Welcome to my field

"The enemy has reacted!"

Vee, who had just switched her perspective back from the territory, was surprised to find that, the demon warriors who had been hunted down one by one by centaur warriors, finally had a move.

But the reason she will be surprised is because she discovered it.

This unknown new lord seems to be...

He's a rookie among rookies?

It turned out that at this moment Vee was standing in some jungle with a big tree on a branch.

At such a high level, she can fully utilize the Druid's ability to monitor more than half of the forest's movements at one time.

But from her point of view, the demons are under the foolish command of their lord, committing an almost fatal mistake.

This "rookie lord", despite knowing that the monsters were not as agile as the Centaur warriors, actually did not choose the storm group to retreat, but instead divided it into nearly twenty squads!

Must know that, if composed according to the types of arms in many worlds.

Centaur warriors can essentially be classified as light cavalry, and they are rangers with the ability to kill with bows and arrows.

The Shine group, Little Demon, and the Lemure group should be classified as light infantry without any protective capabilities.

In such a situation where the Soldier types of both sides are so different, Vee believes that Shine's best strategy would be to concentrate the superior force and gather all the soldiers into a "Great Army". Retreat as quickly as possible to the vicinity of the transmission gate in the direction of the grassland.

This is done because light cavalry themselves are not suitable for entering battle, they are more suitable for harassment and intrusion.

Taking advantage of their mobility, constantly sneaking, sneaking, and shooting outside the formation to kill high-value targets and stray soldiers is what they will do.

Casually rushing into a large number of troops will only cause them to suffer heavy losses as they lack armor to protect them.

Because of that, according to Vee's understanding, Shine could only choose to gather the soldiers together, forming a "Great Army" that the Centaur soldiers did not dare to charge at will. Only this "Grand Army" has a chance to escape this jungle at the cost of nearly half the casualties.

Furthermore, this wasn't even Shine's most fatal mistake.

The Little Demon group and the Lemure group in these twenty squads advanced in extremely chaotic directions!

It was so chaotic that Vee couldn't bear to look straight.

There is a squad, which is heading towards the transmission gate.

There is a squad, but it's heading towards the depths of the forest.

There are still squads, but they are heading in an unknown direction, their goals change three times a minute, and at times they will even block the way other squads can retreat.

And all around them, there are terrifying Centaur clan soldiers in ambush!

They were waiting to use the swords in their hands, the bows and arrows on their backs, and were thirsty to drink the fresh blood of their enemies.

These self-fighting squads have absolutely no way to compete with those sharp and ferocious Centaur soldiers.

In short, these demon soldiers approaching three hundred in number are certain to die!

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect that having such good luck, being able to be the first to reach the Trial Continent to harvest resources, is someone who doesn't even have basic military knowledge! "

"If I had known, I wouldn't have needed to worry so much. Otherwise, he'd be so stupid that sooner or later he would be deserted by another lord."

Vee stood on a tree branch, stomping her feet excitedly.

"Now, I can finally rest assured to build my territory, such long-term dual-line operation is almost too much for even a smart person like me."

But just when Vee ended the possession, in her domain waiting for Usok Windwaker to kill all the demon soldiers and send the news of victory.

Usok Windwaker feels like something is wrong.


Something is very wrong!



Usok Windwaker picked up his bow and arrow, highlighted it at a little demon at the back of the team, and shot it out.

A second later, the Little Demon who was not in a hurry to escape was shot through with this arrow and died suddenly on the spot.

In front, it was left by the Little Demon group, but the extremely cunning them changed the direction and ran towards the depths of the forest without looking back. Even though Usok Windwaker could easily chase them, like beating down a stray dog, making them flee in panic.

But he still did not do so.

Because the opponent's position is moving, it is not suitable for it to pursue, secondly...

"Bastard, you guys are late!"

"Didn't I say that you all have to follow my steps closely?"

The six Centaur soldiers moved and walked to Usok's side, wiping the sweat from their foreheads while speaking.

"I'm sorry, leader, we were originally following you, but a team of crazy monsters appeared nearby, so we chased after them and attacked them."

Without waiting for Usok Windwaker to get angry, the remaining several Centaur soldiers quickly explained.

"Leader, first don't be angry. The distance between the monsters in front of us is not far."

"That's right, that's right, their distance is just enough for us to raise our bows and shoot at, so let's attack them first!"

"Once they go around a little further, we can't attack them anymore. After all, if we pursue it deeply, We won't be able to meet you.

Seeing the soldiers under his command so steadfastly swearing, Usok Windwaker also blamed him for not being kind.

After all, they are not being lazy, but rather wasting their energy to attack their common enemy.

"Okay, I know."

Usok nodded once.

"However, how many monsters did you just kill who tainted Mother Nature?"

Hearing this, what surprised Usok was that the most elite and liberal men in this tribe next to him suddenly felt a little hesitant.

After being tormented for half a day, one soldier tried to muster the courage to speak.

"Two... Two."

Hearing that, Usok blushed a little in anger.

"Just two? You are simply embarrassing your ancestors! You have bows and arrows on your back, not toys for the children!"

"There are six of you, but you only killed two monsters?"

"Even because of that, you are still out of touch with me, and have not kept up with me!"

Hearing Usok's words, the rest of the soldiers' faces turned red with embarrassment.

Six people, six bows and arrows, and one round of horsemen killed two people.

Such a feat would be laughed out of any Centaur tribe.

"Leader, this isn't our fault."

"That group of monsters is too cunning, even though they look a hundred times uglier than the ugliest goblins. However, when they discovered that we had attacked them, they immediately turned around and ran in another direction.

Hearing this, Usok suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

Why did these six warriors encounter the same thing as him?

This is like, inappropriate!


In the abyss.

A new Lord of the Abyss, facing the map in his mind, facing this forest that is about to fall, facing these doubtful and tired Centaur soldiers revealed a very evil smile laugh.

"Welcome to."

"My field!"