Chapter 105

Grandfather also whispered to her that his grandson had never actually given his hairpin to any woman before. Ji Jiu was the first person to receive his personal hairpin. And he also hoped that Ji Jiu would not mind her nephew. This man of his If she has anything to improve on her dead-faced grandson, please tell me. He would teach his grandson to be nice to her.

 Ji Jiu, listening to Grandfather praise her grandson at close range, could only secretly look at Prince Prince, who she had never fully looked at him before. In fact, his face was quite handsome. Why did he think of giving her a hairpin that looked so ordinary? Plus the status is normal. Behind her, there was still no one supporting her. She really wanted to ask him, but she would have to wait for the work to end first.

 The noon banquet ended with smiles on everyone's faces. They also helped to wash the bowls and dishes to eat at the evening New Year's banquet. Once the cleaning was finished, the villagers walked home to rest. They gathered again before dinner to help Aunt Qiao and Aunt Li cook.

 Ji Jiu took General Duan back to rest in the guest room of her house. As for Prince Jun, he would probably have to sleep in another guest room in the queen's house. If she had him sleep with his brothers or the Kang's house, it would not seem appropriate.

 Prince Jun looked at Ji Jiu who took such good care of his grandfather, making him feel that she really was suitable for the pin he gave her. The other women he had met had only pampered his grandfather in front of him. But behind his back, they gossiped and were disgusted that his grandfather was just an old general. Those people were only aspiring to the position of his consort. Did he or would he allow them to get their wishes fulfilled with this woman, Ji Jiu? She had been nice to his grandfather before, even though they had never known each other before. A woman like this was suitable to be at his side and help take care of the people, helping him in another way.

 Ji Jiu, after sending General Duan into the rest room, turned around and was about to enter her own room. But instead, she saw Prince Jun standing still, looking at her, so she could only sigh. Wow, it was as Grandpa said, his face was really deadpan. He looked at her so calmly. She herself couldn't guess what he was thinking. But now that he and she were free, she wanted to ask him about it. It's better than leaving the story vague like this.

"Your Majesty, I dare you to ask why you gave me the hairpin."

"This hairpin is most suitable for you, Ji Jiu. I may not speak as well as other men. But I'm really honest with you. I don't know why I've only had you in my eyes since the first day I met you. When I'm not near you I keep thinking about you who have been silent to me since day one. And everything you did for the people including Grandpa. I like everything you do. Today I hurriedly came to give you this hairpin to propose to you. Wait for me to finish handling the matter. Can I ask you to marry me again?"

"Your Majesty, are you sure? I am just an ordinary female villager. With Your Majesty's status, you might be accused of choosing an inappropriate person like me. I don't want to be the one who ruins Your Majesty's reputation like that."

"Don't worry about those false reputations. I myself didn't want any position or rank in the first place. It's just that I couldn't choose where I was born. and still have to help with His Majesty's work I therefore have to accept this position."

"If Your Majesty is really sincere with me, can I see Your Majesty's sincerity for a year or two? I only know Your Majesty from Grandpa's words. But the identity of His Majesty I myself don't even know. If I were to marry someone, I would want to be with them for the rest of my life. And I would like to inform Your Majesty that I cannot accept any infidelity. I will return the pin to Your Majesty immediately."

"You don't have to worry about that. I only wanted you as my wife from the beginning. Otherwise, I wouldn't have risked being angry like this. As for the time you requested Can I stay for a year? Ji Jiu, I still have to deal with the matters of the Hui Province with His Majesty first. And I may have to take care of the Hui Province in a year from now. I therefore want to dress you before leaving. I don't want to be away from you for that long. Right now I can still be stationed on the border near you."

"Then let's try it a year ago. I don't know whether Your Majesty and I will get along in various matters or not, and I made a commitment from the beginning to help the villagers for the rest of my life. If Your Majesty accepts my actions in this matter, I will. I will consider your Majesty's request within one year as well."

"Alright, I accept Lord Ji Jiu's wish. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to prove myself to you."

"Then, Your Majesty, please come in and rest first. In the evening there is another New Year's party. You'll probably sleep late tonight. You won't be able to stay up too long."

 Prince Jun nodded at her with a faint smile. He was glad that she still cared about him a little bit, even if it was less than his grandfather, but at least it was a good start to their relationship.

 Ji Jiu also went back to her room to rest. Before resting, she put a lot of money in a red envelope. By separating the people in the house and the villagers into two groups. Once finished, Ji Jiu lay back and forth thinking about whether she had made a good decision or not. If in the future she really became his wife, it would be easy for her to be able to help more people than now. After all, she had already come to make up for the karma she had done. If she helped more people, in this life she might be able to atone for all her past life's karma. She also hoped that she would be able to do more for the people. If he supports her behind her back, she might make people

People in the region are living better than this. Ji Jiu thought in circles until he fell asleep.

 By the time Ji Jiu woke up, Uncle Yu came to call her. She must have been tired from waking up so early. As a result, she fell asleep and forgot about the time like this. Ji Jiu hurriedly got up and washed her face, changed her clothes, and put on her winter coat. The weather this morning was not too cold, considered an auspicious time for her, but the evening air was still quite chilly, so she had to put on a coat first.