Seeing as we're classmates, we'll look out for you

"Reward One: Employee of the Week selection, with additional benefits for newcomers!"

"Reward Two: The seven-day probation period ends early, and xjbxd44012 is promoted to Restaurant Supervisor, responsible for managing the West Gate area!"

"Reward Three: A special Restaurant pass, allowing the bearer to enter any public area of the Restaurant without conditions!"

"Reward Four: One horror-grade ghost Item!"

At these words, the room erupted into a buzz of astonishment.

Four rewards!!

What shocked them even more was that all these rewards were exclusively for one human!

Such a situation was almost unheard of in this world! Many ghosts looked on with eyes filled with greed.

This human, having been here only a few days, had actually risen to the position of a supervisor!

"The X ingredient, that legendary foodstuff, how did he manage to bring it back from the Sinister Supermarket?" an employee exclaimed in shock, their eyes wide. They too had been sent to procure the X ingredient before and had tried all sorts of methods without success.

The puppet placed a box in front of John and looked up at the other employees: "The rest of you, return to your posts and prepare for business!"

Amidst the noise, the employees dispersed.

John stopped the puppet that was about to leave: "What should I do today?"

"Head to the West Gate to complete the handover of your position. Ensure the order of the West Gate is maintained, supervise the employees to fulfill their duties, and the rest of the time is yours to enjoy." 

"The daily wage is double the original amount!"

This was a very tempting offer indeed!

After the puppet left, Jessica dared to come up and sincerely express her happiness for John: "Now that you're a supervisor, doesn't that mean you can boss those ghosts around? That's really impressive!"

"I'll only be in charge for a couple of days, until we complete this instance and can return to the real world," John said.

"You didn't mention it, but I almost forgot, just two more days and we can go back to see my mom and dad, I'm so happy!" The thought of being able to reunite with her family alive filled Jessica with motivation.

A look of dejection appeared on John's face, and he sighed, "Let's not talk about this now, I have to get to work. You should also head to the West Gate as soon as you can."

After Jessica left, John didn't rush to the West Gate but instead opened the box.

Inside the box were three items.

A set of Supervisor's attire.

A black pass.

And a dark, blood-stained stone.

"A stone? Could this be a ghost Item?"

John was taken aback.

A mere stone, classified as a horror-grade ghost Item?

(ghost Items are categorized as: Dangerous, Frightening, Horror, Catastrophic, Destructive, and Annihilative.)

A horror-grade should be quite a formidable ghost Item.

In the real world, John often heard in the news about legendary participants completing instances and bringing back horror-grade ghost Items that could sell for unimaginable prices!

This unimpressive-looking stone, rated as horror-grade, seemed somewhat undervalued.

But the moment John touched the stone, he distinctly felt a terrifying ghost aura.

Even the Blood-Eye Ghost on his right hand couldn't help but open an eye and said, "Not a bad ghost Item."

John blinked and activated the Eye of Truth.

"Eye of Truth: ghost Item—Ghost Burying Stone!"

"This is a stone once used by the legendary figure Alexander, who witnessed a brutal war. With such a stone, Alexander crushed the skulls of countless enemies. Before he left this world, he buried it under a pile of corpses..."

"This stone was actually used by a legendary figure named Alexander?" John was startled.

Although he didn't know who Alexander was, John could feel that this stone was a treasure!

John placed the Ghost Burying Stone into his pocket and changed into the Supervisor's Restaurant attire, adjusting his outfit in the mirror.

Despite the promotion, he still had to work diligently; otherwise, if that ruthless puppet caught him slacking, there would be trouble.

In the West Gate district.

The Restaurant had officially opened for business.

"You two stinking vermin, what's with the dawdling? If you delay the guests and it reflects poorly on me, I'll have your hides!"

The ghost chef was furiously cooking when he saw the two late delivery staff and scolded them viciously.

Lorne and Milo, panicked, quickly picked up the plates and dashed towards the door.

Once they were at a safe distance, both let out a sigh of relief, feeling a wave of fear wash over them.

"I can't take it anymore, I'm going to lose my mind if this keeps up!" Lorne said, nearly at his breaking point.

"Just two more days, grit your teeth and bear it. At least we're still alive, unlike our other classmates... they all..." Milo shook his head.

Originally, five of them were assigned to the West Gate, but after five days, the other three had met with misfortune, brutally killed for their poor service.

The two of them, though still alive, were on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"I heard we're getting a new Supervisor at the West Gate, coming in for the handover today," Milo mentioned.

"Damn it, we tried so hard to get on the good side of that previous Supervisor, even sacrificing our dignity, letting him fuck us in the arse.... And now he's been transferred, they're really pushing us to our limits!" Lorne cried out in despair.

"Stop yelling, let's serve these dishes first, we're running out of time."

As they turned around with the plates, they saw someone approaching from a distance.

The two of them were startled, then exclaimed in surprise, "John?"

Seeing a classmate, John wasn't surprised; there were many classmates on subway, and surely all areas had some assigned.

"You haven't been transferred to our West Gate, have you?" Milo asked in astonishment.

"Ah, the guests at the West Gate are very picky, it's not good news if you've been transferred here," Lorne said with a shake of his head and a sigh. "But, seeing as we're classmates, we'll look out for you. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask us."

"After all, it's not been easy for you to survive up to now, right?"

Their relationship with John wasn't particularly close, but in this world, seeing another human brought an inexplicable sense of camaraderie.

It was then that John finally spoke up: "I have indeed been transferred here, but not as a delivery staff."