Only chance

Ten minutes ahead...


Sitting on the Throne of the Abyss above Shine gave orders to all the demons.

In an instant, just at the west wall of Manshi Town, nearly a thousand demons rushed directly towards the only entrance to the west wall.

At this time, in front of the west wall of the entrance, there were a large number of merchants and civilians waiting to enter and exit the city gate.

As a small town for commerce and manufacturing, Manshi Town is still extremely bustling.

Coincidentally, today was a big market day. All the free people in the nearby village came to this small town to conduct business.

Among the group of small merchants who want to make more money, they often choose to pay the town guard a coin to enter the town and go into the town to do business.

Those merchants who don't have a lot of capital will set up shop near the town gates and use all kinds of methods to attract potential customers.

The reason why they are like this is because there are a lot of people gathering near every entrance of Manshi Town, so they don't have to worry about not having a source of consumption.

Shine, far away in the abyss, also paid attention to this point.

He is also ready to take advantage of this!


After hearing the devil's growl, most of the residents gathered near the town gate were scared out of their wits.

From the beginning, when the demons were not yet visible, they only thought that it was the cry of an obscure beast.

But when the demons that started forming groups appeared in their eyes, everything changed.

"Oh my god, it's a monster!"

Even though this group of natives didn't know what the so-called monsters were, the terrifying image of this group of demons and the little Lemure alone was enough to make them panic to the limit.

That kind of ugly and crazy thing doesn't need too much explanation.

"How can there be so much?"

"Oh my God, run quickly!"

The moment they saw this group of demons, countless small merchants and passersby immediately made their own choices.

The lucky ones among them who have bright minds, directly among the others and the town guards, did not react and rushed into the town area.

But some people make wrong decisions in the chaos.

They began to head in another direction, which was running to the town gates of other areas.

However, most of them, being the majority of ordinary people, chose to risk their lives to squeeze towards the only entrance not far away.

But the problem is, because Manshi's entrance is not big, with so many people trying to get in during the chaos, the only result is, that the entrance will be firmly destroyed by them, and no one can get in.

However, the town guard is considered a soldier's profession, so it still has a full military sense of smell.

"Quickly close the door, no need to take care of them!"

The team at the west gate of Manshi Town regained a trace of reason in the confusion and resolutely gave their orders.

He stood above the town city, saw the scale of the devil coming to attack the town this time, and understood everything.

Even though the soldiers around him were looking at him with surprised, frightened, and incomprehensible eyes, he still maintained his stance.

"Close it!"

"If so many monsters break through the town gate and enter the inner town, we will all die."

"Think for a moment about your parents in town, think about your lover and the child!"

The Leader roared in anger.

He roared, successfully causing the remaining town guards and dwarves to recover their reason, putting their useless emotions aside.

Amidst their united efforts and the tragic cries outside the wall, the west gate of Manshi Town was finally tightly closed.


However, situations outside the leader's expectations still appear.

As he watched, this group of monsters with sharp teeth and claws did not brazenly massacre the residents outside the town that he stopped.

On the contrary, these demons appeared to be in a state of extreme hunger and tyranny, but were driving away these inhabitants!

They formed a chaotic but effective siege, driving away all the residents blocked by the town guards to other directions.

Furthermore, all of these demons, called demons, did not leave.

There were approximately two hundred demons, under Shine's orders, constantly surrounding the western entrance of the town in an attack position, blocking all soldiers who wanted to leave the town.

On the other side, countless residents cried in despair, not wanting to die just like that, chasing away the demons, and fleeing in other directions.

"This is... What is the situation?"

The eyes of the town guard leader were filled with doubts and confusion.

In his impression, monsters are also irrational monsters.

If they were to encounter such a situation, it would be impossible for them to give up the food in their mouths.

So, this is very unusual!

"These monsters didn't attack them, they're obviously that hungry...!"

Suddenly, the town guard leader woke up with great enlightenment.

Although he did not have enough military training, his year-round experience allowed him to discover the true plan in hindsight!

An evil, cold, but extremely effective attack plan!


Dong dong dong!

Just in case they were caught by mistake, they finally started ringing the warning bell.

At this moment, besides the northern gate, the other gates have also been "attacked" by demons.

However, only the people at the northern gate and the town guards looked upset.

Although Manshi Town is also not big, the thing is, it is not small either.

Just a few minutes was not enough time to accurately transmit information from other towns that encountered the attack to the soldiers and civilians at the north gate.

By the time they realized the seriousness of the problem, the bell was already ringing.

Moreover, the scene that the soldiers first saw at the northern gate was not a group of devils baring their fangs.

The first thing they saw was countless people from other directions, being chased by demons, pleading with them for help!

They had sworn an oath to protect these people.

The leader of the north gate town guards looked at the fierce people...

They are my relatives, the merchant who sold me the apple, the old friend I drank with, the...

There are so many people in this group...

There were so many that the leader of the north gate town guard stood on the wall, having lost his only opportunity!

When he was afraid that his conscience would torment him, he didn't close the door in time this moment.

A pair of extremely large hands, gradually blocked the town's doors.

Little Demon Mistress, stop all the dwarven warriors before her.

Town gate.


In the depths of the abyss, the devil finally revealed a ferocious smile!