Chapter 33

By the time Ji Jiu woke up, it was already evening. It was Uncle Yu who came to wake her up to eat before going to sleep. Because the rainy weather made Ji Jiu unusually lazy. But she still woke up and washed her face and eyes and ate lunch with them.

 After finishing eating, she wiped herself off and went into the room. Having slept earlier, Ji Jiu was not sleepy yet. She took out the paper and pencil she had made and sat down to draw the design of the house she wanted. She thought of doing the best she could at home. Otherwise, she'll definitely be in trouble this winter. Including the matter of the bathroom that she really wanted. Right now, bathing in the back of the house makes her always paranoid. If some bad person were to secretly watch her bathing, what would she do? The more flesh she was gaining now, the more she had to be careful.

 With brilliant thoughts during the evening It was already past midnight when Ji Jiu finished drawing the main house. So she packed up her things and went to bed first. It was good that last time she had bought three lanterns. A little expensive but worth the evening work hours. But Aunt Qiao didn't use it often. She said she was afraid of wasting lamp oil so she didn't do anything after dark if it wasn't necessary.

 The weather is nice this morning. After rain all day and quite a bit last night. Ji Jiu, who stayed up late, woke up very late. The two mothers and daughters finished all their work and saw Ji Jiu leave the room so they hurriedly brought food for her to eat. They said that they would eat first before Ji Jiu went to work until she finished. before coming in

 Ji Jiu didn't say anything. She told them that she had to wait until the new house was finished before preparing to plant vegetables before winter. There are only two months left until winter begins. Ji Jiu had to come up with a plan to gather supplies.

 After eating breakfast and it was nearly noon. Ji Jiu then went into the room to continue drawing house designs. Until the details of each room are finished It took Ji Jiu until the evening to collect the designs and review them again before going to bed. Then he went out to eat dinner with Aunt Qiao and Sister Yu. Qiao Huang Yu's cheerfulness made Ji Jiu happier than being alone. Aunt Qiao also noticed that Ji Jiu was starting to interact with them more. She thought that soon Ji Jiu would be cheerful and cheerful for her age.

 Aunt Qiao felt that Ji Jiu was too mature. She lacked the charm that a girl her age should have. She understood that Ji Jiu had to struggle to support herself since childhood. She would gradually make Ji Jiu better and better.

 After completing the evening routine. Ji Jiu immediately entered the bedroom. She didn't have anything to do with the mother and daughter during this time. Ji Jiu took the design and looked at it again and found that she shouldn't have any trouble explaining it to the technician. She wasn't too sleepy yet so she took some paper and cut it into sheets. A small account book was used to check the available money. Ji Jiu cut off the remaining accounts and found that she now had 6 thousand-tael bills, 1 500-tael bill, 3 100-tael bills, and 138 taels and another 958 taels. Yi Pae Ji Jiu counted her possessions and put them in a wooden box. Her total amount now totaled 6,938 taels, 958 epae, which was considered a lot, not including 15 red reishi mushrooms, which could be converted into even more money. Ji Jiu thought about what she would do tomorrow. Think and think until you fall asleep in the middle of the night.

 There was no rain this morning. Ji Jiu thought of inviting two mothers and daughters to collect tiger sap leaves to dry and sell. If next time she is not available The two mothers and daughters were able to go up the mountain to collect their own things. She would also let them have income to keep for themselves. It would not be good for her to continue to earn a living from the field of tiger sap trees on the mountain. She would rather do design work that she is good at. But you must find avenues and equipment first.

 After they finished eating, Ji Jiu told the two of them to prepare supplies to go up the mountain to collect herbs. The Thung Sab Suea that she had found should be able to be collected and sold for another three or four rounds. At this time, the backyard herbs are not yet mature enough to be picked. Probably next year it should be enough to sell. Aunt Qiao and Uncle Yu each have a basket on their backs. Ji Jiu still carries a machete with her, as well as her little pickaxe in case she digs up bamboo shoots to pickle them. She had forgotten that she had been pickling the bamboo shoots for several days. You'd better come back and tell Aunt Qiao.

 Ji Jiu pushed the cart all the way to Thung Sa Suea. Since the mother and daughter had never been up a mountain, they could not travel very quickly. But Ji Jiu didn't think much of it. She no longer needed to rush to earn money. Ji Jiu taught the pair how to collect tiger leaves and the precautions. Then she separated to dig bamboo shoots and cut bamboo for future use. Ji Jiu still didn't know what she would use it for. She just felt that bamboo could be used for many things. It's called the universe.

 Ji Jiu finished her work and walked back towards the field of tiger sap. She saw that the two of them had already put the leaves of tiger sap into the cart. But they still put it in the back basket. Ji Jiu asked if they had eaten lunch yet. If they hadn't eaten yet, they should stop and eat first because it was already late in the afternoon. She was afraid that they would faint first.

 Aunt Qiao and her children worked until they really lost track of time, so she stopped and came to sit and eat with Jiu on a nearby tree. After finishing eating, Ji Jiu helped them put it into the basket again. It didn't take long for them all to be full. Ji Jiu invited them to go home and rest first. She thought that the two of them would definitely sleep through their travels tonight.

 They arrived home before dark. Ji Jiu took the cart into the house and put a basket of herbs next to it. The basket of bamboo shoots and bamboo that she had dragged down with her was put away near the kitchen. Aunt Qiao immediately invited Uncle Yu to go cook.

 After eating, they took a shower and went to bed. It was as Ji Jiu expected. The two mother and daughter were so tired that they fell asleep before her. Normally they would take care of her before she went to sleep. Tonight was another night when Ji Jiu fell asleep with a smile on her face.