Scene 1:

Miranda State. Station: Palo Verde. Location, the 23 de Abril apartment block unit. A great university named after the even greater Rafael Napoleón Baute. A wide and vast structure of such vertical immensity that it is over thirty stories high. The dull gray and silver hues of its reinforced concrete materials break the monotonous backdrop of the solid blue sky behind it. You see it getting closer and closer from the second floor windows of the atomic train. Who would think you would attend the largest educational center in all of South America? Far away is the green freshness of home.

"Look, the industrial zone" says Isaac, your brother, leaning out of his seat to point at the swarm of canopy chimneys spewing nuclear smoke into the gray sky. "I'll work there for the rest of the year to pay my tuition. What's wrong? Don't have to worry. You got a scholarship"

You know it bothers him, that he's trying to keep up with you, even surpass you. But you always had it easier, perhaps because making decisions for you is as simple as pointing a path and turning the page to that path. Isaac, by comparison, was wracked with doubts, nerves, and the journeys taken.

"We'll study together. Just like Mom wanted..."

And just as he didn't want to, it's tacit. He takes off his glasses and polishes the lenses with a white handkerchief he takes out of his jacket pocket. He remains meditative, as if the act of cleaning relaxed him.

An attendant passes between the seats pushing a three-tiered cart, the top one loaded with drinks, the middle one with knick-knacks, and the third with touch-screen tablets, made to use and return. Isaac asks for one. The attendant gives a cute, flirtatious smile. Your brother soon realizes it's directed at you, puts a fist to his mouth and coughs. The attendant, as if realizing her impropriety, walks away red-faced. Isaac casts his eyes over the tablet, and reads aloud the week's top headlines and trends.

The treaty to change the world is signed.

Hatred disappears and justice spreads.

A pact that has never been seen before.

It is the treaty of alliance to end war.

There are no discordant editorial agendas. Every news of the creation of the Earth Nations Alliance (Written in fanfare and capital letters) is accompanied by photos and videos of smiling men and women, chests swelling with pride, and eyes sparkling with earthly ardor, carrying carbines, shotguns, or rifles. There are parades, music, dancing, joy. Torches are lit to symbolize a new hope. Children form circles holding hands, run around singing about the new heroes, wave pennants of a thousand countries, and hang like monkeys from imposing cannons. 

"Japanese and Chinese. Germans and Jews. Mexicans and Yankees. Dogs and cats. All under one flag" He speaks jokingly, but without smiling. You don't remember the last time you saw him happy. "Who would have guessed that only colorful kings had to fall from the sky to make us one big happy family?"

A harmonious bell signals the arrival at the stop. The train opens its doors. Passengers get up, pick up their luggage and make their way to the exits, where those who asked for tablets return them. Isaac walks ahead of you. You pass a man in a thick trench coat and low hat, possibly a Homeland Security agent, Estrada's ghost. The eyes of the state gargoyle pass over your face.... Your chest stops hammering as soon as he moves on toward the other cars.

"Lets go. I don't want to be delayed because of you" Isaac urges you.

You reach the folding stairs leading down to the square. The exit is flanked by two attendants, one of them you recognize, she is the one who smiled at you earlier, and again, she shows you her dimples. Isaac passes her the tablet and goes down. You on the other hand...

Continue to the university (Scene 2)

Go back and reconsider your life choices (Scene 3)