Strange New

When Gu Changqing finally gathered courage and led his own alliance army to enter the battlefield again, he immediately felt like he was just like a big idiot.


"Damn it, if I had known I would have come a little earlier!"

This Gu family's eldest son looked at the city he had just occupied in front of him and said with great sadness.

Just ten minutes ago, he was still leading his soldiers with the other lords to attack the outskirts of this city.

But after only destroying a few hundred old, weak and disabled Little Demons, this small city called Anvil City immediately fell into his hands.

Everything, including the nearby dwarven mines, belonged to the Gu Changqing alliance.

Even though the inside of this small city had been destroyed by demons like it was a garbage dump, even so, there were still a large number of valuable items in the ruins of this small town.

However, although there were many valuable items in the ruins of the city, there were no soldiers who would actively approach them.

Because before Shine's army retreated, an extremely terrifying massacre occurred here.

Countless demons carried out extremely cruel acts of extermination against Demon slaves.

They acted like some kind of indescribable sacrificial cult, everywhere filled with despair, cruelty and brutality.

Although Shine's command to the Demon Oversers was simply "retrieve", the Demon Oversers would clearly distort Shine's command.

These demons don't hesitate at all. During the retrieve process, they do a little movement like "retrieve but in the stomach" of a certain demon and that demon will return to the Royal City, that is also considered to have completed the command.

Therefore, when they began to retrieve these dwarves, their methods far exceeded the analytical ability of many groups of creatures.

When each lord's soldiers entered each of the cities that once belonged to Shine, they saw a scene that was almost incomprehensible to them.

Bodies hanging on the wall, limbs separated, there are also corpses that were bitten into skeletons alive.....

The demons left behind ungrateful gifts, making all the soldiers feel a deep sense of crisis.

However, these scenes are truly insignificant things for other lords.

After all, what they want is profit, they want territory, not a group of dwarven refugees.

Although the fate of those dwarf slaves was very miserable, what does this have to do with them?

There was also a part of the lords who were actually somewhat grateful for Shine's actions.

They thanked Shine for eliminating the group of useless dwarves before leaving.

Otherwise, this group of dwarf refugees would be an invisible trouble to them.

If they fall ill, they must cure them; if they are hungry, they must provide valuable food.

More importantly, it is they who currently occupy the area where these dwarves used to live. If they really make any requests...

But no matter what, if they really took this group of dwarves out of this place, watch them die. Thus, heroes, generals or soldiers under their command will feel pity.

Therefore, they were actually extremely grateful to Shine for taking care of this trouble for them.

But then again, Shine left behind these ruins, which in a certain sense is also an extremely troublesome thing.

Because in this pile of ruins, because of that extremely cruel massacre that left many corpses, a large number of Plague flies have occupied this piece of ruins, considering this piece of ruins as their lair.

And these Plague flies are an extremely dangerous existence for ordinary creatures.

So when Gu Changqing entered the city, the first thing he did was not send the army to clean up the ruins. Instead, use the wizards and engineers to burn this pile of ruins to prevent the epidemic from spreading.

Next time, it will be time for him and his alliance to send civilian units to places with great resources.

However, this is only the first city.

After completing the initial defense plan, Gu Changqing immediately led the second group of troops that had just arrived, gathered with the first group of troops, and went to the second city.

There, there was also an almost unattended city waiting for him to take over.

As expected, the second city also fell into the hands of Gu Changqing and the others.

Taking over these two cities was simple, completely exceeding Gu Changqing and others' expectations.

Next is the third and fourth city.

In just half a day, Gu Changqing's alliance controlled four cities and one-fifth of the kingdom's passages.

This increased speed caused the alliance members to happily raise their eyebrows.

But this kind of happiness only lasted for several hours.

However, there should be no misunderstanding.

Shine did not initiate a counterattack.

He actually abandoned all areas of the Dwarf Kingdom except Royal City, heading towards the miserable desert to launch a strong attack.

The real reason why Gu Changqing and the others happily disappeared was due to other lords peeping on the Dwarf Kingdom's wealth!

When these lords saw Gu Changqing and his group expanding so quickly, they also gradually joined the process of dividing the Dwarven Kingdom.

They also wanted Shine's old area.

Moreover, their preparations were more complete than Gu Changqing's.

When Gu Changqing and the others began to attack the fifth city, there was a tunnel nearby.

A lord led the army, using the Dwarf Chariot bought from Li Qi, to directly sneak attack from behind this group of defenseless soldiers.

This kind of despicable behavior directly angered the alliance of Gu Changqing and others.

The two forces fought directly in the kingdom's passage. For a moment, the originally quiet passage was once again stained red with blood.

Furthermore, this is still just the beginning.

As time passed, more and more lords or alliances entered the kingdom in the passage to participate in this battle.

Even many natives of the Trial Continent have discovered this opportunity and want to take advantage of it.

The situation in the kingdom's passage was once again chaotic.

Moreover, just when Gu Changqing and the others were in trouble because of the new war, they received new news one after another.

This news is very complicated, but they all have one thing in common.

That is....

"In the miserable desert, a black sun rises."

Black Sun? What is that?

Miserable desert? Isn't this the area where Shine attacked?

Gu Changqing and others who were underground didn't know what these words meant or what exactly happened outside.

The entire Trial Continent was actually quiet.

Because no matter where they are, they all saw the thing mentioned in the news at the same time...

The Black Sun!