Chapter 5

At dawn, Ji Jiu hurriedly chopped the bamboo shoots into strips and set them aside before leaving the house to climb the mountain early in the morning. As for food, he would quickly find some food on the mountain that he remembered from his original owner's memories. Today, Ji Jiu also brought an empty bamboo tube and a knife, just like yesterday.

 Ji Jiu walked along the path where he recognized the chestnut tree. It's just that people here don't know how to eat them, nor how to peel chestnuts from their thorns. Less than two sticks of incense sticks Ji Jiu found chestnut thorns falling all over the place in front of his eyes. Ji Jiu smiled happily. Today, she had to find a way to transport as many of them as possible. She didn't know how the villagers who had helped her were doing now. It was because she hadn't been able to find anything to eat from the forest for a long time that she didn't dare to visit and ask. People in the village, and she was afraid that those aunts would force the little food they had to help her. So she had always avoided them. If she could gather as many chestnuts today, she would give them to the aunts who had helped her to quell her hunger.

 Ji Jiu hurriedly found a stone slab on which to place the chestnut thorns first. Then she used a dry branch to sweep the chestnuts out of the way so that she could pick them up easily. Ji Jiu first used the space under the shade of a tree to place the stone. Then she hurriedly walked to the stream near the chestnut forest. Today, she had to use as much energy to carve as many chestnuts as possible. So she didn't want to waste time walking to get water to quench her thirst. If she was hungry, she would build a fire and throw chestnuts in and burn them until they were cooked and then they could be eaten.

 When preparing water to return Ji Jiu hurriedly dragged a basket full of chestnuts, then sat down and cracked the shells with the knife she had brought. Good thing the knife was big enough so that she didn't waste a lot of strength. The more she did it, the more skilled she became. Half an hour later, there was a pile of chestnuts next to her. Ji Jiu, who had been working since morning, was hungry. She hurriedly dug a hole and found some wood and leaves to start a fire to burn the chestnuts.

 Ji Jiu threw more than 20 chestnuts into the fire to burn them. She would not have to do it often if she was hungry. After preparing the food, Ji Jiu dragged a basket and picked up another basket of chestnut thorns. As he dragged the basket back, the smell of ripe chestnuts wafted throughout the area. It made her flat stomach growl loudly.

 Ji Jiu hurriedly put down the basket and found a long stick the size of his hand to make into chopsticks. Pick up the chestnut from the hole and place it near. It didn't take long to pick up all the chestnuts. Ji Jiu immediately picked up a chestnut that was about to cool and peeled it to eat.

"Mmmm, the taste isn't bad. It's good that the fire isn't too strong. Otherwise, I hope to eat burnt chestnuts." Ji Jiu ate and admired himself in a good mood.

 After filling her stomach and drinking water to wash her face to relieve her tiredness, she hurriedly resumed her work. Ji Jiu worked diligently until it was close to dusk. There were so many chestnuts that the basket wouldn't hold them. Ji Jiu immediately went to find a way to bring back the chestnuts she had worked so hard for.

 Walking for a while, Ji Jiu found a piece of wood large enough to hold chestnuts. Ji Jiu immediately found more wood to build a chestnut box. Once you have all the wood, Drill each piece of wood with a jig so that you have a groove on one side and a dowel on the other to drive them together. It doesn't take long with lots of experience from modeling. Ji Jiu was able to find a wooden box strong enough to drag chestnuts.

 The sun is about to set. Ji Jiu hurriedly dragged the box back to pick chestnuts. By the time he finished picking, the light had already disappeared. Fortunately, there were no wild animals left in the forest because of the drought. Ji Jiu relied on his memories and carefully traveled back down the mountain.

 By the time he was able to drag the wooden box to the house, Ji Jiu was covered in sweat. She hurriedly built two fires and boiled some water to quench her thirst. Then she threw five or six chestnuts into the fire to eat for extra energy before going to bed.

 Ji Jiu set another pot of water to boil to wash her body. If she didn't wipe her body, she would definitely not be able to sleep from the smelly sweat today. When the chestnuts were ripe, she took them out of the oven. Lift the kettle and pour it into a bamboo glass to cool down. Then mixed with hot water and wiped her body clean. Ji Jiu went into the room to find some old clothes to change. She won't go up the mountain tomorrow but will give chestnuts to the villagers first. But the problem is, where can she find water to wash her clothes now? We don't know when this drought will end. Thinking about it makes me really sad.

 After complaining in my heart until I was too lazy to complain. Ji Jiu immediately peeled the chestnuts and drank the boiled water before going to bed.