun tattoo, and in the middle of the black Sun, a symbol was engraved that was so vague that it was indistinct.

However, regarding this tattoo, Shine does not object.

Anyway a lot of Priests, after the class transfer is completed, a symbol of the gods or affairs they serve will appear on a fixed part.

"I finally understand why the previous demons were lazy when carrying out my orders."

"At that time, it is estimated that I was not even a member of Endless Abyss. When it comes to orders from the outside world, they will naturally reject me."

Shine looked at the black Sun symbol on the back of his hand, and his eyes showed a smile.

"But now, everything is different…"

"Since I have become a Priest of the Abyss, I can coerce them, even if I let them unconditionally sacrifice themselves!"

"This is the ability that all lords passionately dream about!"

After thinking about this, Shine remembered to look at the Codex in his hand.

And just like the system prompts, the Codex is incomplete, only one sheet.

In Codex of the Abyss, on the first page, Shine saw someone writing such a strange poem in Abyssal language.

Codex of the Abyss chapter 1: Praise you, the eternal black Sun, praise you, the great Lord of Destruction, you are the end of everything...

"Black Sun…"

"Does it reference to the situation in the abyss of the past?"

Shine raised his head, looking toward the sky.

At this time, this abyss had already withered away, and there was no black sun at all.

The only thing Shine could see was the immutable Crimson vortex.

But while Shine was still searching for the Black Sun, he suddenly discovered a system anomaly.

"What's the situation, someone is attacking my demon soldiers?"

"Are those monsters with consciousness platforms? No…"

Shine's eyes are very sharp.

In just a blink of an eye, he judged from the disappearance of the signals of various demon soldiers on the map, that this was not something a monster could do.

"It's an opposing force!"

"It's them who are consciously cleaning up my scouts."

"Moreover, they are not just attacking a team of demon soldiers, all of the demon soldiers I sent out, are being attacked!"

Shine glanced at the map and furrowed his eyebrows.

"They want to destroy all of my soldiers through flexible combat?"


"This is really…"

Looking at the signal of those soldiers disappearing, Shine's mouth also revealed a strange smile.

"Great, excellent, wonderful!"

"I've been bored, for too long!"