Chapter 26: The Gathering Shadows

The light of the Starlight Dominion dimmed behind Xu Han as he crossed through a shimmering portal back into the void between realms. His mind was focused, turning over the events of the sealed rift and the unsettling presence he had sensed. Whoever had caused the disruption was powerful, but more concerning was the growing complexity of the multiverse's instability. The storms that Varian had spoken of were not far off, and there was no doubt that dark forces were already moving in the shadows, plotting against him.

As Xu Han traveled, his presence alone caused ripples in the cosmic fabric of the multiverse. His mastery over the Great Daos was unmatched, his power vast, and yet, he knew all too well that power alone would not be enough to bring lasting peace. There were forces that thrived in chaos, beings who believed that they could exploit the current state of the multiverse to their advantage.

The Villainous Council

Far from Xu Han's watchful eye, in a darkened realm untouched by celestial light, a council of villains had gathered. These beings, each powerful in their own right, had come together with one purpose in mind: to eliminate Xu Han and take control of the multiverse for themselves.

At the head of the council was Jormund, a self-proclaimed "Void Tyrant" who had risen to power in a forgotten dimension. His form was serpentine, his body twisting through the air like a shadow as he addressed the gathered villains with a voice that slithered like a snake.

"We all know why we are here," Jormund hissed. "Xu Han has grown too powerful, and his influence threatens all our plans. We cannot allow him to continue unchecked."

Around the table sat a motley group of schemers and tyrants. Each had their own agenda, but they all shared a common goal: to defeat Xu Han, the being who stood in their way. Among them was Grelkor, a demonic warlord who had once ruled over a thousand realms before being driven back by Xu Han's intervention. His red eyes gleamed with hatred as he pounded a fist on the table.

"Xu Han is nothing more than an overgrown insect," Grelkor growled. "He's powerful, yes, but he can be killed. We just need to strike when he least expects it."

Beside Grelkor was Varelia, an enchantress who specialized in manipulation and deceit. Her beauty was as dangerous as her magic, and she smiled wickedly as she wove her schemes. "There are many ways to bring down a god," she purred. "It's just a matter of finding his weaknesses. Everyone has one."

Jormund's eyes glowed with malice as he surveyed the room. "We will work together. Combine our resources and forces to create a plan that will bring Xu Han to his knees. He may be powerful, but no one is invincible."

The council members exchanged nods, each believing that this would be their chance to finally rid themselves of Xu Han and claim the multiverse as their own. They began outlining their schemes, each more convoluted than the last. They spoke of traps, ambushes, and spells that could weaken even the strongest of beings. They believed they were clever, that they had found the perfect way to destroy Xu Han.

Little did they know, they were merely insects planning against a storm they could never comprehend.

The Confrontation

As the villains continued to plot in secret, Xu Han had already sensed a faint disturbance in the fabric of the multiverse. It was subtle, a ripple caused by the malice of several dark minds converging at once. He narrowed his eyes, his senses attuned to the tiniest fluctuations in the cosmic balance.

"They think they can hide in the shadows," Xu Han mused to himself, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "But nothing escapes my sight."

In an instant, Xu Han altered the flow of space around him, stepping directly into the darkened realm where the council had gathered. To them, it was as if he had appeared out of thin air, his presence towering and undeniable.

The room fell silent as the villains looked up, their schemes forgotten as the true extent of Xu Han's power washed over them. His eyes glowed with an ethereal light, his aura so immense that it seemed to crush the very air around them. Jormund, Grelkor, Varelia, and the others froze in place, their bravado evaporating in an instant.

"So," Xu Han said, his voice calm but laced with authority, "this is where the little insects have gathered to scheme against me."

Jormund's serpentine form recoiled, his voice faltering as he tried to speak. "Y-You cannot be here! This was supposed to be a secure location!"

Xu Han's smile widened, but it did not reach his eyes. "You underestimate the reach of the Great Daos, Jormund. There is no place in the multiverse that I cannot reach."

Grelkor, ever the brute, snarled and slammed his fists onto the table. "Enough talk! You may be strong, but we are many! Let's see how you handle all of us together!"

With that, the villains launched their assault, each unleashing their most powerful attacks in a desperate attempt to overwhelm Xu Han. Jormund struck with dark void energy, Grelkor with brute force, and Varelia cast illusions meant to confuse and disorient.

But to Xu Han, it was nothing more than a child's tantrum.

He barely moved, his hands resting at his sides as the Great Daos swirled around him. He called upon the Dao of Absolute Defense, erecting an impenetrable barrier that absorbed every attack without so much as a flicker. Grelkor's strikes bounced off harmlessly, and Varelia's illusions shattered the moment they came into contact with Xu Han's aura.

"This is your grand plan?" Xu Han said, his voice heavy with disappointment. "To throw yourselves at me like rabid dogs? I expected more from those who dare to challenge the balance of the multiverse."

With a flick of his wrist, Xu Han unleashed a wave of energy so powerful that it sent the villains flying backward, their forms crumpling like leaves in a storm. Jormund's serpentine body was torn apart, his essence reduced to nothing more than a wisp of shadow. Grelkor roared in defiance, but even his immense strength was no match for the overwhelming force that struck him down. Varelia's beauty was no defense against the raw power that erased her illusions and left her powerless.

As the dust settled, Xu Han stood among the fallen, his expression one of calm indifference. The once-mighty council of villains lay broken at his feet, their schemes shattered before they had even begun.

"You thought you could outmaneuver me," Xu Han said softly, his voice carrying through the empty room. "But you are nothing but insects in the face of true power."

He turned and walked away, leaving the remnants of the council behind. They had been foolish to think they could stand against him, but he knew that others would try. The multiverse was full of those who sought to challenge the balance, believing themselves capable of toppling the strongest being in existence.

But Xu Han would always be there to remind them of the truth.