Chapter 12: Summoning talisman

Yu Xue was not moving from his position, seeing that the ant already knew that it was cornered with no other options left; Hence the ant started bargaining. 

"So what's it going to be? You'll let me go right? I'll recommend you and your people to the higher-ups..!" The commander nervously said and repeated once more. 

Yu Xue still did not respond even after tens of seconds had gone by, making the commander feel like he was in a very cold cellar. 

"You all are not worthy, just like frogs at the bottom of a well, you know nothing about me and my master's true power." Yue Xue stated coldly. 

Affirming the commander's fear that he really might have to use his very last trump card. 

"You left me no choice! Too arrogant! Just at the Daoist Sage level and you think you're already the strongest in this universe? Naive!"

Because Yu Xue was quite curious as to what trump card this ant is talking about, he had endured listening to this guy's bullshit and boring speech. 

Yu Xue was not worried at all, having massive confidence in his strength. Even if it's something beyond him, his master should be able to easily take care of it. 

With that final ultimatum, the commander took out a golden talisman that radiated an aura and pressure that was stronger than Yu Xue's aura. 

The next moment, the commander injected his spiritual energy into the talisman that was floating in front of him. 

The commander was ecstatic that Yu Xue was only waiting and did not have any intentions of interrupting him, "You're finished now that you didn't even try to stop me, what a fool. That's what you get for being overconfident, kid." The commander was smirking in his mind with disdain. 

But the next moment as the talisman was about to be fully activated, reaching the required amount of energy, suddenly time stopped all over his surroundings only his consciousness was still aware but he could not move at all, everything was just in a frozen solid state.

When the time stopped, the commander was once again flipped from being confident to being dragged back into despair.

"Interesting toy you got here." A teenage-looking boy appeared in front of him, glancing at the talisman that was frozen still in the air.

The commander observed the boy and he could not seem to see anything special in this teenager, as if he was only an ordinary mortal. But he knew that the teenager was far from being a normal mortal creature and he could move in this time-stopped environment. 

"Hmm, though this toy you're using is interesting it's still far too early and advanced for this disciple of mine to face that universe-overlord-level being that you're about to summon. He's only supposed to appear at a later part of this script alright? Don't ruin my plans kid." The teenager said to him with exasperation. 

The commander was shocked and puzzled that this young-looking boy was the master of the mysterious figure cloaked in a veil of darkness. The commander was aware that almost all cultivators retain their young appearances, but this teenager in front of him was way too young-looking according to this universe's standards.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself? Oh shit I forgot haha, you can't move nor speak in this domain I placed here. So that's that kid, I'll be taking this toy you got here. Don't blame me though, if you didn't take this out you'd still be holding it. Or maybe not." The teenager laughed and disappeared on the spot. 

With the talisman gone, all the gathered energy in this area dissipated back into the atmosphere, and the time domain was lifted. 

Yu Xue and the commander were once again able to move normally. 

The commander was stupefied by what just happened, he didn't expect that a stronger being resided in this place. What's wrong with this planet? It's hiding old monsters that rarely appeared in the universe. What made him more fearful was that he could not see through Xu Han's strength at all; even when he saw the ruler of the Milky Way galactic empire he could still gauge that emperor's strength that was not unreachable.

Yue Xue was not shocked that his master Xu Han appeared and he was also fully aware and could hear everything the same as the commander, but he was shocked at the talisman's function. He was walking into a death trap had his master not stopped what was about to happen. 

Yu Xue knew of the cultivation levels and realms that currently exist and that his master included and taught him. The universe-overlord-level was the next major realm above his current strength which was at the daoist-sage-level. Had that person appeared from the summoning talisman, everything would be over for him. 

Yu Xue snapped back into reality and stared at the commander, he was infuriated by what just happened, and he even made his master move his hand. He swore that he'd make this ant die a painful death right about now. 

"You almost got me just now, I didn't expect that even an insect would have such a trump card. I really cannot underestimate any of my enemies at all." Yu Xue said with a cold voice, but the commander was not even responding at all. 

"It's time for you to go to the netherworld!" Yu Xue declared and with a swipe of his hand he used a technique and the commander was suddenly enveloped by a thick black cloud swirling in darkness, and inside imitations of the gruesome creatures that can be found in the void were swimming all over and when they detected the foreign creature that entered the dark domain, all the nasty snake looking creatures rushed towards their meal and each of them is rushing to take a bite. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The commander screamed in pain as he could not resist in this environment at all, his movement was so sluggish to defend himself that it was not any different than not moving at all. 

After a few seconds that seemed to be as long as an eternity, the screaming echoed until it was no more. 

Yu Xue's practicing of his darkness and spatial laws is a success, except for the part where he almost doomed himself by underestimating his enemy. 

"Disciple of mine, the next time you dare to underestimate your enemies I won't make a move even if you'll die. Let this first time be a lesson to you as you enter the world of cultivators and immortal practitioners." Xu Han's voice echoed into Yu Xue's mind. 

"Yes, master." Yu Xue replied. 

"Now it's time to deal with these minions." Yu Xue looked up to the sky and in the next second, he entered the void and ascended past Earth's atmosphere arriving at the center of the starship fleet right in front of the flagship. 

Yu Xue did not hide his aura at all and fully exuded his daoist-sage-level cultivation. 

All the personnel aboard the starships were terrified by this monster's presence, especially all the other soldiers who had some level of strength and had already stepped into the path of cultivation, they could sense that Yu Xue was even stronger than their commander, and if this person is here right in front of them, their commander is likely to be dead already. 

"RETREAT TO HYPERSPACE!" The right-hand man of the commander shouted at the microphone used to communicate with all the other ships as he was aware that if they did not act now, they would not be leaving this place alive.

All the starships simultaneously charge up their engines and can accelerate to hyperspace speed level travel within the next 2 seconds. 

But all of these invaders are to be met with disappointment, as they just pressed the launch button, their starships did not even move in place; At the same time the bright and starry sky disappeared and they could no longer see the blue planet that was supposed to be on the horizon; Everything was just an endless void of darkness, they could not even see their comrades despite having flood lights pointed in multiple directions. 

This indeed is Yu Xue's dark domain it absorbs all light akin to a black hole, but it does not have the characteristics of a black hole because though it has similar functions that light cannot escape from it, a black hole's fundamental law is the law of devouring, which Yu Xue knows nothing about. 

Yu Xue was able to stop the starship's planned escape by blocking all the spatial coordinates in this area effectively rendering the hyperdrives of these ships useless as a hyperdrive requires the spatial coordinates in a certain space for it to be able to open a wormhole big enough for it to enter and travel into.

"We're truly finished…" This was the right-hand man of the commander's commander last thought as the flagship he was on was torn apart by gigantic void creatures. 

While some of the other ships were sliced by powerful space blades as if they were tofus on a chopping board. 

This entire event happened for a few minutes before Yu Xue lifted his domain and not a single trace of the invading fleet remained.

Yu Xue then returned to earth directly appearing in his room.

At a certain military garrison on a far star system from Earth near the center of the Milky Way galaxy, "Sir we received a distress signal from the scouting fleet that went to investigate sector Orion Arm with the coordinates of 8.34 kiloparsecs." a soldier monitoring the communications lines said to his superior. 

"What's the distress signal?" The superior said nonchalantly. 

"Sir the distress signal states the entire fleet was destroyed and the commander leading it was most likely to be dead. This message was sent encrypted right from the registered flagship in our database, This message was verified true sir." The communicating officer said. 

"What? Even the commander was killed!? This was an unusual incident that hasn't happened for millennials under the current empire's rule!" The superior shouted with shock. 

"Quick relay the message to the main fleet!" The superior ordered urgently.

"Yes sir, I've already sent it." The communicating officer responded.