Chapter 34

Today was the first time that the mother and daughter woke up later than Ji Jiu. Luckily, she had some food left over so she heated it up. She waited until Aunt Qiao and Uncle Yu woke up and invited them to eat together. Ji Jiu also told them how to wash and dry the herbs. Now the tray shouldn't be enough. Aunt Qiao volunteered to make a drying tray for her. But Ji Jiu didn't want Aunt Qiao to suffer too much. She gave Aunt Qiao 200 baht and then asked Uncle Qiao to buy it, saving a lot of time.

 While Aunt Qiao went out to buy drying trays, Ji Jiu took bamboo and cut it to make a drying tray shelf. There was free space everywhere. Now there was a hole-punched iron. Even though it's small, it can be used as well. Ji Jiu has much more strength than before. It didn't take long to build a 4-tiered tray shelf. Before noon, Aunt Qiao and her daughter had washed and were arranging the leaves on the tray. She only spent 100 baht. E Pae for purchasing 10 trays. Uncle Han who sold the trays also gave her another one. Ji Jiu inspected the tray and saw that it was well made. She was ashamed. The tray she had made really looked ugly. It was good that she had spent money on it.

 After helping to lift all the drying trays on the shelves. Aunt Qiao and her daughter let Ji Jiu sit down and rest, while they went to cook. Ji Jiu sat alone, bored. So she went to sit and talk in the kitchen to relieve her loneliness.

 Ji Jiu tells the mother and daughter to remember the route they took to collect the herbs. The next day, they will be able to go up and collect and then wait to sell in the district. The income from the sale is given to the mothers and daughters to use to buy things they want. Or you can keep it as A Yu's dowry. She told them that she still had a lot of money; this little income she wanted them to keep.

 Aunt Qiao and Uncle Yu were stunned when they heard this. Tears welled up in their eyes. They knew that the herbs must fetch a good price. But he didn't expect Ji Jiu to let them collect all the money before they knelt down. Ji Jiu hurriedly called out a warning. Then he told them to hurry up and make food for her as she was hungry. Otherwise, the two mothers and daughters would definitely just be grateful to each other. Ji Jiu can't help clearing things up. She really wasn't used to this kind of thing. Sigh.

 When we sat down to eat. The mother and daughter never ceased to thank Ji Jiu for her kindness. Ji Jiu then said not to thank her again. She was just doing what she could for them. Plus, today's change Ji Jiu gave to Aunt Qiao to keep as an advance salary for spending. Ji Jiu remembered that Aunt Qiao liked to sit and sew handkerchiefs. She would have money to buy cloth to use in her spare time.

 In the evening they brought trays of dried herbs into the house. Then heat up the food and eat it for dinner.

Before going to bed, Ji Jiu recorded today's expenses. She had 758 baht left over for the day she took the mother and daughter to sell herbs. She would rather take them to buy fresh food for cooking. But if she doesn't make it in time, she can invite Aunt Qiao to go. A Yu was still young and she didn't want to take her on such a long journey.

 Aunt Qiao and Uncle Yu lay down and talked about this matter. Aunt Qiao taught Uncle Yu to be very grateful to Ji Jiu. The two women didn't do much for Ji Jiu except doing housework, taking care of herbs, raising chickens, and cooking. It couldn't be compared to the money that Ji Jiu had been giving them, clothing, bedding, and good food. Now the mother and daughter's previously malnourished bodies were much better. Ah Yu promised her mother that she would not be disappointed. They talked until they fell asleep.

 This morning after eating food and drying herbs. Ji Jiu brings bamboo shoots and teaches Aunt Qiao how to peel them. and taught them how to detoxify before pickling. Ji Jiu opened the jar that had been pickled and scooped it out for the mother and daughter to taste. The flavor of her pickled bamboo shoots was just right. It would be delicious to eat with boiled rice or porridge. Or if you want to use it as a simple dish, you can wash it first.

 Aunt Qiao knew the method and promised Ji Jiu that she would do it for her. Aunt Qiao never asked why Ji Jiu bought so many jars. Now that she knew, she had Aunt Yu take the jar and wash it and turn it upside down to dry first. Before noon, bamboo shoots that have been boiled can be lifted out. Aunt Qiao hurriedly made lunch for everyone to eat. Plus there's some leftover to warm up and eat in the evening. She forgot to bring more firewood while going up the mountain.

 We finished eating. Aunt Qiao told Ji Jiu that she would go get firewood near the foot of the mountain. But Ji Jiu wouldn't let them go. She had Aunt Qiao chop the boiled bamboo shoots and put them in a jar. Make the marinade properly. As for the firewood, Ji Jiu will bring her own cart up to collect it. Because she missed those dead trees. If it can be made into charcoal before winter, it will be more useful.

 Aunt Qiao didn't want to disobey Ji Jiu's orders so she just told her to be careful. Even though they had never seen any wild animals on the mountain. But I'm not sure if there will be one or not. Ji Jiu promised that she would be careful and would return before nightfall.

 Jijiu prepares a basket on her back. Along with her was a large machete and a water bottle to quench her thirst. Then he pushed the cart up the mountain path that she was used to.