Chapter 107

The New Year's night at Hunhe Village was full of laughter. They had just seen the many fireworks that the four brothers and Kang Jie and Kang Jin had helped set off for the first time since their births. They were just poor villagers all their lives. Why would I ever encounter such a strange thing? Ji Jiu also had her four brothers help distribute red envelopes to the villagers on her behalf. As for their red envelopes Ji Jiu had butler Kang distribute them to everyone on her behalf as well.

 Jewel Prince Prince and General Duan himself stood looking at everyone in front of the house with smiles. They let everyone have a great time, making it fun for almost every villager and family in attendance. They received quite a few harmless fireworks to light. Ji Jiu had left the matter of cleaning up the place to Butler Kang earlier. She will go in and rest first. Because tomorrow she still had to plan to deal with the large amount of snow that was currently a problem.

"If you are sleepy, go and rest first. Here, Grandfather and I will take care of you for a while." Prince Jun saw that Ji Jiu looked quite tired. He then let her go back to rest. General Duan turned to look at Ji Jiu and agreed with his grandson. So he nodded to her to hurry and get some rest.

 Ji Jiu then asked to return to the room to get some rest first. She was afraid that she would feel strangely sick. Maybe it was because she had so much to do today that she forgot to take care of herself. Her body was not yet very strong. With the goat's milk that she had hoped for, there was no indication that she would be able to eat it. Therefore, she was still weaker than people her age. Tonight, she will stay until New Year's night as well. Ji Jiu felt more tired than usual.

 Late the next day Aunt Qiao saw that her young lady had not yet woken up and was surprised. So she called out to Ji Jiu from the front of the room and for a long time she didn't hear any sound inside. Aunt Qiao was so upset that she had to lose her manners and opened the door to see her young lady. She found that Ji Jiu was so hot that her face was completely red. Seeing that her young lady was really sick, Aunt Qiao could only blame herself for not taking good care of her. Yesterday, young lady had to do many things and stayed up late into the night. And her body was often exposed to the cold air when changing clothes, making her really sick.

 Aunt Qiao hurriedly came out and called Ji Wenting to go and get Boss Yuan to check on her young lady. She would wipe your body to reduce your fever first. The people in the house knew that their young lady was sick and became more agitated. Until Aunt Qiao had to tell everyone to calm down first. Then she ordered them to help bring the ginger juice that she had boiled earlier. If you wake up, when will you have a sip? After drying off you, she will prepare pork porridge for you to eat after you wake up.

 General Duan and Prince Prince knew that Ji Jiu was sick, they could only take pity on her and ordered people to immediately start the work that Ji Jiu had described yesterday in her place. They feared that She would worry about what would happen to the village during her illness. Until you can't take care of yourself well.

 Ji Jiu, who had fallen asleep because of a fever, didn't realize how chaotic things were at home right now. She dreamed again about what she had done with her parents in her past life. But this time, she made a promise. with them that in this life she would pay for her sins as much as she could. She hoped that if she were to die, In the next life, she would still be born as their child and repay the merit she had made in her previous life.

 Aunt Qiao saw her young lady so delirious she cried while wiping her body to reduce her fever, but she felt sorry for her young lady. She didn't know what she was dreaming about, but she saw that she looked so distressed that she was crying. She didn't dare to ask anything to Miss. She just hoped it would make you feel a little better.

 Prince Jun and General Duan entered the room when Master Yuan was brought to the house by Ji Wenting to check on his young lady. Master Yuan saw Prince Jun and General Duan. He was about to pay his respects with full ceremony. Instead, he was waved at to quickly inspect Ji Jiu first. He understood that Ji Jiu was no less important to these two great men. He immediately went to check on Ji Jiu's condition. Soon he wrote a medicine comparison before informing everyone about his condition.

"Miss, her body was originally not as strong as other children her age. When the weather suddenly changes And she may have been exposed to the cold wind without realizing it. Therefore causing a fever like this. Her condition was more severe than that of the average person. Therefore made her like this. But you guys don't have to worry. Just wipe yourself down to reduce the fever and take the medicine with a light meal. Go first. I think she should be better in no more than three or four days. But it's best for this time not to let her go out of the house until she's exposed to the cold wind for a while longer."

"Thank you very much, Doctor." Jun Prince had his men pay for the treatment and sent the doctor back and fetched medicine for her to replace Ji Wenting who had just returned. He knew that this man was taking care of Ji Ji like he was. one brother Therefore, he didn't want Ji Wenting to get sick again.

"Okay, now we know Ji Jiu's condition, Aunt Qiao. I leave the matter of taking care of her to you as well. As for work in the village My grandson and I will help Ji Jiu take care of it. Let's wait until she gets better and talk about it."

"Yes, General."

 The people in the house knew that now they had to listen to the orders of this elder who Ji Jiu respected. They each performed their own duties as arranged by Prince Prince and the General. The first job they had to do was to dig a large pond to accommodate the snow swept from the village and store it in this pond. As for the water filter, they didn't know how, so they had to wait until they finished digging the pond. Such a large pond would take no less than four or five days to complete.

 Aunt Li and Gui Hua were also busy. They sewed robes for Prince Prince and General Duan's men to protect them from the cold weather from digging the pond. They fear that more people will get sick. Therefore, we had to work together quite a bit. Butler Kang saw that there was not much left of the cloth that they used to make robes for the villagers at that time. So he came up with this idea. Ah Yu herself helped stuff the fur. Duck and Cotton too