Chapter 106

Ah Yu also took General Duan out to the front yard where today's New Year's celebration was held around a bonfire. This matter was what the four brothers had thought up together. They say that in such cold weather, building a bonfire and eating together will make the atmosphere warmer. So she doesn't mind anything. However, it is a celebration for everyone. If they are happy She was happy too.

The food at today's event featured Auntie Qiao drinking hot soup to cure the cold. She also grilled pork and smoked pork to make snacks for the men who were drinking to celebrate tonight. Today, Ji Jiu allows everyone to have fun to the fullest. Before having to keep watching the winter situation for several more months.

 Prince Jun looked at Ji Jiu who was smiling faintly nearby. He saw her looking at the people at the event and he was even more certain of his choice this time. She truly had a kind heart from the depths of her heart. Grandfather's bodyguards also came to tell him many stories about her during the incident with the villagers when an avalanche came down and damaged the houses.

 General Duan looked at his grandson and Ji Ji with a smile. He hoped that the two grandsons he loved could really be together. A Yu even secretly whispered to him that her young lady was suitable for Jun. Prince Nak Making an old man like him laugh at this little girl's precociousness. Aunt Qiao, sitting next to her daughter, could only roll her eyes at her naughty expression. It was good that the general wasn't angry at all. Otherwise, she would definitely pinch her daughter until her flesh turned green.

 Tonight, Ji Jiu sat at the same table as Uncle Headman and Aunt He. She allowed Grandfather to sit with Kang's house and Aunt Qiao's house freely. Since he liked to talk with little Uncle Yu, she would let them have a happy New Year to the fullest.

 Prince Prince also followed and sat next to Ji Jiu. which she herself did not dissuade him After all, he is the most noble guest here. If he wants to sit anywhere, just let him. The village headman and his wife looked at each other in disbelief, since Ji Jiu had already chosen to sit with them and the villagers. Instead, they had to try to calm their minds and not do anything disgraceful in front of Prince Prince.

 During eating Prince Prince also inquired about various matters with the village headman. Until he learned that Ji Jiu had given the method for making soap to villagers to sell in the district, he respected her even more than before. Until Ji Jiu explained to him why she had done this, out of fear. That he would think that she was doing it to gain face or a false reputation like she had heard other people like to say.

"All the things I have done. I don't want any praise or fame. I was able to grow up because all the Hun He villagers have taken care of me since I can remember. So since I can remember, I have the ability to help everyone live better. I should just hand it over to them so they can make a living."

"I know you don't think about those things. You don't have to worry about me having such shallow thoughts, Ji Jiu. If I am not confident in you I probably wouldn't have given the hairpin to you in the first place."

 Prince Jun didn't realize how sweetly he smiled at Ji Ji, causing her to blush in the middle of the dining table. Until the village headman had to clear his throat and gently warn him. Even though the man in front of him had a high rank, he still cared more about Ji Jiu. He was afraid that Ji Jiu would be deceived by a noble man and be traumatized, as the nobles had heard. Let's talk All he had ever heard of were people fighting behind noble houses. He was even more worried about Ji Jiu.

 Ji Jiu heard the voice of the elder uncle. So she regained her composure and talked about other matters. It had only been winter for not yet a month yet, but the snow that had fallen still didn't seem to have eased much. Her village was still able to travel because her people helped clear the snow every morning. But if this continues for several more months, The snow that was swept away was probably as high as a small mountain. The village headman was also quite worried about this matter, but he still couldn't find a solution to these problems. He also hoped that Ji Jiu would help him think of a way to do this.

"Uncle, I don't know what to do with all that snow, Ji Jiu. Right now, the amount of snow that your people have swept away is already very high. I still haven't found a good way to manage it."

"Sigh, all I can think of right now is to dig a large pond in my own house, Uncle. Then put the snow I swept out into the pond instead. And I might boil this snow to make water. You might be able to drink something that filters out impurities. But I'll have to build several water filters first. Please wait a day or two for me to design one. Then help each other do it. If the villagers also want a water filter, Let them come and do it together at my house. I will use it in their house."

"Then Uncle, please leave it to you, Ji Jiu. Uncle, I'm sorry I couldn't help you with anything. Sigh."

"Uncle, don't say things like this. You have helped me a lot. Also, when it comes to talking to the villagers, I still have to bother Uncle every time. So how can you say you can't help me? Is that true, Aunt He?" Ji Jiu looked around to make her elder uncle not think too much.

"That old man said so much that Ji Jiu would think too much about anything that Ji Jiu asked of you. I see you helping her every time. Then why are you thinking too much?"

 The old man who listened to his wife's complaint only laughed. He had forgotten that he had helped Ji Jiu a lot as well. Now that he saw her giving ideas and helping so many villagers, So he completely forgot about those things.

 Ji Jiu saw that the old man was in a better mood and gave them a small smile. She really liked seeing the two of them taking care of each other like this. If the man who proposed to her was like an elder uncle, it would be good.

"In this matter, I will have my men help you dig the pond, Ji Jiu. Many people help each other. The work will be completed faster. As for making a water filter, it's the same. You just need to tell them how to do it.

Or just let them handle it. You will not be very tired. Do you understand?" Prince Prince was afraid that she would do it herself, so he had to warn her first. He didn't want her little hands to get hurt from doing any work. He knew that she had done many things on her own before. It made him want to cherish her even better.

"I understand very well. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your help with the working people." Ji Jiu smiled faintly at the man next to her when he volunteered to take care of the latter matter for her. She was happy to let him control these matters instead.