Greed and oaths


When the bell rang, the bustling crowds in various streets of Manshi Town became quiet one after another, looking suspiciously to the east and the west.

However, they quickly ended it.

Because with the sound of the bell ringing, on the streets of Manshi Town, there were dozens of teams of dwarven soldiers running towards the outside of the city with quick steps.

They worriedly ran away, shouting.

"Get out, get out, get out!"

There were even dwarf soldiers who would not be able to avoid the situation in time, violently pushing away everyone blocking them.

Their movements were so rude that wherever they ran, chickens and eggs were broken everywhere, looking miserable.

"What are you stupid people doing?"

After hearing the bell, a small blacksmith's business owner Bill Kim revealed a little head from his house.

"Dear Sabo, in the name of beard and strong drink, please tell me, what exactly happened here?"

Bill Kim called Sabo, his distant relative in the city guard, wanting to know exactly what happened.

It was about two o'clock in the afternoon, and Manshi Town shopping center was the busiest for a while.

Originally, Bill Kim thought to take advantage of this situation to sell a few more weapons and equipment, but the panic that appeared made his plan miscarry.

"Bill Kim?!"

Sabo's face was covered in sweat when he recognized Bill Kim.

Even though he was very unwelcoming to the extremely stingy Bill Kim on a normal day, at this moment he still chose to secretly tell the truth to this close blood relative.

"Hurry up and return to your shop, don't come out!"

Sabo took off his helmet and looked around, discovering that quite a few people were staring at him with all kinds of eyes. He forced himself to lower his voice.

"Didn't you hear the bell ring? There is an enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack?"

Bill Kim shook his head and said inexplicably.

"Are those stupid Goblins again? They also dare to attack the town.

"I didn't expect that you would all be afraid of Goblins now..."

Although Manshi Town is not a Great Town, it is a town dominated by dwarves.

The dwarves' love of stone is not limited to gemstones and gold coins, city walls, and knife tips, which they are also good at.

Because there have never been any strong monster groups near Manshi Town, so many people like Bill Kim live forever in Manshi Town and don't understand the real situation of the outside world at all.

In their minds, they had known for a long time that they were fighting monsters that were either goblins or monsters or wild wolves and other wild beasts.

These two are no threat to Manshi Town.

"You are an idiot!"

Sabo covered his face, then reluctantly pushed Bill back to the other person in the shop, and spoke very seriously.

"Didn't you hear us ring the bell five times?"

"The bell ringing five times in a row means that at least, remember, at least an army of over 500 monsters has come to invade our home!"

"Only if it reaches the standard of being higher than the enemy, is it qualified for us lords to turn towards the big bell and knock five times in a row, understand?"

"Calculating, you should be careful of your safety and don't run around."

"I want to go gather!"

Having finished speaking, Sabo once again put on his helmet, picked up the short sword and shield, and ran toward the city wall.

Bill Kim returned to the shop and locked the door tightly, but his face turned pale. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

In the past, he never thought that our home would come under attack.

Looking at Sabo's nervous appearance, he knew that this time Manshi Town might be in danger.


"If even a stupid Sabo like that could become a guard, Manshi Town might be finished."

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Bill Kim did not hesitate at all and immediately thought of gathering the puree and escaping.

However, just as he ran to the back of his counter and was ready to pack away all the gold, silver, and treasures he had collected, he realized an extremely serious problem.

Before solving this problem, he couldn't run away with peace of mind.

And what kind of problem would be in the danger that makes Bill Kim so important?

Is it a matter of food and soft drinks, or is it a matter of survival?

No no, everyone's explanations are a bit misleading.

Bill Kim's current problem is not how to escape the demon tide in a situation where all sides are surrounded by walls, nor is it the problem of food and survival.

He's clever but stupid, but the real problem when thinking about it is...

"Should I first pack those beautiful diamond jewelry, or first pack the gold that pleases people, and maybe those silver coins…"

This is a very stupid question, but Bill Kim is wondering.

However, he didn't need to consider this problem, because in less than 2 minutes...



Following the loud crashing sound, an iron cage suddenly smashed into Bill Kim's room, smashing a large hole in his room.

"Ah ah!"

In the chaos, holding the gold and silver to hide under the table, shop owner Bill Kim raised his head, the only thing he could see was a monster half a person taller than him lying on the counter.

This monster is called Little Demon. At this moment, because of the poison mist of Little Demon Mistress, he fell into eternal chaos and madness.

The corners of his mouth were constantly flowing downward with stinking saliva, his four claws were impatiently tearing at everything around him.

But when he looked at Kim Bill, there was only hunger and cruelty in his eyes!

"Ah ah ah ah!"

Bill Kim held gold and diamonds in his arms, screaming like a woman.

As soon as he realized the seriousness of the matter, he didn't understand why it took less than 2 minutes from beginning to end.

Manshi Town is a bit old and has not been repaired, but the solid wall is still the same, it will directly lose all its effectiveness, let a monster like this enters our home.

On the outskirts of Manshi Town, what happened in the end?


What exactly happened on the outskirts of Manshi Town?

Bill Kim is not the only one who is wondering this question.

In Manshi Town, all the dwarves, looking at the places that exude Little Demon, wondered about the same problem as before.

Where are those town guards? Where are the people who swore to protect them in front of the three dwarven kings?

These weaklings, did they leave their family behind and run away on their own?

No, the truth is.

Not only did this group of dwarves form a guard that did not run away, but on the contrary, they also fought extremely heroically.

They have never abandoned their vow to protect their family members.

But the real reason why this group of Little Demons attacked the town so quickly was the oath they made!