I can beat it so bad even its mother wouldn't recognize it

Suddenly, a young male ghost stood up and made his way towards John.

His expression was pale, but it betrayed a sickly greed, reminiscent of a junkie high on drugs.

Approaching John, his face began to contort eerily, as if maggots were squirming beneath his skin, and the sound that came out was like that of vocal cords being torn apart: "Human, the box..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence before John coldly interjected: "Scram!"

The ghost's eyes flickered with rage, humiliated by a human for the first time.

But the more humiliated he felt, the more wary he became.

After struggling internally for a moment, he retreated and sat back down in his original seat.

Soon, the bus reached another stop.

This time, a few more ghost passengers boarded.

They all paused when they saw John, then their attention quickly shifted to the box, their eyes filled with the same greed.

As the bus continued and stopped at several stations, the number of passengers began to increase. And all their gazes were fixed intently on John, who was sitting by the window.

Their looks were akin to a pack of hungry wolves eyeing a fat sheep on the chopping block. If John hadn't been so mentally tough, an ordinary person might have been scared witless by now!

"Ladies and gents, you all seem interested in that box, don't you?"

It was then that the mummy ghost at the back spoke up again.

It looked at John with a chilling smile: "No matter how tough a human is, they can't overpower a crowd of ghosts. Let's gang up, take out this human first, and then we can share what's in the box, how about that?"

"If other ghosts heard that a single human scared off an entire busload of ghosts, that would be the joke of the century!" the mummy ghost laughed.

It too had its eyes on the box but didn't dare to make a move alone, so it began to incite the others to join forces.

Due to the mummy ghost's instigation, many passengers were becoming restless. In this tense atmosphere, all it would take was a spark to ignite the situation.

The mummy ghost smirked inwardly, knowing its goal had been achieved. All it needed now was a few more voices of agreement, and the passengers would swarm John in a frenzy.

John watched the restless passengers with growing unease.

He had intended to use the Blood-Eye Ghost to intimidate the other ghosts until he reached his stop. Now, due to the mummy ghost's incitement, the situation seemed to be spiraling out of control.

To be honest, if these passengers were to rush him all at once, he seriously doubted the Blood-Eye Ghost could protect him.

Now John understood why the female proprietor had said he wouldn't be able to bring back the X ingredient.

In the eyes of ghosts, this thing was even more tempting than a human!

As the tension rose but no ghost yet dared to make the first move, John suddenly came up with a plan.


The Blood-Eye Ghost said, "What, you want me to kill all the ghosts on this bus? Don't kid yourself, I'm injured and don't have the strength for that. Take my advice, if you want to live, hand over the ingredient willingly, and you can leave here alive!"

John ignored the Blood-Eye Ghost's words and asked, "That mummy at the back, can you beat it?"

"If it's just that one, I can beat it so bad even its mother wouldn't recognize it," the Blood-Eye Ghost replied.

"Good, then let's take it down!" John said immediately.


"Yes, just that one!"

As the atmosphere on the bus became charged to the breaking point, with all passengers eyeing the box in John's hand, John suddenly stood up and walked towards the back of the bus.

Everyone was taken aback.

What was he planning to do?

The mummy ghost sitting at the back was also startled.

Then it saw John's right hand suddenly become mottled with corpse spots, emitting a strong stench of decay.

A bloodshot eye opened on the back of his hand.

"You're a Half-ghost?!" the mummy ghost's complexion changed drastically.

John lunged forward with a fierce stride and delivered a vicious slap.

The mummy ghost, horrified, tried to dodge, but the bloodshot eye seemed to wield a certain magic. In the instant their gazes met, its consciousness froze.

For two seconds, it was unconscious.


The slap came down with terrifying force, smashing the mummy ghost's head against the side of the bus, piercing right through the thick metal.

The mummy ghost jerked its head back, regaining consciousness, but its rage had peaked: "You!!"

"What 'you'? I'm hitting you, alright. You've been targeting me from the start. You looking for a death wish?"

These words weren't spoken by John, but by the Blood-Eye Ghost.

The mummy ghost, clearly enraged, let its bandages of rotting cloth unravel, revealing decaying flesh. It reached out a hand towards John's head.

John raised his right hand and swung it fiercely, and with a ripping sound, the mummy ghost's arm flew off, smashing against the bus window, leaving a blur of blood and flesh.

The mummy ghost's eyes were filled with astonishment.

"Use this on him!" John pulled out a Human Bone Nail from his tool belt and held it in the palm of his right hand.

With a slap towards the mummy ghost's head, the Human Bone Nail buried itself entirely into its skull.

The mummy ghost let out a tearing scream as its body visibly rotted away at an alarming rate.

In just a few seconds, all that remained on the seat was a pile of scattered bandages and a heap of decaying flesh.

John straightened his clothes, turned to the somewhat dazed passengers on the bus, and said with a smile, "Sorry for the disturbance, folks. I don't like ghosts on the bus that buzz around like flies, just had to teach it a lesson."

"It's all good now, everyone go back to your business."

With that, John returned to his seat.

The ghosts were all stunned.

That's what you call a 'lesson'?

It's been reduced to a pile of mush!