When did you get a ghost inside you?

Many ghosts looked towards John, especially at his right hand, all revealing deep wariness and fear.

Some who had stood up, intending to attack John, sat back down obediently after witnessing the scene.

Who would have thought that this human was actually a Half-ghost, and one with such a ruthless approach at that.

On the bus, in front of everyone, he had killed a ghost!

The previously tense atmosphere inside the bus suddenly eased up considerably.

John glanced around from the corner of his eye, his body gradually relaxing.

The tactic of killing one to warn a hundred worked on everyone, ghosts included.

Before long, the bus reached the stop for Fierce Ghost Restaurant. John, carrying the box, got off the bus smoothly and headed towards the restaurant.

The doors of the restaurant were open.

In fact, the lights inside were still dazzlingly bright, but it was eerily quiet, not a ghost in sight.

As John stepped into the restaurant lobby, a familiar voice rang in his ear.

"I didn't expect you to come back alive," said the puppet.

John tossed the box to it, his face expressionless: "I've completed the task, and I hope you're a boss who keeps his word."

The puppet looked down at the box and then at John: "Don't worry, Fierce Ghost Restaurant never shortchanges its employees."

"Go rest up. Be here on time tomorrow for the working."

With that, the puppet walked away.

John stretched lazily, wondering how Jessica's mission had gone today.

On his way back to the dormitory, he passed by the vending machine and stopped.

"Give me a bottle of water, a burger, and two hot dogs," John said, slapping the freshly mended metal of the vending machine.

With a shake, everything John had asked for rolled out of the machine's slot.

The vending machine ghost glanced at John as if it had discovered something amiss, and said with confusion, "There's something odd about your body."

Then, with a start of horror, it exclaimed, "When did you get a ghost inside you?"

It not only sensed the presence of the Blood-Eye Ghost but could tell it was an extremely terrifying ghost!

"Quit your yapping, it's just a ghost, it's not going to eat you."

John took a sip of water, speaking nonchalantly as he walked away with his food.

The vending machine ghost felt a chill of fear and its dread of John grew even greater.


Jessica huddled on the edge of her bed, shivering all over, staring at the empty bed beside her, on the verge of breaking down into tears.

"Asher was taken by a ghost, John was killed by the puppet, tomorrow it will definitely be my turn."

"Sob, Mom, I can't come back to see you, I'm sorry..."

Just as Jessica was about to cry out, the doorknob suddenly turned.

Fear etched on her face, she quickly rolled off the bed and grabbed a pair of scissors from the table.

The door opened, dim light spilled in, and a figure appeared at the threshold.

Jessica's hands tightly gripped the scissors, and with a piercing scream, she lunged at the silhouette with all her might.

John effortlessly snatched the scissors from her, restrained Jessica with ease, and tossed her back onto the bed, then threw the scissors back onto the table.

"You'd better keep those scissors for a real emergency. If a ghost does come in, they're better used for taking your own life than trying to stab it."

As he spoke, John sat down on a stool and started eating the burger and hot dogs.

Jessica was stunned, and it took her a few seconds to come back to her senses, tears of relief streaming down her face: "You... you're not dead?"

John said with a smile, "The way you say that almost sounds like you're cursing me."

"Sob~ You have no idea how worried I was about you. I thought you were a goner for sure, and that I wouldn't survive to leave this place either!"

Jessica threw herself onto John, casting aside all decorum, sobbing uncontrollably, releasing all the pent-up emotions.

John said helplessly, "Can you wait to cry until after I've finished eating?"

The embrace of a beautiful girl was very tempting for an 18-year-old John. But he was truly famished and really just wanted to eat something.

"I've saved some food for you, these alone won't fill you up. I'll get it for you!"

Jessica wiped her tears, smiling happily, and turned to open a drawer, taking out quite a bit of food for John.

She even took care to warm it up, clean it, and place it on the table.

Then, Jessica sat down obediently to the side, smiling and said, "Eat up."

Jessica's actions made John feel a bit embarrassed, and he scratched his head, saying, "Thanks."

Then, throwing caution to the wind, he began to devour the food voraciously, relishing every bite.

After a while, John patted his belly, leaning back in his chair, thoroughly satisfied.

Seeing John like this, Jessica felt an inexplicable joy in her heart, as if she were suddenly enveloped in a beam of light in the midst of a pitch-black night.

She felt a sense of security.

Her cheeks flushed, she involuntarily reached out and took John's hand.

But suddenly, it felt like she had grasped a block of ice, so cold that Jessica quickly withdrew her hand.

Before she could react, a chilling voice emanated from John's right hand, "Human, don't touch me without permission!" 

Startled, Jessica asked with a trembling voice, "John, what's wrong with your right hand?"

"That's a long story, I'll explain it to you when there's a chance," John replied.

Jessica nodded, her gaze fixed on John's hand, and she instinctively stepped back, feeling as though the hand was watching her, giving her the creeps.

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, John was already in the Restaurant.

Inside the Restaurant, the other employees were visibly surprised to see John.

After the commotion last time, wasn't he sent by the Restaurant's management to carry out an impossible task? How was he still alive and showing up here?

Soon, the puppet arrived. It called all the employees to assemble in the hall.

"Employee xjbxd44012, for successfully retrieving the X ingredient, not only has your past mistake been rectified, but you have also solved a big problem for our Restaurant, earning significant merit. Therefore, the following is the reward issued by the Restaurant to employee xjbxd44012!"