Chapter 36

The mission to retrieve the second fragment of the Nexus Key had come to a successful conclusion, but Xu Han knew that there was still much to be done before the Void Sovereign could be fully stopped. However, for the first time in a long while, Xu Han felt it was time to step back from the cosmic battles and the multiverse's grand struggles.

There was a place he had not visited in some time: Earth. The planet that had once been his home, and the starting point of his journey. Major events had unfolded there during his absence, and while the multiverse was vast and full of unimaginable wonders, Earth had always held a special place for him.

With a single thought, Xu Han opened a portal and stepped through, leaving behind the celestial realms and emerging in the familiar blue skies of Earth. He descended slowly, taking in the sight of the world he had left behind.

Xu Han's first stop was high above the planet, where he floated in the atmosphere, looking down at the continents below. Earth had changed since his last visit. The cities were more advanced, the technology had progressed rapidly, and the energy of the planet felt different—stronger, more vibrant.

He extended his senses, feeling the pulse of the world. The chaos caused by his previous battles and the invasion of interstellar forces had left its mark, but the people of Earth were resilient. They had rebuilt, adapted, and thrived. New cities had emerged where old ones had fallen, and a sense of unity seemed to permeate the world.

Xu Han's attention was drawn to a familiar location: the Pacific Ocean. It was where one of the greatest battles had taken place, where he had faced off against the interstellar fleet that had dared to threaten Earth. The island of Hawaii, which had nearly been destroyed, had now become a symbol of survival and renewal.

As Xu Han descended toward the Earth, he saw the people bustling below—humans going about their lives, unaware of the cosmic forces that had fought over their world. But there was something comforting in that ignorance, a reminder that not all battles needed to be fought by everyone.

Xu Han landed quietly in a bustling city, blending into the crowd as he walked through the streets. The city had changed, with towering skyscrapers and advanced technology interwoven into the urban landscape. The people around him were busy with their daily routines, unaware that the strongest being in the multiverse walked among them.

He passed by shops, cafes, and markets, watching as life continued uninterrupted. The scent of street food wafted through the air, and for a moment, Xu Han considered stopping for a bite. He had long since transcended the need for sustenance, but there was something enjoyable about indulging in Earthly pleasures.

As he continued to wander, Xu Han noticed a group of children playing in a nearby park. They were laughing and chasing each other, their joy infectious. He paused for a moment, watching them as they played without a care in the world.

"Excuse me, mister!" one of the children called out, noticing Xu Han standing nearby. "Do you want to play with us?"

Xu Han raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. It had been a long time since anyone had asked him to play a game.

"Perhaps another time," Xu Han replied with a faint smile. "But thank you."

The child nodded and ran off to rejoin the others, their laughter ringing through the park. Xu Han watched them for a moment longer before continuing his walk through the city. It was a small, mundane interaction, but it reminded him of the simpler aspects of life—something he hadn't indulged in for a long time.

After some time exploring, Xu Han decided to visit an old acquaintance—one of the few on Earth who had once been aware of the larger forces at play in the multiverse. He arrived at a modest house on the outskirts of the city, where an elderly man sat on the porch, sipping tea and gazing out at the horizon.

The man looked up as Xu Han approached, his eyes widening in recognition. "Xu Han… I never thought I'd see you again."

Xu Han nodded, a slight smile on his lips. "It's been some time, hasn't it, Lei Feng?"

Lei Feng was one of the few humans who had known of Xu Han's true nature. A scholar and philosopher, Lei Feng had once studied the ancient energies of the Earth and had been a key figure in helping Xu Han during the early stages of his journey.

The old man chuckled. "Time has passed quickly for me, though I'm sure for you, it's barely been a blink."

Xu Han took a seat beside Lei Feng, looking out at the peaceful surroundings. "The multiverse has kept me busy, but I thought it was time to return. How have things been here?"

Lei Feng sighed, his face thoughtful. "Earth has changed. We've seen more than we ever thought possible. Aliens, advanced technology, battles beyond our understanding… but in the end, we're still here. We've rebuilt, and we've moved on. But there are some of us who still remember. We remember the battles you fought to protect us."

Xu Han remained silent for a moment, then nodded. "I'm glad to see Earth has thrived. It's stronger now, more united."

Lei Feng smiled. "Yes. And you? Still carrying the weight of the multiverse on your shoulders?"

"Always," Xu Han replied, his tone light but firm. "But even I need to step away from it all sometimes."

The two sat in companionable silence for a while, enjoying the quiet and the simplicity of the moment.

After leaving Lei Feng, Xu Han decided to indulge in some of Earth's more playful activities. He found himself in a nearby arcade, a place filled with flashing lights, electronic games, and the sounds of people enjoying themselves. It was a far cry from the cosmic battles and interdimensional travels that had dominated his life recently, but Xu Han welcomed the change.

He stepped up to one of the games, a simple racing simulation, and inserted a coin. As the game started, Xu Han allowed himself to get lost in the virtual world, racing against computerized opponents with ease. The game seemed almost too easy for someone of his skill, but there was something satisfying in the simplicity of it.

A small crowd of onlookers gathered as Xu Han breezed through the levels, setting new high scores with every game. They cheered and clapped, unaware that the man they were watching had the power to reshape the very fabric of the multiverse.

"Hey, you're really good at this!" one of the onlookers said, a young man with wide eyes. "You must have played a lot before."

Xu Han smiled faintly. "Something like that."

He spent the rest of the day engaging in similar activities—playing games, exploring the city, and interacting with the people of Earth. It was a day free from the responsibilities of the multiverse, a rare moment where Xu Han could simply exist as a part of the world he had once called home.

As the sun set over the city, Xu Han found himself standing on a hill overlooking the skyline. The lights of the buildings twinkled like stars, and the hum of life below was a comforting sound. Earth had changed, but in many ways, it remained the same—a place of hope, resilience, and endless possibility.

Xu Han knew that his time on Earth was temporary. The Void Sovereign still loomed on the horizon, and the Cult of the Void would not rest until they had achieved their goal. But for now, Xu Han allowed himself to savor the peace and simplicity of this moment.

He would leave soon, returning to the cosmic battles that awaited him. But Earth would always be a part of him—a reminder of where he had come from, and of the people he fought to protect.

For tonight, however, Xu Han was content to watch the stars.