Chapter 6: Taking in a Lacke-.. Disciple

Xu Han, "Oh? You managed to observe all of those; you're not as weak as you look, and are you not afraid of biting more than you chew? You followed me around, not knowing that you might be already digging your own grave by being overly curious. What a brave young man you are."

Xu Han wasn't exactly afraid of showing his strength in front of these humans, to be honest, but that depended on his mood and interests, whether or not he showed some abilities. As long as it satisfies him, even the simplest and most mundane thing, such as studying or walking around, is not a bad experience for him.

Yu Xue, "So you're admitting you caused all those strange occurrences?"

"Yes, I admit that I'm the one who did all of it. What are you going to do about it?" Xu Han replied.

Yu Xue, "I can't believe such things are possible! Magic exists in this world... Everyone thought that it was only all fantasies and fiction."

"There are many things humans don't know about the multiverse kid. Your sciences are pretty good for making progress until now, but you humans haven't even evolved into a class two civilization. It is such a backwater planet. It wouldn't be strange if it took all of you a couple more than just a thousand years to discover new forms of energy." Xu Han said 

Yu Xue was shocked by all his discoveries today. Even the top and most famous scientists have yet to learn that such things exist or are possible.

Xu Han observes Yu Xue, giving him time to absorb the reality he had just learned and thought about how to rope in this top talent so that he'd have his first lackey. 

It's convenient to have a lackey so he'd have someone to do all the mundane and troublesome tasks he might encounter.

Xu Han wasn't worried about getting betrayed since he believed most things could be resolved with his current strength. However, he would not prefer to cause unnecessary damage, as there are things here that he cannot even grasp, such as how a top talent such as Yu Xue could be born in this backwater area. 

Talents on the level of Yu Xue only appear once every trillion years.

On top of that, it's most likely the culmination of all the good luck of an entire dimensional plane spanning a couple of billion universes.

The shock Xu Han felt as a former ruler of a massive dimensional plane is not unfounded because of the rarity of such dimension ruler-level talent.

Yu Xue has recovered from shock and thought about what to do next.


"Can you teach me your magic???" Yu Xue said with resolve.

"You think learning elemental laws and spiritual cultivation is easy, kid? Well, if you have the resolve to change your life and never be a normal human, you're in for a treat!"

"Well, this isn't free, to be exact; you would have to sign a master and disciple contract with me if you want me to teach you awesome tricks like this!"

Xu Han willed and slashed the moon in half, hanging up the night sky using a spatial blade spanning a length of 5000 kilometers.

Yu Xue was shocked beyond disbelief at what happened; he could not believe that a human could split the moon in half with little to no effort.

The shock was not finished yet as he observed how the moon started to regenerate at a speed visible to the naked eye; it was as if the moon had never been split at all and regenerated to its former tranquil state.

Xu Han was satisfied with his performance of showing off; it's not that he liked to show off. Xu Han is very lowkey and wouldn't use his strength unnecessarily.

However, a little showing off just to rope in a talent of this level is necessary, in Xu Han's opinion. 

"See that kid? It's only one of the small tricks you can achieve in the future under my guidance," Xu Han said smugly.

"Don't get your hopes up in learning the last trick I did since that's the most complicated great dao in all planes of existence. You only have a sliver of a chance of learning it."

"And if you're wondering what that is, then I'll tell you, It borrows the power of the Great Dao of Time, Time Reversal." Xu Han said in a straight face.

This scene almost sounds like Xu Han is scamming Yu Xue into signing a master and disciple contract, but Yu Xue's thoughts are the exact opposite, as he feels like he has hit the jackpot and won a once-in-a-lifetime prize.

Yu Xue's thoughts aren't wrong as this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that probably won't occur to the human race even if billions of years pass by if Xu Han, a legendary conqueror, dimensional master, an immortal being reincarnated on Earth.

"I will sign the master and disciple contract, master!" Yu Xue heavily responded, afraid that this big shot might turn back on his words.

Yu Xue could already imagine how exciting his life would become after learning heaven-defying abilities in the future.

Xu Han was satisfied with Yu Xue's performance, saying that it was good to be young.

Remembering when the time he was also beginning to learn from a weak ant, it's also the time of life.

Now he's just got interests in the most random of things.

"If you have decided to become my disciple, then absolutely do not resist when you feel something strange in your mind, and only think of accepting that you'll become my disciple and I'm your master. Don't bother playing tricks or not following what I just said to you unless you want your soul to be obliterated immediately; this contract is very advanced for a mortal soul like you, hence the consequences." Xu Han said with a smile.

Yu Xue was terrified by what Xu Han just said, but he still gritted his teeth and accepted the terms and procedure of this contract that his master had just said. 

"Here it goes, my disciple, don't worry too much; as long as you don't resist, nothing wrong will happen. I think." Xu Han said with a half smile.

Yu Xue's fear was heightened even further, but he already had both feet in the mud and couldn't turn back anymore.

There's a strange, wavy feeling inside his mind as if a foreign body had appeared inside him, though he doesn't feel that this weird thing would harm him. He still followed what his master said and did not resist because the presence of this thing was similar to a tall mountain that he could not see the peak of at all.

Upon accepting the contract, this is the first time he feels the existence of his soul because it is as if he is using his soul to sign the giant presence he currently feels.

Although this magical feeling felt like it lasted more than a few minutes for Yu Xue, it only lasted a few seconds in reality.

"Now we're officially master and disciple. Kowtow to your master disciple!" Xu Han said, full of smiles. 

Xu Han did not expect to obtain a lackey the first day he awakened; moreover, it is a rare top talent. 

Yu Xue kowtowed three times to Xu Han before standing up straight, with his face all smiles.

While the master and disciple happily celebrate their newly formed relationship, the rest of the world is already restless.

Top powers and governments scrambled all their connections and resources to figure out the phenomenon that just happened.

The moon splitting into one half and then returning to normal is not normal. This event caused all governments and powers to investigate it.

Some ordinary people even managed to see it, with several recordings appearing online and circulating all over social media.