Miserable Desert

At the border of miserable desert.

12 hours before Black Sun rises.


The moment Shine held the Codex of the Abyss and the Black Setting Sun pendant on his chest appeared in the desert on the border.

All abyssal creatures, regardless of their race or their fighting ability, will instantly kneel before Shine when they see the Codex of the Abyss.

Their attitude cannot be described by loyalty.

That is true humility, engraved in the bones, engraved in the soul to worship and look forward.

As for Shine.

He was extremely cold and didn't care about all of this, then took a deep breath of dry desert air.


"Long time no see the outside world."

Shine looked at the falling Sun and smiled.

"I have been waiting in the Endless Abyss for too long, always feeling like I was being assimilated by the abyss."

After recovering his happy mood, Shine immediately returned to his normal state.

After all, he didn't come here to enjoy the scenery or to travel.

On the contrary, he came to this desert area to personally bring death and disaster, so now Shine begins to give orders to his subordinate soldiers, starting to dispatch them to areas one after another.

It has to be said that after leaving Throne of the Abyss, Shine lost the ability to carefully observe the territory he built, and he was unable to absorb a lot of related information.

However, this does not affect his ability to give orders.

After all, he knows better than anyone else that if he leaves, the Dwarf Kingdom will quickly fall.

Only Royal City will be safe, and losing the ability to carefully observe the territory attribute at this time is a good thing for him.

He can put his entire body and spirit into commanding the army.


As night fell, Shine's army of demons set out, taking advantage of the darkness to enter the miserable desert.

But these demons are impatient and uneasy, and are already hungry and thirsty.

Although there were many demons among them, they had long eaten their fill in each dwarven town, but the demons' hunger came from the soul, from desire.

So even though they had just eaten their fill, they were always in a hungry state.

However, in order to prevent too many troop reductions, Shine directly forced all the demons not to kill their own people.

Doing so would make the demons become even more crazy and more violent, but Shine still persisted in doing so.

Because he knew, before he led the army to completely destroy all the Beast-Man tribes in the miserable desert, he could not get any reinforcements.

Therefore, if he wants to achieve his strategic goal, he must do his best to reduce the casualties of the army.

However, because of the Codex of the Abyss, plus the Heart of the Abyss, these demons really have to follow orders.

Even if Shine let them march crazily along the desert border, they would not have any "resentments".

However, it has to be said that Shine's decision to advance this time, and the decision he took to attack the miserable desert, made other lords unable to guess.

Normally, when an ordinary army marches, it must travel according to the predetermined path. There will not be too much separation between each other, so they can also help each other.

But Shine made an unusual decision.

He divided his army into two.

More than half of the demon soldiers risked their lives along the miserable desert border to carry out a deadly march.

Not only is this type of advance guaranteed not to encounter the enemy, but it is also very easy to encounter the fierce influence of the weather, causing an unnecessary reduction in troop numbers.

But Shine still persisted in doing so, as if he wanted to use this to surround the entire miserable desert.

The remaining demon soldiers were once again separated.

There will be thirty thousand demons, who will directly obey Shine's orders and follow him on his journey.

And unlike the rest of the demons, they will continuously penetrate into the sea of ​​suffering. After reaching each node, they will divide into a team of less than a thousand demons.

Next, these teams will receive Shine's new command and move towards the different nodes.

After reaching the new node, these small-sized teams will continue to disperse, turning into hundreds of demon teams that continue to move towards the interior of the miserable desert.

Next, they kept repeating, until these were divided into small squads of ten or so demons.

Continuously divided, infinitely advancing.

It also led to, in the miserable desert, countless groups of demons began to search "without purpose".

Because their target is really too small.

So many demons in the process of marching have basically never met any Beast-Man.

Even in the direction where many demons march, they will not pass through any oases at all.

In theory, this group of demon soldiers would die for nothing because of Shine's cruel orders.

But Shine didn't pay any attention to these things and continued to do the same.

Because those demons have a high chance of dying.

They don't need to ask why, they just have to complete his orders.

That's the only thing a soldier needs to do.

Shine, a few hours after marching, he arrived at the first target near the current location in the early morning.

An oasis area converted into an Beast-Man outpost.

Although the wolves in the outpost kept screaming towards the darkness, the Beast-Man group was enjoying the slaves so they didn't care about being outside.

Except for the reason that there were guards, they also had confidence that at the Trial Continent, no creature would have the courage to come into the miserable desert to fight them.

So, while they were immersed in their own joy, they did not know that, outside the watchtower in the dark night, one pair after another pair of crimson eyes began to flash.

In the eyes of these demons, there is nothing that can be considered beautiful love.

In their eyes, the only emotions hidden in them were tyranny and cruelty, along with the madness that Endless Abyss bestowed upon them.


Similar to Beast-Man.

They also have their own desires that they want to release!

Desire to Kill!