On a planet, a thousand times the size of Earth, dominated by magical systems and powers, lives a man, the legendary one known as one of the oldest and strongest sorcerers throughout this particular plane of the multiverse. His search for conquest ended long ago when he gained absolute control of his dimension, which now renders him invincible. By siphoning bits of original energy from neighboring dimensions, he found a way to achieve immortality.
However, as millennia passed with constant peace and order maintained throughout his domain, his endless life became extremely boring without the excitement of his younger days, when he used to fight various enemies. The thrill and excitement had long disappeared, despite having many descendants whose conflicts he couldn't be bothered with, viewing them as tiny insects quarreling.
Now, he's had enough of this repetitive life of overseeing everything from the highest level of his magic tower. Finally, the Reincarnation Magic he has long been researching is completed. This magic, transcending time and spatial laws without affecting the river of time, is the most powerful he has created. He longs for a different, exciting brand new life, be it a normal mortal life or one filled with adventures and excitement.
'I have finally succeeded! How ironic, I'm the most powerful conqueror in this dimension, yet my most powerful self-created magic is a non-combat one, hahaha. Oh well, it's time to test... I mean, to use this and see which dimension I'll end up in. Too bad I'll lose all my powers since I'll theoretically get a new body when I reincarnate.'
The magic circle emitted a low hum that vibrated the entire domain briefly, before emitting a blinding light so bright that it probably had the same wavelengths as a supernova event. Not surprisingly, this brightness didn't affect the man at all, as he could still see everything clearly until the last moment when everything went blank in his mind, his body disintegrating, and his soul transported to a far multiversal plane in a completely different dimension.
Unbeknownst to the strongest magician, another conqueror is just a few dimensions away from his domain and is waiting for him to leave. It is currently unknown how this external party has known that he is creating magic capable of reincarnation. But this part of the story will be known in the future.
My own honest review of my story, I'm not quite satisfied with it yet at least, I might make revisions and corrections in the future. Though I'll make sure it won't deviate from the original story line. 🤔