In the center of the square is a bust of General Perez Jimenez, the bicentennial father of the New National Ideal, a policy that today leads the nation. You are surprised by the noise and color of a fair, where boys and girls run in imaginary battles conquered with plastic knives and BB guns. How these little giants are chasing immortality! You suspect that's just what the smiling parents are thinking as they watch their youngsters play.
You and Isaac walk among the tarpaulins and displays. They sell candies, cookies, also chicha, and tizana with lots of cambur. They offer necklaces and amulets, statuettes of the heroes of yesterday and today. Pictures of Napoleon, Mao, Pinochet, and many other strong men. Statuettes of Boves, Che, Patton. Isaac buys one of those big-headed Hitler dolls, presumably for his secret collection. One look at the "nuns" manning the stalls wearing that veil and white cloak, honoring nurses of yesteryear, is enough for you to label the exhibit as the work of the cult of Belichology.
One of the nuns, dark skin, small, and thin, but possessing intense blue eyes that seemed to know the most intimate truths, holds out a brochure to you and smiles in a very obvious invitation. You never approached bellicology before, but perhaps....
Accept the brochure out of kindness and then recycle it when you wander far away (Scene 4).
You are interested in staying and learning more about belichology (Scene 5).